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Re: How to create submenu containing BuddyPress tabs (editing header.php)?


Did you put those files in your own childtheme? Did you remember the underscore in foldername _inc? You need to create that folder, and inside it a folder named scripts, if you do not have them already.

I think I noticed that changing the width of ul#nav li ul from preset 30,7% to a number below 12% would cause the buttons to spread out horisontally instead of vertical…

Also, if you have subpages to pages you have created yourself, and those subpages do not show, you need to change depth in header.php

Preset in default header.php is depth=1, which means that only parent pages are shown. You need to set it to at least 2 to include childpages, or 3 if your child page also have child pages.

Look for something like this string:

< ?php wp_list_pages( ‘title_li=&depth=2&exclude=’ . bp_dtheme_page_on_front() ); ? >

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