Re: New Plugin Idea: MySQL Report
1. congrats on the members
2. I don’t believe it has been done yet.
Depending on your mysql abilities, you may find it easier to just write a quick and dirty php file with a mysql connect to show members. The overhead that wordpress and buddypress would add to this process wouldn’t be worth the minimal gains of the buddypress functions.
But if you don’t know much mysql, then you may be forced to do it inside of an admin plugin.
Here are a few quick and dirty sql lines to get you started:
find all users:
SELECT user_nicename FROM wp_users;
find all users, and show full name (from profile fields)
SELECT users.user_nicename , profile.value FROM wp_users users, wp_bp_xprofile_data profile WHERE users.ID = profile.user_id AND profile.field_id =1