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Search Results for 'spam'

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  • #44862


    I did what you suggested and cleared the error log. However, the registration problem is not creating any error in the error log.

    After some testing I realized that if I create a user with a @gmail address, the registration verification email gets delivered without any problems. However if I register using an email on another one of my domains (however the emails are still hosted on google apps), I don’t get the activation email. I checked the spam folders but its not their either.

    Please help.

    Burt Adsit

    LOL. “Didn’t think I could be that much of a pain already.”

    Well this is bbpress but lots of posts with multiple links get spammed by akismet. It’s not you, it’s the post.

    Jeff Sayre


    That can mean that your post is being filtered out as spam by akismet. This has happened to me before as well. However, I can see your posts right now.


    In reply to: Buddypress theme?

    The documentation/codex area provides a ton of documentation that can help you with all of these things, but there is no magic button you can press to make this happen.

    There are dozens of functions and loops that need to be installed and addressed on several files and themes to make all of BuddyPress work the way it does. All we can do is document them for you, and let you give it a try yourself. It’s up to the growing audience of BP developers to start creating themes for 1.0, and that will eventually happen, I guarantee it.

    If you’re in over your head and desperate for a theme asap, it may be time to hire someone to help you out. If you’re not looking for custom functionality and simply want a revamped BP theme, I might suggest joining the WordPress developers mailing lists and asking some WP professionals for assistance. Otherwise right now we’re pretty lenient about users asking for specific requests here (meaning we will lock the topic but we won’t delete it or spam it.)


    hmmmm… how did you find that!? I searched months ago for this, but found nothing…. only stuffs on password reset…

    (proly cause I was searching resend activation with spam and creating spf record)

    and here I thought I was the best googler in the world!


    ok i’ll add that to bpdev nospam, cool tips andy


    In reply to: Antispam plugin



    i’ve written a plugin that filter spam and spam registrations with the captcha,

    it’s BPDEV NoSpam


    In reply to: Antispam plugin


    thank you DJPaul now works fine! ;)


    In reply to: Antispam plugin

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    Possible user error.

    – check this from the readme. You might have missed it to.

    To install in WordPress MU (Forced Activation/Site-Wide):

    1. Upload the wp-recaptcha folder to the /wp-content/mu-plugins directory

    1. **Move** the wp-recaptcha.php file out of the wp-recaptcha folder so that it is in /wp-content/mu-plugins

    1. Now you should have /wp-content/mu-plugins/wp-recaptcha.php and /wp-content/mu-plugins/wp-recaptcha/

    1. Go to the administrator menu and then go to **Site Admin > reCAPTCHA**

    1. Get the reCAPTCHA keys [here]( \”reCAPTCHA API keys\”) and/or the MailHide keys [here]( \”MailHide keys\”)


    In reply to: Antispam plugin


    i’ve moved it in mu-plugins/… but where I configure? menu in the wp-admin is not there … help me please :)


    In reply to: Antispam plugin

    Jeff Sayre

    I have it installed as a site-wide plugin in /mu-plugins/. Works well with signup process. I have not really experimented with the blog comments aspect though. Perhaps I need to look into this a little more.


    In reply to: Antispam plugin


    i’ve the same problem… i’ve installed recaptcha with plugins installer, enabled, configured but it doesn’t show in the registration page domain.tld/register any ideas?



    In reply to: Antispam plugin

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    Hi Jeff

    Yeah I tried that, but I couldn’t even see the reCaptcha menu item in the Admin after enabled it. I assume you’re using WPMU 2.7.1 – did you put reCaptcha into mu-plugins/ or plugins/, and did you enable it Site Wide or only on the main blog?


    In reply to: Antispam plugin

    Jeff Sayre

    Hi DJPual-

    I’m currently using (with success) the reCaptcha plugin on a dev site. I used hints from these two BP forum threads:

    I hope that helps!


    In reply to: subdomains for blogs


    I did not mean to triple post! Sorry guys!

    Every time I’d submit the post I’d get an error message saying: “Topic not found”, so I’d back up and try again and again. Wasn’t trying to spam.


    A number of years ago I offered email to my users and in the end there were thousands of people using my servers for email, including spam bots.

    Here is the biggest problem that I faced.

    As there was so much ‘spam’ coming from my domains, I was blacklisted on aol, and yahoo, and a few others. To this day, I still cannot use those domains to send email to aol etc…. Once blacklisted, it seems to be forever.

    While I think the idea is cool, I cannot see a reason that I would ever offer email to my users other than my admins/moderators for internal communication.

    just my 2cents


    it works now, it will be complete asap


    when is your no-spam plugin scheduled to be complete?

    Im currently using wp-captcha, but would like to beef-up my spam protection


    @anointed that’s what wp_nonce does :)

    i suggest to use bpdev nospam (it include the captcha of wpmudev integrated with bp)


    wpmudev has an anti spam plugin for signup form. Also Donncha has another plugin for wpmu and comments.


    reCaptcha is best bet!

    or maybe BPDEV from nicola


    I had a problem with spam without reCaptcha

    reCaptcha kills spam bots and I have no more spam.

    Good luck


    I had an idea of another way to combat the constant comment spam and registrations from bots, though I don\’t know if it would work.

    As the bots don\’t read the page like humans do, they just search for and find the forums to fill in, brings up an interesting idea.

    What about using \’hidden\’ fields that are not displayed on the screen itself.

    The idea being that if data is input into the field it could not possibly be a human, so we then know to \’not activate\’ or error out the comment/registration etc…

    The ‘auto spam bot programs’ that I have come across all look for specific fields etc. We could do something like name the hidden field ‘password’ etc, so the bot thinks it’s legit, but it’s not.

    Does anyone know if the bots are \’smart enough\’ to figure this out and get around it?


    don’t worry :) BPDEV NoSpam is included :)

    i’ve to update the site asap


    Does Aksimet not work with WPMU?

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