Re: Server Setup for a network of 2000 people
I’ve been looking at this recently too
I read somewhere the demo BP version on this site is on a basic VPS and it has about 3k members. Basic VPS’ tend to be about 384MB ram and dual or quad core processors. The timer in the html comment in the footer says it loads most pages in 1 to 1.5seconds.
Anyway, whilst researching this people recommended
– WP Super cache
– PHP cache : APC or eAccelerator
– PHP Speedy may also be an option
– Nginx is a lightweight web server which may help
And if you have something like 10k+ users you would probably be better off installing the multi-db plugin. Hyper DB is the free one i think.
And if you have silly amounts of users
– Multi-db across a few dedicated servers and
– Perbal: think thats a front end proxy that forwards on requests to various web servers.