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Search Results for 'spam'

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  • #93637

    hello, anybody can tell what these 2 spammers want to do on my blog? I’m curious, coz they have done nothing since registered.

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    Assuming the missing user(s)’ accounts aren’t marked as spam, they probably need to log in before they appear in the BuddyPress lists.


    In reply to: BuddyPress Spam



    Thanks for pointing that out… clears things up! :-)


    In reply to: BuddyPress Spam

    @TedMann – No, manually going to your signup page will not trip the spam alarm. Putting in the URL with all the submit stuff (like attempting to pass registration info via the URL instead of entering it like a human) will trip the alarm. What it’s checking for is the POST command, and was THAT passed through by your site. Otherwise no one would ever be able to sign up :)

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    Ah, Bluehost ;)

    1. If you are running the multisite version of WordPress, on the super admin’s options there is a setting for default profile. Alternatively, there are lots of plugins that control this sort of setting on. I use a couple of role management plugins on a few sites but I’m not sure what’s best. Hopefully someone can recommend one.

    2. If you disable BuddyPress, and register an account on the site (via WordPress), do you receive the email? If you don’t, it is either ending up in your email’s spam or your server is not configured to send emails correctly. However, since you’re on Bluehost, have a look at the bottom of this message first.

    3. That site URL setting should match the URL of your site. I’m not sure what you mean by “pointed url”, but you should probably only change it if you have moved the site from to

    4. Depends on definition of “easy”; they are in the theme’s header.php.

    Bluehost: We have seen issues with Bluehost previously. I do not know if all the issues still apply, but in general:

    1) I suggest that you do not use simplescripts to install (or even WordPress).
    2) RE: your email problem. I suggest you search this site for “Bluehost” as we have had lots of discussion around it previously but, from memory, might fix the problem (it has to be a valid email account, so you may need to create it first).


    Mod Edit/ Spam Links removed -hnla


    Hi Paul,

    I just tried this fix, but it didn’t work:

    Below is a list of my active plugins. But I’m not sure if it’s a plugin issue because the cropping works in Firefox. Is it an IE8 compatibilty issue? If so, how can I get around it?

    Here are my active plugins:
    * Advanced Permalinks
    * AJAX Login Widget++
    * BP-NotificationWidget
    * BP Disable Activation
    * BP Hide Widgets
    * BP Member Filter
    * BuddyPress
    * BuddyPress Album+
    * Buddypress Widget Pack
    * Capability Manager
    * Dean’s Permalinks Migration
    * Enhanced BuddyPress Widgets
    * Fast Secure Contact Form
    * Fluency Admin
    * IE7 Compatibility
    * Invite Anyone
    * Media Library Gallery
    * My Comments Manager
    * NextGEN Gallery
    * NextGEN Gallery Sidebar Widget
    * Nicer permalinks for Vietnamese
    * oEmbed for BuddyPress
    * ourSTATS Widget
    * Peter’s Login Redirect
    * Plugin Central
    * SI CAPTCHA Anti-Spam
    * Simple Trackback Validation
    * TDLC Birthdays
    * Theme Switcher Reloaded
    * Top 10
    * Transposh Translation Filter
    * User Permissions
    * Visitor Maps and Who’s Online
    * Welcome Pack
    * WordPress Admin Bar
    * WordPress Database Backup

    Thanks for your help!

    Paul S

    @Modemlooper: in the WP backend

    @pswriter: Pardon me if this is a stupid questiont, as I am new to a lot of this, but why do I need to give them “SuperAdmin” status? Why can’t regular “Admin” status work? All I need is for some people to approve/ban new members (spammers) and maybe patrol the forums/groups.

    I’ll do that if needed, but then what does “Admininstrator” do?



    several days passed, these 2 spamers didn’t do anything on my blog. Why they register? What they want to do?

    Hugo Ashmore

    Just in case it was actually taken seriously the ;) after the spam comment I made was meant to be tongue in cheek ;)

    Good luck with the site Bowe and I concur with the “not a paid endorsement” brigade the site does look good :)


    *sees the topic is about his own theme*
    “Absolutely NO problem with this!” :D

    Thanks for creating this topic Ross, I’m really glad you like the theme I’m putting up for sale. And Boone thanks for promoting my already outdated video as well :-) My intention with the new BP-Tricks site is not to only sell a premium theme, and offer some kind of subscription service (I’m not a big fan of subscription models for Themes).

    BP-Tricks will hopefully become a resource for great BuddyPress tips and tricks. Selling the theme is just a great way for me to keep BP-Tricks running, earn some money and hopefully improve the quality of BuddyPress Child Themes.. The theme is GPL and cool stuff that I add to it will all be shared in the form of Tutorials on BP-Tricks. The actual design elements and the support are what people are paying for (similar as WooThemes does this for example).

    Everyone can submit code/design/inspirational Tricks through a form or the backend, and by doing so you’ll earn Awards ( @DJPaul his Achievement Plugin FTW!) and badges awarded by me. The best new trick each month earns a nice price (currently a Free theme, but I’ll try to get some sponsors) and they get listed on the frontpage in Widget of Fame :)

    Besides that the Activity Stream is purely meant to be a source of information displaying ONLY new Tricks, external Tricks (BP-Links from @MrMaz) and external member blogs from our members (if you blog about BuddyPress or anything related to it) you can add your RSS feed to your profile and people who follow you get your updates in their stream. This plugin will be released to the community when the site launches next week.

    There’s also a customized search feature which only searches the BuddyPress network (, BP-Tricks,,,, etc) and a bunch of other stuff which I probably forgot to tell.

    All the site features remain free, and also the site will be Ad free for as long as I earn enough to keep it running without loosing money on it.

    I hope this makes my intentions clear, and that it will become a place where you can enjoy great BP Tricks from not only me, but from anyone, without getting the feeling that I’m out for someone’s money.. because that is certainly not my intention :) If you want to have access to the site before launch to look around and submit some Tricks for the community just let me know, and I’ll make sure you’ll have access and be a part of the cool kids ;)


    No seriously it isn’t spam! Sorry if it sounded like that! I was just being a little enthusiastic perhaps. Check out the site, it’s 100% genuine and a great addition for the BP community in my opinion. Just trying to help.

    Hugo Ashmore

    Spam ;-)

    Hugo Ashmore

    Not generally an advisable thing to want to do, privacy, spam concerns etc etc


    I see, spammers. I checked their IP address– they are the same.

    Hugo Ashmore

    It’s just spammers isn’t it! When bots sign up, they have to or think they have to fill any form fields they find so they simply place random characters. Are these actual users or spammers?

    phos flip

    Just adding to this rather than creating a new topic:

    I keep getting an error when trying to upload an avatar (on here):

    Upload Failed! Error was: Unable to create directory /home/buddypress/public_html/wpmu/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/avatars/6656263. Is its parent directory writable by the server?

    Also get a ’page not found’ whenever trying to search through search pages with multiple pages

    And when I do look through searches there seems to be endless spam.

    Appreciate there seem to be only a very small number of people keeping things going on here and they obviously give an awful lot so I really don’t want to offend, but it does seem that it’s not the best advert for using buddypress.

    That said I’m using it anyway and looking forward to it too!


    I now understand from my test user registration that all users must reply to an authentication email that they receive after registering to be a user on a BuddyPress site. If a user for any reason does not respond to that automated email to authenticate their registration, that user will be marked as a “spammer” and thus they will be unable to participate in that BuddyPress site.

    Perhaps this procedure should be explained directly in the BuddyPress documentation somewhere so that administrators will understand what to expect with BuddyPress?


    I tested the BuddyPress registration process by registering as “test” but using an actual email address of mine. This “test” user was also automatically marked as a “spammer” and that automatic marking of any user as a “spammer” is a problem. BuddyPress should look into why this automatic marking of a user as a “spammer” happens, and also provide clear and specific instructions for administrators to undo the marking of “spammer” whenever (as in this case) the marking of a user as a “spammer” is clearly an error.



    Ah right… I think that “Bulk Action” only becomes available in WP3 if you have enabled Multisite. And not too sure if WP-Activate is compatible with Buddypress. Here’s an auto-activate plugin that is compatible with WP3 single:

    It’s a premium plugin, but the small fee is well worth all the cool stuff @Brajesh puts out almost weekly. He’s also a great help if you ever get yourself into a coding kaffuffle.

    You can also test the plugin here:


    Looks like they didn’t activate their account, I used the plugin WP Activate to manually activate the account for them.



    It’s so wierd the user isn’t highlighted in red and “Not Spam” isn’t an even an option,

    The only options I have are “Bulk Actions” and “Delete”

    This is WordPress 3.1 Not WordPress MU.


    Hello Philip…

    I just registered successfully on your site… My guess is that the person didn’t check for their validation e-mail… I’ve had huge trouble with gmail accounts going to SPAM every-time so I’ve made sure that I talk about the spam/junk folder…. Also, you need to make sure that the folks are aware of the e-mail… I’ve spent a lot of “words” talking about this on the

    Also, what plugin are you using for your “novice status” counts in the upper right sidebar?


    Jason Tarsney

    Issue solved. E-mails end up in Spam filter.

    Which leads to the next question, any way to get gmail to open this up without having to inform each gmail user that tries to sign up?



    Yes, hnla, an active session. looks like the same issue.


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