Re: Showing members of private groups to non-members
I am very interested in privacy component. How is it going so far? Do you have some estimation when will it be available to test or use?
What I have found as a must regarding privacy (until now) is:
– allowing user to set what details from profile s/he wants to be public, available just to friends or private
– settings on activity streams which will allow user to select what type of activities s/he wants to be displayed in sitewide activity, be available to friends or be totally private. This settings could be similar to Notification settings (for email notifications).
I intended to write this on my own, but found out that it can’t be done easily without changing activity core files (and that is never a good option) and then I discovered that you are working on privacy component. So, if you see a way how I can help in development process, please let me know.