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Search Results for 'questions'

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  • #230401

    Have you correctly setup the permalinks ? (anything but default)
    Did you used the BP repair tool ?
    Are all required BP component pages existing ?

    Don’t know what the r.php file is and which service or plugin use it. See here if it can help you to debug:


    Hello, and thank you for your quick response.

    First I definitely agree Help Please – How To: in a how to topic of a help forum may be a little redundant but the reason I did that is because I wanted an individual that knew how to fix this to not over look the post because they thought I was informing others on how to add an avatar as there are tons of people asking similar questions, but each person needs it for a different use, for example forums or what not.

    Also as far as the php and avatar issue, once again you are correct. There are so far two areas I have found that I will need to display a user avatar. the user header and the search page for members of the site

    I was currently working on trying to get the user avatar inside the individual member header of the user that is viewing their own profile.

    I do know that I will need to also do the same thing for the user to view another individuals profile but I figured if I was given the exact php function for the bp_get_avatar and told where to put it in the default themes function I am using I would know what to look for when doing it for the other peoples profile avatar. I found the php code for grabbing and displaying avatars but I dont know what to do with it, or even if it is the right code.

    But there are multiple variations of the code in different function files found through out BP so I dont know what to paste where 🙂

    Sync Profiles: Yes I have synced the profiles in the bp settings
    Testing with twentytwelve: I have just added the following code

    <?php do_action( 'bp_before_member_header' ); ?>
    <div id="item-header-avatar">
    	<a href="<?php bp_displayed_user_link(); ?>">
    		<?php bp_displayed_user_avatar( 'type=full' ); ?>
    </div><!-- #item-header-avatar -->

    I added this code to the header.php and also single.php file and nothing was displayed

    the two codes you added are the two codes that I am looking to find out how to display where ever I need through out my theme 🙂 !!!

    For example the 1st one you provided is the main persons header and the second one is to display the “members” page where they show who is all online.

    So my question to you is, what code do I add to my functions page in order to paste those codes you provided anywhere I need to through out my theme?

    Thank you for your time!


    hi @jessicana,

    another solution is explained here.

    Or you can add a custom action hook to the registration template at a more appropriate place of your choice.

    Something like do_action ('jessicana_tos'); and by adding some div’s. Of course you have to use a child-theme to do this.

    And in the above function remove last line and replace it by add_action( 'jessicana_tos', 'bpfr_tos_link').


    In reply to: how to change url path


    Forget answering the above questions , I figured it out thank you for helping me 🙂


    I use a similar thing.. plugin is called “good question” (I think) – it does not have radio buttons last I checked.. but can do multiple questions and answers I think.

    Hugo Ashmore

    @yanner11 this is tending to veer off from the purpose of this forum to help with BP issues, you may be best addressing server questions to your hosting support?

    You might try logging into your hosting account control panel and seeing how things look from whatever file manager is provided.

    btw if you have vaultpress you should be able to revert back and out of any issues not sure why you couldn’t?!


    btw its [Mod edit: link removed ] Alphabetical not alphabitical

    Please do not post anymore masked links in this manner, they will be removed, we welcome constructive help with posters questions, spelling, when we have many non english speakers, is not one of them thanks ~hnla


    Ok, thanks. Then I will ask theme author. I just thought it’s Buddypress related and I didn’t want to bother theme authors with additional questions.


    About question 1, I still could not solve, even with installing the plugin. So how do I get the “Login” option redirect to the page of BuddyPress? And why only the “Register” option is that are targeting for the BuddyPress page?

    2 other questions:
    1° When the user does login is being redirected to the site home page, how do I to be redirected to profile his?

    2° How do I get the “forgot password” redirect to a page in BuddyPress? instead of staying open a page of wordpress?

    Tanner Moushey

    Hey @qmai! I have setup a system before to link BuddyPress Profile Fields to SalesForce, but it takes a good amount of custom work. The method I ended up doing was to add a piece of custom meta to the Profile Field edit screen that allows you to specify a SF field id. Unfortunately, the process of adding custom meta to a BuddyPress Profile Field is a lot harder than it sounds, but it is doable.

    Let me know if you have any further questions. I can’t seem to find the code that I wrote for this, but I’d be happy to work through this with you.

    Scott Hartley

    I am going to answer the questions like in your support outline then add additional information below.

    1. 4.0
    2. Directory
    3. Root Directory
    4. No Buddypress was installed after
    5. Yes everything was in order permalinks, and other plugins were 100% functional.
    6. Latest Version 2.1.1
    7. NO
    8. Yes i stated above my currently installed plugins that are active (All are active if i forgot to mention sorry)
    9. It appears to be the default theme Jarida doesn’t seem to be doing anything else.
    10. Nope
    12. Most recent version of course 2.5.4
    13. Error Log is empty o.o
    14. Hostgator Baby PLan
    15. Linux (according to company page: )

    Additional Issues
    All users are marked as spam.. I was reading on some earlier issues and everyone is marked as a spammer upon registration in the extended profile tab. There are also no groups in the extended profile tab which is odd and I cant create it without it giving me an error saying

    “There was an error saving the group. Please try again”


    Try adding this just above the endwhile

    <?php endif; ?>

    btw – this isn’t the proper forum for basic php coding questions.


    The event manager plugin has a search function.
    For additional questions about that plugin, you should use their support forums.


    Thanks for the response… to answer your questions:
    – No – I did not import users from an older site.
    – Yes – I am hosted on wpEngine
    – I did try repair tools already with no effect.
    – I’ve checked avatar settings and don’t see anything amiss. I’m not sure why that is a question though as my issue isn’t with avatars (my new users haven’t even been able to add avatars yet because of this issue). It’s the entire profile page that doesn’t load and instead gets a Page Not Found error.
    – Members import – I imported this particular list just once. I used it two other times a year ago for different lists with no problem.
    – WP & BP users are supposed to be synced per my BP settings, but I’m not sure that’s happening correctly.

    I will try deactivating the outdated plugsin you mentioned again, but I’ve already tried deactivating all of them once and didn’t see any effect. If that doesn’t work, I’ll open up a ticket as suggested.

    Thanks again for your help.. if you have additional ideas at this point, I’d love to hear them.



    Activity Loop
    Search also for bp_parse_args on the codex.

    , thank you for your comprehensive advice, but it’s already sticky in “When asking for support”… So i’m affraid that a bit of exasperation will sometimes continue to appear in one or other topic. Sorry for that, i’m not a machine. 😉


    Not be be short with you but I don’t care to much for typing long replies anymore but if you go to and read the documentation you should be able to answer most of your own questions. There are also plenty of plugins to extend bbPress so you can explore that option as well if needed. Good luck!

    Henry Wright

    Hi @bee7er

    bbPress-related questions should be posted on the bbPress support forums. Try opening a new topic over there so those guys can help with the problem you’re having.


    I asked on BB press forum already, resolved first question. But the 2 last questions are Buddypress related.
    Can you please advice?


    hi @flickchicks,

    take example from the TOS at the bottom of this page. But you probably have to inquire for something more accurate with the dutch law, depending your project.


    Hi Henry,

    I’ve just installed it now and am starting to fiddle. Will definitely check out that BP Profile Search. Will come back to this thread if I have any more questions.

    Thank you!



    I also need help with restyling my register-page…
    Can anyone tell me where to start?


    Restyle you can it via a WordPress-Plugin like ‘Simple Custom CSS’ or the style.css within your child-theme-folder:

    Helpful is as well a plugin like Firebug for Firefox.


    For reshaping the content as well you have to deal with the wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-templates/bp-legacy/buddypress/members/register.php


    Regarding further questions it would be helpful, if you would describe precisely, what you want to change:

    Post a link to your blog and a jpg-file (modified screenshot), where is high-lighted, what you want to change.


    A less elegant, but working solution regarding locations within states you can find on my registration page (section: ‘Profile Details – Teil III: Geographisches’):

    You can ask at first:

    • In which state (USA or UK?) do you live?
    • and then:

    • In which US-federal state respec. in which UK-county to you live?
    • and finally you can introduce the names of the federal states of the USA with ‘US-‘ and the names of the counties of the United Kingdom with ‘UK-‘.

    (You can ask this questions within the ‘base group’ of your xProfile fields – then they get displayed on your registration page automatically. Or you can make your further xProfile fields displayed on your registration page as well: [section 2nd].)

Viewing 25 results - 601 through 625 (of 2,230 total)
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