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Re: Will BP work with other themes and plugins?



I asked the question in another forum, Mercime suggested I come here and post.

I did that, and then Mercime was the one that double posted a reference link here and in the WP forum so people can see that this is an ongoing topic covering both WP and BP compatibilities and questions. I simply let people know here that there was more info posted in the other forum about this question and then I had a question specifically for Paul who makes a BP plugin(s) and obviously uses these forums more often than the WP forums.

So dont single me out for doing something when there is actually 1 person that has been willing to help me out on 1 site forums and another 1 here, and me trying to make sure everyone is kept in the loop. I am sure there are people that frequent here and not WP forums, and vice versa.

I am a director for an established site that has over 50,000 hits a day and I can safely say it is bad board etiquette to single out people on forums when they are simply asking for help. It shows that a community is more willing to bash people than help them and will ensure that people will stop asking questions for help.

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