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Re: Site-wide recent blog widget is still farked

With all due respect, your attitude makes me want to help you less, and I’m sure I’m not the only one.

First of all, this is pre-release software, if you were not prepared or did not expect potential headaches, then you should not have installed BuddyPress.

The community around this project is coming on leaps and bounds, usually all threads will eventually get an answer which is almost unheard of for something so new. There have been caching issues with the forums, nothing to do with bbPress, and it has been temperamental with all forums on Automattic servers. This should be cleared up now.

Your problem sounds like perhaps something in a post is breaking the blogs widget, which would explain why it sometimes works, and sometimes does not.

If you can somehow monitor which post was the newest when the widget stopped working, that would help a great deal to address what it is in the post that is breaking the widget.

If anyone else has experienced this issue – please post a reply here.

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