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Re: Hello Eco Living



Nice looking site. Has a fresh feel to it. I like it.

A few simple comments. On the main page the “Lost your pasword” and “register” links are so close together they look like one. Seems like you’d want to drive registration, but as is I don’t think they’ll see that link at all.

The social network page is nice, but it doesn’t have a very good call to action as far as joining the social network or giving me the option to start doing the things that it lists. There’s one link at the top to join which I pretty much missed at first glance and only realized later that it was there. Although, if I didn’t know web design and BP I might not have ever found it. Then, there’s the link on that page to start a blog. I’d suggest adding some nice big buttons on that page which invite people to join and know clearly where to click to join.

I hope this is helpful.

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