Re: WPML.ORG / BP Multilingual Plugin Support
Dear Sirs:
As my last comment on this behalf, I will point out the following. When I began to develop our social site we choose BP due to the special Open Source background and options WP had develop through these years, creating a marvelous OPEN SOURCE ad dons / plugins and community network.
During the last years I received all kinds of support without asking, requiring or insist to me on donations or subscription to plans to grand support. Neither, requiring it to offer a future solution, upgrade or update.
As you can see in their website, lot of user tried to contact this developer, always the same answer, no time, need more resources, get a support plan or worst deleting comments on their website. If open source is going to be handle this way, forcing to pay or “DONATE”, I will not participate or incentive such actions, neither to support what could be hidden commercial initiatives. I will and expect others like me to support by donate real developers who invest their time and bring real and finished solutions.
Been responsible by making situations public that can benefits the Open Source community is not spamming and neither a reason to be banned. Instead and before to make such opinion you must know or identify your interests or on which side you are.