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  • #270246

    Wordpress Version:4.9.2
    BuddyPress Version: 2.9.2

    I’d like to have a notifications “bell” on the upper right menu bar of our membership site,
    such that people see the # of notifications they have. These would be notifications from BuddyPress, like when someone receives a private message, when someone gets a friend request, etc. These are the same notifications that get sent out via email as well.

    I’d also like it to integrate with bbPress and for it to show notifications from bbPress like when people post to a forum a member has subscribed to, etc.

    Thoughts on how to do this?



    you do not have to be friends to send a private message.

    Choose – Messages – Compose and Send To (Username or Friend’s Name)


    Wordpress Version:4.9.2
    BuddyPress Version: 2.9.2

    I’m launching a membership site using BuddyPress & bbPress & WP eMember. I’d like all our members to be able to Private Message each other without first having to send a Friend Request, and then that member to have to accept that Friend Request.

    Is there a way to do this?



    I have an online learning site and I need to be able to receive a copy of the email a student (user) sends to the instructor (another user). I found this code but have no idea which file to paste it in. Some guidance (file name and place in the file) greatly appreciated! This code is from earlier reply 2 years ago:

    My WordPress version is 4.9.2 and BuddyPress version is 2.9.2

    function arc_wp_mail_filter( $args ) {

    $args[‘headers’][] = ‘Bcc: <>’;

    $new_wp_mail = array(
    ‘to’ => $args[‘to’],
    ‘subject’ => $args[‘subject’],
    ‘message’ => $args[‘message’],
    ‘headers’ => $args[‘headers’],
    ‘attachments’ => $args[‘attachments’]

    return $new_wp_mail;
    add_filter( ‘wp_mail’, ‘arc_wp_mail_filter’ );


    One more piece of the puzzle that I don’t understand is that I was able to resolve this issue when trouble shooting it on my local host, using an exact copy of my website’s files. So there is something interfering with the registration process only when connected to the internet. I wish I could give out my website details here but there is no private reply option.

    Thank you again for your time.

    Take care,


    For privacy issues I want to hide certain links on profile view.
    i use the snippet, mentioned here (see script below):

    This works fine with BP related links, but I cannot hide links from CPT like rtMedia and the link of this:

    `function bp_postsonprofile() {
    add_action( ‘bp_template_content’, ‘profile_screen_posts_show’ );
    bp_core_load_template( apply_filters( ‘bp_core_template_plugin’, ‘members/single/plugins’ ) );

    function profile_screen_posts_show() {

    $myposts = get_posts( array(
    ‘posts_per_page’ => -1,
    ‘author’ => bp_displayed_user_id(),
    ‘post_type’ => ‘post’

    if( ! empty($myposts) ) {

    echo ‘<ul>’;

    foreach($myposts as $post) {
    setup_postdata( $post );
    echo ‘<li><a href=”‘ . get_permalink($post->ID) . ‘”>’ . get_the_title($post->ID) . ‘</a></i>’;

    echo ‘</ul>’;


    } else {

    echo ‘<div class=”info” id=”message”><p>’. bp_displayed_user_fullname() .’ hat keine Beiträge veröffentlicht.</p></div>’;

    add_action ( ‘profile_screen_posts_show’ );`

    function bpfr_hide_tabs() {
    global $bp;
    * class_exists() & bp_is_active are recommanded to avoid problems during updates
    * or when Component is deactivated

    if( class_exists( ‘bbPress’ ) || bp_is_active ( ‘groups’ ) ) :

    /** here we fix the conditions.
    * Are we on a profile page ? | is user site admin ? | is user logged in ?
    if ( bp_is_user() && !is_super_admin() && !is_user_logged_in() ) {

    /* and here we remove our stuff ! */
    bp_core_remove_nav_item( ‘activity’ );
    bp_core_remove_nav_item( ‘friends’ );
    bp_core_remove_nav_item( ‘groups’ );
    bp_core_remove_nav_item( ‘posts’ );
    bp_core_remove_nav_item( ‘forums’ );
    bp_core_remove_nav_item( ‘media’ );
    add_action( ‘bp_setup_nav’, ‘bpfr_hide_tabs’, 15 );


    Hi – My activity updates are not displaying properly. Instead of the actual update “Hello World” it will only state the fact “Bob made an update” in all places the update details should display: member profile, group page, sitewide activity page.

    I am using:
    Wordpress 4.9.1
    Theme Kleo by Seventh Queen 4.2.12
    Buddypress 2.9.2
    Also, BuddyPress Activity Short Code by BuddyDev 1.1.1

    All my groups are Public Groups (not Private) in case that makes a difference.

    I am still in development mode, so not yet launched. My Buddypress was working perfectly until I migrated my site to a different URL and perhaps some code got changed.

    Can anyone point me in the right direction to how to get the full activity update details to display everywhere instead of just the statement of the update?

    Thank you very much!


    hello everybody
    i’m new to this plugin
    i want to record all messages between users even they delete messages.
    or a system that send all messages to my email


    Within Buddypress group the setting allow the group to be public or private! However when the group is public and a member of the group post something, that post goes to activity stream on the front end. I like a code that I can put in my Custom CSS, that would only allow the (Admin of the Group) post to be seen in the overall community stream of activity when the setting is set to public. Members of the group post can only be seen within the group, when set to public.



    Not to be a pest, but would you happen to know how to change the color of the meta description areas where it says how many group members there are, whether it’s public or private, and what you’re viewing? Thank you.


    I am attempting to display some user data on a single page so members of a group can see all of the members within that group’s info without going into each profile. I have successfully displayed 2 custom fields, but cannot display the user’s email address.

    It is a private site, so I cannot link to it. Hopefully this is something minor that I am just missing.

    I have found so many scattered suggestions for this type of thing, but nothing has worked.
    I have tried all of these types with various field names (email, Email, Email address, Account email, etc.) and nothing displays the email address.

    <?php echo bp_member_profile_data(‘field=Email’); ?>

    <?php echo bp_member_profile_data(‘field=Account email’); ?>

    <?php echo xprofile_get_field_data( ‘field=Account email’ ); ?>

    <?php echo get_post_meta(get_the_id(), ‘user_email’, true); ?>

    <?php echo xprofile_get_field_data( ‘user_email’, get_the_author_id()) ?>

    I am updating a copied version in my theme of members.php from /buddypress/members/

    Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks!

    BP v2.9.2
    WP v4.9.1


    I have a (private) corporate intranet that incorporates BuddyPress for Employee Profiles.

    Without giving users the ability to edit their own profiles, I would like the Member Profile Pages to display the Profile Photo, User Name (possibly regardless of “Display Name” choice), User Email, User Description (renamed “Position”), and a link to the local job description page for their position.

    Is it possible to modify the profile fields from wp-profile.php etc. using bp-custom.php and action hooks? Is there a better way to customize the member profile page template?

    Thank you.


    I am using WP Mail SMTP to get the mail to send without issues. But it seems to affect this particular email only, I am getting everything else as far as I am aware.

    Here are my current active plugins – There is quite a long list.
    I do use Autoptimize, so not sure if it’s affecting anything.
    One of note, is Social Login, which when logging directs to their site, and redirects back to my site to log the user in via their social network, this is where it falls over and does not send this one email. It manages to send other emails related to the login, but it now gives me an idea to look into the code that sends this social email sign up notification.

    (BuddyDev) BP Auto Login on Activation (1.0.3)
    Advanced Custom Fields (4.4.11)
    Allow Multiple Accounts (3.0.4)
    Autoptimize (2.2.2)
    BP Profile Message UX Free (1.5)
    BP xProfile Location (1.2)
    BP XProfile WordPress User Sync (0.6.4)
    BuddyDev Username Availability Checker (1.1.1)
    BuddyExtender (1.0.1)
    BuddyPress (2.7.4)
    BuddyPress Member Type Generator (1.0.3)
    BuddyPress Security Check (2.1.2)
    BuddyPress Simple Terms And Conditions (1.3)
    BuddyPress Xprofile Custom Fields Type (2.6.3)
    BuddyPress Xprofile Member Type Field (1.0.4)
    BuddyPress XProfile Validate with RegEx (0.1.2)
    Cherry Parallax Plugin (1.1.0)
    Cherry Plugin (
    Child Theme Configurator (2.1.2)
    Conditional Profile Fields for BuddyPress (1.1.9)
    Contact Form 7 (4.6)
    Contact Form 7 – Dynamic Text Extension (2.0.1)
    Contact Form 7 Conditional Fields (1.0)
    Contact Form 7 Get and Show Parameter from URL (0.9.7)
    Contact Form 7 Honeypot (1.10)
    Contact Form 7 Modules: Hidden Fields (2.0)
    Contact Form 7 Shortcode Enabler (1.1)
    Custom Hooks (1.0)
    Custom Post Template By Templatic (1.0)
    Custom Post Type UI (1.4.3)
    Disable Comments (1.6)
    Display Posts Shortcode (2.7.0)
    FacetWP (2.7.4)
    FacetWP – Map (1.0.5)
    Flamingo (1.5)
    GeoIP Detection (2.7.0)
    GEO my WP (2.7)
    Google Analytics Dashboard for WP (
    List Plugins (1.4.4)
    Meta Slider (3.4)
    Optimize Database after Deleting Revisions (4.2.1)
    Page-list (5.1)
    PHP Compatibility Checker (1.4.0)
    Popup Maker (1.4.20)
    Shortcodes in Menus (3.2)
    Social Login (5.2)
    Stream (3.2.0)
    String Locator (2.2.0)
    Sucuri Security – Auditing, Malware Scanner and Hardening (1.8.3)
    SuitePlugins – Advanced XProfile Fields for BuddyPress (1.0.3)
    Theme Check (20160523.1)
    Visual Builder for Contact Form 7 (2.0)
    WPFront User Role Editor (2.13)
    WP Mail SMTP (0.11.1)
    WP Private Content Plus (1.13.1)
    WP Smush (2.6.1)
    Yoast SEO (4.3)

    Boone Gorges

    Ah, interesting.

    1. If you’ve got access (through the mysql command line tool, or through PHPMyAdmin, check the character set and collation There may be something funny going on there.

    2. Do you have the same problem with other content? Can you post a private message with a special character in the subject line? A blog post with a special character in the title?

    These items will help narrow down whether it’s a problem with bp-groups, or a database-level config issue.


    In reply to: Register page editor

    Boone Gorges

    BuddyPress’s Register page is a special kind of page that cannot be edited via the Dashboard. That’s why it’s blank when you view it in the normal way.

    To add additional fields to the registration process, go to Dashboard > Users > Profile Fields. Add one for Address and one for Phone Number. Make them required and/or private, if you’d like. As long as they are part of the ‘Base’ profile field group, they will appear as part of the registration process.

    Boone Gorges

    Thanks. I’ve just installed the combination of rename-wp-login and lh-private-buddypress, and I’m unable to reproduce the problem – after logging in, I’m being redirected to the originally-requested page. It may still be worth a test on your end; if temporarily disabling rename-wp-login fixes the problem, it would at least narrow down what’s going on.

    If it were my site, the next thing I’d do is to debug the redirection chain, but I’m unsure how familiar/comfortable you are with debugging PHP functions. Try adding the following settings to your wp-config.php:

    define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );
    define( 'WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', false );
    define( 'WP_DEBUG_LOG', true );

    After a few pageloads, WP should have created a file at wp-content/debug.log. Once you’ve confirmed this, drop the following into a bp-custom.php file, and then run through the login redirect process. It’ll dump some info into your debug.log file, which we can use for further debugging.

    add_filter( 'wp_redirect', function( $redirect ) {
        error_log( print_r( debug_backtrace(), true ) );
        return $redirect;
    } );
    Boone Gorges

    If you don’t see anything in your cookies, then that’s the source of the problem. BP uses cookies to indicate that you’re moving through the group creation process, and if it doesn’t see these cookies, it sends you back to the first step.

    So, the question is why those cookies aren’t being set. Things to look at:

    1. I assume that at least some cookies are being set on your site, or you wouldn’t be able to log in 🙂 Are other BP-related cookies working? For example, if you go to the group directory and change the “Order by” dropdown to, say, “Newly Created”, is a browser cookie created bp-groups-scope? A quick test is to do a hard-refresh of the groups directory, and see if your selection sticks.

    2. If other cookies are being set, it could be a path-related issue. Have you set a custom COOKIEPATH in your wp-config.php file? It could be that cookies are being set in such a way that they’re inaccessible to certain pages of the group creation process.

    3. Have you tried in other browsers? Or in private browsing windows? It could be that this is being triggered by privacy settings of one sort or anotheer.

    4. You showed some WP_DEBUG errors that (as you surmise) are unrelated to the problem. Are those shown when you first visit the group creation page, or *after* you’ve submitted the first step? It’s the submission process I’m concerned about, since the groups aren’t being created in the first place.

    Arize Nnonyelu

    LH Private BP works, I don’t know if you understood the problem I am having. This is my problem, after login the page just refreshes, but the user has already been logged in, then he can browse the site as a logged in member. But might be under the impression that he has not logged in because it didn’t take him to where he was about to go before he was requested to login.

    Logged out user Before login, going to a group named ‘the blog coach’ he clicks on the link sent by a friend
    he gets redirected to

    Link after logging in still directed to

    the page just refreshes no direction. i copied the links uniquely before and after login.

    Before you respond to this, please try to make me understand how far you have understood me and my problem so far? Thanks so far

    Boone Gorges

    Hi @plumbingsuperstore – Oof, sorry to hear about the problems, but glad your hosting provider had a way to roll back.

    BuddyPress doesn’t touch user credentials, so it’s highly unlikely that BuddyPress itself would be the cause of your admin creds not working after BP was installed. I’m guessing that either there’s some user error here, or there’s another plugin interfering with the process. To reiterate, logging into WP should be exactly the same before or after the activation of BP.

    Regarding the 404 error when activating your account: When you install BuddyPress, it should create pages called Register and Activate. It sounds like this worked for Register (since you were able to register a new account), but didn’t for Activate. If you try this again, take careful note of the URLs you see in your browser when registering, the URL that appears in the activation email, and the URL you see in the browser after clicking the activation link. There could be a clue here.

    One final tip: You can stay logged in as an admin in your browser and still test as another user. Open a private browsing window: Firefox, Chrome, Safari

    Boone Gorges

    It looks, at a glance, like the LH Private BuddyPress plugin ought to be doing what you’re asking for.

    If it’s not working, it’s either because of an error in the plugin logic, or because something on your server or WP setup is interfering with the redirect_to parameter.

    Can you share the format of the URL at various points of the process? For example, when visiting as a logged-out user, you should be redirected to:

    If, after login, you’re being redirected back to wp-login.php, what is the format of the URL then?

    What is the URL format of your BP/WP installation? Are you installed at the top level of a domain or in a subdirectory

    Boone Gorges

    Hi @aubreyw – The email should show up immediately. If it’s not, the places you should check are:

    1. Is any email being sent from your server? For example, do BP emails (like private message notifications) show up? How about other WP notifications, like a password reset?

    2. Check your spam folders (which it sounds like you’ve already done)

    It’s possible to manually trigger the activation of a changed email address, but it sounds like the more fundamental problem here is that emails aren’t working properly, so it seems better to try to address that problem first.

    Arize Nnonyelu

    FIXED PARTIALLY. I was using BP Redirect To Profile so I disabled it, the contents are still private and it doesn’t keep redirecting.

    But the problem I am having is that after login it will just refresh the login page without directing to anywhere. Some people won’t know that they have been logged in already. That is why I used to Redirect Plugin initially so that it can direct to somewhere.

    So asking the masters, how can the login direct to where they left off? For instance, sent a logged out user a group link, and his tries to visit the groups and login page appears, how can he continue straight to the group after login?


    I mean when I send private message to my members, the message shows notification to everyone who visits my site. Please visit my website now so you can see it



    I am new to Buddypress and this is my first post, I am new to web development also, and my PhP coding is not all that great, my years as a software developer was strictly in a windows environment ( and sql)

    I developed my own website and I am using Buddypress as part of my social media for users to connect with each other.

    I have spent endless hours researching a fix, and I have not been able to find anything php file that I can edit in File Manager to edit or remove the line of code.

    When a user updates an Activity, it updates in three places:

    1. The Activity Stream (which is what I want)
    2. The Member’s Profile where the Activity tab was (now removed, which is what I want)
    3. Under the Member’s profile cover, with that pesky “view link” (which I DO NOT want to show)

    And the “view link” is a bit buggy also, sometimes when a user clicks on it, it throws a 404 error, sometimes it opens up a blank page, and sometimes it opens up the recent activity that they posted in the Activity Stream.

    Also in the members directory I have a button to send the user a private message whether or not they are friends.

    When I click on a user name from the member’s directory, it take me to the compose a message like it is suppose to do, and the user name appears , but it does not save the user name in the send to box, do you have a fix for this also?

    Thank you very much, a fix to these problems are greatly appreciated.


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