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Re: Transferring existing Bp groups and forums to a new install



I’ve just moved a localhost.localdomain install to a live server. It was easy as pie.

As I recall the steps: I moved the entire WPMU install to my live server, created an empty database. I exported my local database as SQL from PHPmyadmin, then opened up the export.sql file in Notepad++ and search-replaced all the URLs as necessary on the local file, then imported to the new, blank database.

I edited the wp-config file (and the bb-config as well) to update the db credentials and URLs, and almost everything just worked!

Once exception: I think I had to go into the Buddypress–>Forums setup and hit the button to setup the forums again for some reason, but after that, all was well.

The instructions here were helpful.

This would work moving between domains as well, of course.

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