Re: [SOLVED] HELP: When do tables for BP get created in my WP database?
There are many possibilities why DB tables were not created in your install: e.g. corrupt files, the web server, CPU limitations, PHP version, memory limit etc. First thing I’d do is deactivate BuddyPress. If you installed BuddyPress via dashboard, re-upload BuddyPress files manually i.e. via FTP, cpanel, etc. Then activate BuddyPress and go to BP panel and save settings. Check database.
If that doesn’t work, please provide more info including
– Did you install WP in the domain root, in subdiretory or in subdomain?
– Which company provides your hosting? Or are you running it on your computer, XAMPP, MAMP, LAMP, etc?
– Is your server running Windows, or if Linux; Apache, nginx or something else?
– What PHP version are you on? PHP 4 or PHP 5.2+ or PHP 5.3+?