Re: bp-events plugin ported to 1.2.x ?
1: Before activating the plugin, comment out in the bp-events.php (plugin directory):
* 21-24 row (require..)
2: Activate the plugin
3: You receive the error message You receive the error message
4: Uncomment the lines of paragraph 1, and refresh the page
OK, something is ‘lost in translation’ for me… I commented out rows 21-24, tried to activate the plugin and got this message:
Fatal error: Class 'BP_Events_Event' not found in /home/website22/public_html/bp/wp-content/plugins/bp-events/bp-events.php on line 215
Bowe, what did you do at this point?
UPDATE: OK, they mean uncomment row 21 so BP can see the classes file. I then got a “function not found” error, so I uncommented the rest of the includes, and it seems to work now.
Wow! Very cool.