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Search Results for 'activation email'

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  • #312744

    In reply to: Skip activation page


    Unfortunately nobody could help me with the problem. So I implemented a direct solution in the database.

    I redirected people to another page and adjusted the link in the activation email accordingly.

    Example link in the email{{}}

    So when this link is called, the script asks which e-mail address is passed.

    The script then searches for the e-mail address in the table “wp_users” and changes the status in the column user_status from 2 to 0.

    The user is then immediately activated by clicking on the link. The script can be integrated into any page.


    $queryString = strstr($_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’], ‘?’);
    $queryString = ($queryString===false) ? ” : substr($queryString, 1);

    $pdo = new PDO(‘mysql:host=localhost;dbname=example_db_1’, ‘example_usr_1’, ‘example password’);

    $statement = $pdo->prepare(“UPDATE wp_users SET user_status = 0 WHERE user_email = ‘$queryString’”);
    $statement->execute(array(‘user_status’ => 0));



    Unfortunately nobody could help me with the problem. So I implemented a direct solution in the database.

    I redirected people to another page and adjusted the link in the activation email accordingly.

    Example link in the email{{}}

    So when this link is called, the script asks which e-mail address is passed.

    The script then searches for the e-mail address in the table “wp_users” and changes the status in the column user_status from 2 to 0.

    The user is then immediately activated by clicking on the link. The script can be integrated into any page.


    $queryString = strstr($_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’], ‘?’);
    $queryString = ($queryString===false) ? ” : substr($queryString, 1);

    $pdo = new PDO(‘mysql:host=localhost;dbname=example_db_1’, ‘example_usr_1’, ‘example password’);

    $statement = $pdo->prepare(“UPDATE wp_users SET user_status = 0 WHERE user_email = ‘$queryString'”);
    $statement->execute(array(‘user_status’ => 0));



    Is there a way to change the look and feel of this activation email?

    View post on

    I’d like to give it at least the colors of my website.




    I have an issue relating to user verification. Users are sent a verification email upon registration containing an activation code however, upon verifying their accounts are still being shown as ‘pending approval’ in the dashboard (see attached screenshot).

    How can i fixed this issue?



    Hi, all the forum members will need approving, so is it possible to change this text please. It is on the page people see as soon as they have signed up:

    “Create An Account
    You have successfully created your account! To begin using this site you will need to activate your account via the email we have just sent to your address.”

    also, can I change the email that is sent out automatically? It is confusing.

    “Thanks for registering!

    To complete the activation of your account, go to the following link and click on the Activate button:”


    Ok, let’s investigate further then …

    I reinstalled default 2020 WP theme, deactivated all plugins (double checked) but bbpress and buddypress, although I’ve kept wpmu admin dashboard plugin… I am on a very fresh install (less than 24 hours)

    I am still facing the same issue :

    Link to a google drive folder with screenshots (public / private / hidden) :

    buddypress is installed according to this codex guideline : B. Network-wide Activation – BuddyPress root blog in Secondary Site

    Buddypress seems to work ok, activity, group and email tabs under admin menu of the admin network page, main site shows forum tabs only and subsite 1 (?id=2) holds buddypress frontend pages.

    Soooo, maybe a clue here : Why does the group edit screen say “aucun forum” (no forum) attached to group when in the meantime I can see the forum tab and the input text boxes of the first subject when group is not hidden?

    Many infos here, sorry for that, but I guess I can’t be more accurate than that in my perception of the problem.

    Hope this helps you to understand the problem better.

    Thanks !



    Having some issues with activation emails and wondered if anyone could assist. While activation emails are being sent from my site, they are always the default WordPress ones and not the Buddypress ones.

    If this is relevant, I’ve noticed any attempt to create new email templates gives me a ‘Sorry, you are not allowed to edit this post’ message even though I’m the site administrator. Editing existing ones seems to work though.

    Thanks in advance.


    Hi, do you have for me the url of that
    video please? Every time when I click on
    the link ‘How to set up an email account’ I get
    the screen that I must make a new password
    to login.

    I don’t see yet what ‘set up an email account’
    has to do that the activation mails won’t get
    send but maybe when I see your video I
    understand 😉

    Thank you very much in advance!

    With warm regards,


    Hi there,

    I found many other threads about this problem, but it seems nothing works out on my end. I have the latest version of WordPress and BuddyPress, have not that many plugins installed.

    All other emails are working and even I receive an email about a new user registration. But the new user don’t receives his activation email or new friend email.

    I use Sendgrid for emails which I have set up with WP Mail SMTP. Test emails are working, only BuddyPress emails are not working. BuddyPress emails are also not visible in Sendgrid, so they never leave WordPress.

    Also tried to do a repair from Tools -> BuddyPress (Reinstall emails -delete and restore from defaults) but that also doesn’t work out. I’m out of ideas. Such functionality should work out of the box.

    Hope anyone can help me out here.

    Thanks in advance.


    Please anyone can help me to send an activation email to send my new users? activation email sent as to show the end of the registration but not send any email to them.


    I am using bulk upload by csv to add users to my site. The email sent for activation is from wordpress and not able to locate it nor customize it from buddypress.

    Where can I find this user activation email and how do I customise it ?



    Does anyone know how to get rid of the side bar on the activation email? The page that day activate is find… it’s the one that shows the activation code and link… that page I can’t seem to get the side bar off.



    I’m using BuddyBoss (with BuddyPress).

    I used this snippet:

    add_filter( 'gettext', 'ps_change_activation_message', 20, 3 );
    function ps_change_activation_message( $translated_text, $text, $domain ) {
        switch ( $translated_text ) {
            case 'You have successfully created your account! To begin using this site you will need to activate your account via the email we have just sent to your address.' :
                $translated_text = __( 'Your membership account is awaiting approval by the site administrator.', 'buddypress' );
        return $translated_text;

    But this did not work for changing the message.

    Please can you advise?



    Hi I’ve been running into an issue. When someone creates an account on my site, they are sent a verification email to verify their account and activate it. However, I still have to go into the back end and manually activate the accounts under “Manage Signups.”

    Is there any way to disable that? It would be extremely hard once the volume of signups increases. I’m using Youzer as well if that helps.




    Good morning. I installed Buddypress on an alterview blog with the Extra theme, all in Italian. I am practical in using “Loco Translate”, in fact I translated everything I needed, but an important thing remained for me: the first message that Buddypress sends to the newly registered user. I’ll explain.
    The new user registers by filling in all the fields and sends the request. At this point he receives the first email as below:


    Thanks for registering!

    To complete the activation of your account, go to the following link and click on the Activate button:

    If the ‘Activation Key’ field is empty, copy and paste the following into the field – xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    Through Loco Translate I have traced the corresponding string but it has already been translated into Italian and despite everything THE ASPIRING NEW USER RECEIVES THE EMAIL IN ENGLISH. I tried to “synchronize” but the situation remains the same. Can anyone help me? I would be infinitely grateful to you.


    i have latest wordpress installed 5.3.2. when someone register on my site through buddypress registration form he receives activation email from “” i want to change it to “”. and title my site name with description. Optional: can i send users after activation a welcome mail?



    Can I skip the activation page? I want users to be able to click on the activation link from the email and then get activated without having to click the “activate” button on the activation page.
    Also, it would be handy if they get redirected to their profile page after they clicked the activation link.


    In reply to: Activate user in PHP

    David Cavins

    Hi, You can skip the email activation step by adding the following filter to one of your php files:

    add_filter( 'bp_registration_needs_activation', '__return_false' );


    It’s insane, but my client wants to suppress the activation email that BuddyPress sends out for activation – she feels that the double-optin that the mass email service sends is ‘enough’ – that was easy enough to do by setting the email to draft mode without touching any code.

    My plugin does an API to hand the just-enrolled (WP user regiatration) email to the mass email service and that’s working fine. The mass email service double-optin email is going out fine to the new email address.

    But after I’ve handed off the email address, I need to move the new user from the Pending page in Users to the main Users page with a wp role/capability of ‘Subscriber’ and a BuddyPres/bbpress capability/role of ‘Participant’ without the client having to go in and activate the user by hand. I’ve been searching WP codex and BuddyPress codex for hints toward an action or filter hook that will do this, but no luck so far. I’ve even gone so far as to try some direct sql mods ti the wp_users and wp_usermeta tables, but no luck, although mods to other items like display_name, etc worked fine.

    I know the dangers of this and have explained them carefully to the client, but she still wants to crash ahead with this. She’ll just have to get the lesson the hard way when her forum fills up with porn. I do plan on implementing this so it’s easily reversible, but she just has to walk thru that dark valley.

    Any help on some code that I can fire from my plugin that will fully activate a user as described above? Thanks for your kind help – no example code here to share because 6-8 methods I tried were all dismal failures.


    Good morning. I installed Buddypress on an alterview blog with the Extra theme, all in Italian. I am practical in using “Loco Translate”, in fact I translated everything I needed, but an important thing remained for me: the first message that Buddypress sends to the newly registered user. I’ll explain.
    The new user registers by filling in all the fields and sends the request. At this point he receives the first email as below:


    Thanks for registering!

    To complete the activation of your account, go to the following link and click on the Activate button:

    If the ‘Activation Key’ field is empty, copy and paste the following into the field – xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    Through Loco Translate I have traced the corresponding string but it has already been translated into Italian and despite everything THE ASPIRING NEW USER RECEIVES THE EMAIL IN ENGLISH. I tried to “synchronize” but the situation remains the same. Can anyone help me? I would be infinitely grateful to you.



    I have the following problem, i use Buddypress and the plugin youzer to manage members.
    I have crate myself all members untill now but I would like to activate the registration on my website.
    Unfortunately, when a user complete the register from and click on register , we arrive directly to the home page and no email to acticate the account is send. The re is also nothing on my user registration.

    All pages are created and mentionned in the sectio pages in Buddypress setting-

    You can check it on my website – www. web-devis-ch
    it s in french, the link is “LOGIN AGENCE – S’ENREGISTRER

    If someone can help me would be great 🙂



    My customers do not receive an activation email to activate their account. How can I solve this? I have already tried email plugins .. Now I have installed the plugin theme editor .. But what code and how can I use it to fix this? I hope so much that someone can help me .. Tanksss


    I need to remove the {{recipient name}} from the activation email that is sent out. Because the user does not yet have an account, it does not show their name. It only shows Hi, {{recipient name}}; which looks really unprofessional. I found the code in the bp-core file, but I am a novice and not quite sure what I need to remove or what filter to add or where. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    Word Press Version 5.3.2
    Buddy Press Version 5.1.2


    Hi, I have a problem with the activation email in this site:

    I’ve tried to click “reinstall email” with no luck.

    The email text is:
    “Thanks for registering!

    To complete the activation of your account, go to the following link and click on the ‘Activate’ button:

    If the ‘Activation Key’ field is empty, copy and paste the following into the field – 1234567890”

    The site is multilingual (made with WPML), first language is ITALIAN. The theme is WOffice.

    Can you help me please?


    How do you configure activation to redirect either to an android hybrid app or to your login page after successfully activating a user account from the email?

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