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Re: Which Plugins to Use for BP?

Jean-Pierre Michaud


actually you have two situations here:

1- add plugins to your Buddypress front-end

2- add plugins for your members blogs

if you need plugins for your front-end, check that they are compatible with buddypress but also read the HowTo, because some of them need to be activated sitewide, some not.

if you need plugins for your members blogs, you have to check if these plugins are compatible with WordPress…

notes: do not install plugins that are morethan 300 days old, for safety and compatibility. what works with WPMU will work within Buddypress as well.

and btw, yes, it’s a use it breake it situation in the WordPress community, because not all plugins are coded by pros, and they are not tested before added to the repository. for each plugins you have rating and comments, so read them.

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