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Re: Who wants a media plugin for BP



copy this, add to it, paste it below in your post…. this will get a little overboard i’m sure, but we should list as much as we can and then narrow it down based on:

– if it’s possible

– time to complete

– cost

Features Request:

browser=person browsing the website

user= the individual user/profile owner

– seamless integration with buddypress

– this becomes a component that is activated through the bp admin menu

– and general settings are controlled by the admin in the wp-admin subnav

– not a plugin/mu-plugin

– user can select to only show pics/vids if your the users friend, or show anyone

– user can subscribe to pics/vids gallery rss just like activity rss

– browser can select “view random gallery” or “view random video” from the bp nav bar

– user has “gallery options” under their profile menu

– add/upload/remove/rename/add caption to images and videos

– user has “gallery settings” under their settings menu

– make pics/videos public, show to friends only, etc

– all media uploaded is searchable through the /members page

– a new <directory> is created called “Media” just like the “groups” or “members” or “events”

– this directory shares the default theme of BP and yet is customizable because it has it’s own directory/index.php and directory/media-loop.php (just like BP)

– admin decides how media should be stored

– on the website server

– or on kultura (i have no need for this)

– etc

– admin decides max file size, max storage amount per user and is able to delete any media uploaded

– user is able to choose which uploaded image is set as their avatar

– user is able to create galleries and select a default gallery icon/image (myspace)

– galleries could contain both video and images and are browsable as thumbs

– thumbnail image is “thickbox ready” and pops up both pics and video into a jquery thickbox with button for next / previous / close etc

– Gallery content/information/descriptions etc becomes bp-Xprofile data that can gotten and displayed much the same as regular bp-xprofile data (get_bp_xprofile data ect)

– except for the admin options, all gallery controls and content remain on the front-end/profile only

the list goes on and on… and there’s many ways this could all be done

add to the above, remove stuff (say why you removed)

I dont think these features are “too much” considering there’s $700 available for this project… I’m also open to a different developer…. this should be someone who lives and breathes buddypress and who keeps current with both wpmu and bp trunk versions

we would also need to know/specify which install we want this created for

wpmu 2.7.1 + BP RC1

wpmu 2.7 + BP RC1

wpmu 2.7.1 + BP latest trunk

etc… because chances of this working well on all the different install variation is tricky

worst case scenario, all we get is the $200 job and we have to make due

(im still down with that too)

I would like the developer to brainstorm and come up with a list of features that THEY think are possible considering the budget

$200 gets you ___________.

$700 gets you ___________.

($700 would get us something pretty damn cool from the right dev… and remember, if it’s done right Andy will add this to the BP core which I believe is the best option)

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