Re: BP Album+ || New Features Requests and Discussion
Re:”Am impressed with the plugin,so far and awaiting below because users are using smartphones like Iphone & android more for internet .”
The plugin *already does* what we just described. The functions, and documentation on what they do, are located in:
This is a situation where I can’t post a block of code for you that magically does what you want.
You’ll need to select the right functions for your application from the X-templatetags.php files, and write code that uses them to output the correct data for your template.
I really don’t want to sound like one of those “elite” programming types that won’t show others how to do stuff, but honestly, the wordpress codex site does a *much* better job of teaching how to do this stuff than I could ever achieve writing forum posts.
Start here:
And then here:
And if you need to learn how to use PHP, go here:
Also, be sure to use a proper code editor, which you can get here: …if you’ve never used a “smart” editor before, the experience could be life-changing…