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Search Results for 'Hide Admin'

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  • #140721

    Did you wrap the code @mercime gave you in opening and closing php tags? Like this:
    function bpdev_init_sm_mode(){
    remove_action(“wp_head”,”bp_core_record_activity”); //id SM is on, remove the record activity hook

    Ben Hansen

    @rogercoathup thanks for responding sorry for the delay in my response wasn’t getting site updates for a while there. either way would be fine but I’m not very adapt at coding (sql or otherwise). id wait for an update to the plugin but we all know that goes sometimes and it seems like @francescolaffi is off on some kind of extended vacation or sabbatical. actually holding off on upgrading to 1.6 on a client site because of the issue :/


    You would normally add the code in your theme’s functions.php file


    Brajesh I am looking to do the same thing, where do you place that code? I tried members loop but no luck

    Roger Coathup

    Do you want to prevent admin activities being created in the first place, or just stop them displaying on certain screens?

    If you want to stop them being displayed (and you are comfortable writing SQL) you can add a filter on bp_activity_get_user_join_filter, and modify the where clause to exclude the admin user id

    If you want to stop them being created, you could add a hook on bp_activity_add, and delete the activity if the user_id is the admin id.

    Ben Hansen

    Anyone know if this is working yet with BP 1.6 i can’t seem to figure it out.

    Ben Hansen

    check out this plugin hasn’t been updated in over a year but it worked as of 1.5 (may require you to use the old admin bar under 1.6) we haven’t yet upgraded.

    BuddyPress Ninja

    Arrogance is Bliss

    Interesting ‘plugin’ that GRA4.. it is a connection to their website. A little more than phoning home. Your members get included into their website. Wherever their ‘plugin’ is activated, all the members show up on all the other websites. They have a plugin for oscommerce, phpbb and wordpress and they are working on a plugin for drupal. All members are gathered to their website and you have NO admin privileges. You have NO control over the content on the website and I don’t know for sure, but I think there could be some major security (and privacy) concerns for all of your website members.

    They don’t tell you straight out that you aren’t adding functionality to your WordPress website, they are providing a portal to their website, which shows up on your website making it appear like it’s your website. Quite crafty. – A FACADE-

    They are using ‘elgg’ social software on their server. They authenticate using cookies and they secretly provide your website with a ‘secret key’ and their coding changes the .htaccess rewrites for your website to redirect your members to their website. The page they tell you to add, is the same name as the directory of their plugin and the rewrite for permalinks makes it appear that your members are looking at a page, but they are looking at another website. The shortcode they tell you to put on the page you create for their plugin calls the function that imports the data from their website to display on that page. So, basically.. it’s an interface with their website Their website shows up on an ip address in the United States, but they are Russian (no prejudice, just an observation), to share the information. Part of their coding calls a another website (which shows up as ‘GRA4SetConfigValue(‘GRA4_remote_url’… in one of the files. That website also shows up on an ip in the USA, but the page title is in Russian and the favicon is a red star. (looking at that last domain name I can see ‘virtual russia’).

    In conclusion, from my perspective, it’s a scam. You do NOT get your own social network with their ‘plugin’, you get to include your members into their website, without your members knowing it.. I don’t think that would be consistent with the spirit of WordPress or BuddyPress. I would stick with BuddyPress or one of the other true WordPress plugins that provide social networking within WordPress, unless you want to find yourself answering questions you have no answer for sometime in the future.. Let alone the risk of your own website and hosting information somehow being hacked. The concern I have is, if they are being honest, why hide all of this from WordPress users of their plugin? With their obvious ability to rewrite and redirect, who knows (really) where your website and member information is going?

    If they do get back into the WordPress Repository, I would really be careful of these people. Always check to see if a plugin requires a connection with remote servers before you consider using a plugin.


    ‘add_filter(‘show_admin_bar’, ‘__return_false’);` in your functions.php file to turn off fully.

    Alternatively, you can use:

    ‘Settings > BuddyPress : Toolbar Show the Toolbar for logged out users’

    You can also select to show or hide the WordPress admin bar on your own profile.

    If none of those work for you then you may need to look see if your theme is forcing something.

    Tammie Lister

    Hi Charlietech, the BuddyPress admin bar is now merged with the WordPress one.

    So, you can use this:

    ‘add_filter(‘show_admin_bar’, ‘__return_false’);` in your functions.php file to turn off fully.

    Alternatively, you can use:

    ‘Settings > BuddyPress : Toolbar Show the Toolbar for logged out users’

    You can also select to show or hide the WordPress admin bar on your own profile.

    If none of those work for you then you may need to look see if your theme is forcing something.

    Just a slight point on top though, if possible can you only start one thread per question as it does help to focus responses?


    Can anyone help me?

    I’m trying to filter the activity stream so that it only displays ‘published’ forum topics and replies.

    I’m using bbPressModeration, which marks all forum topics and posts as ‘pending’, until the administrator approves and publishes the content. The problem is that pending content still appears in the activity stream.

    I’m using the code below for my custom activity stream.


    /* = Generate Custom Activity Stream

    * Place this function anywhere you want to show your custom stream.
    * Should accept any of these parameters:


    /* = Custom Activity Stream

    * Place this function in bp-custom.php (in your plugins directory)
    function my_activity_stream($args ) {

    if ( bp_has_activities($args) ) : ?>

      <li class="” id=”activity-“>

      <a href="”>

    <?php endif;




    I want to check these out. Thanks!

    Here are a few of my favorites…

    BuddyPress Profile Privacy – Users can hide different parts of their profiles… very cool.

    The following are not Buddypress but they seem very compatible so far.

    AG Custom Admin This is Dashboard Editor and you can control what your members see.
    I have cleaned up their dashboard – they no longer see the wordpress profile or the press this tool or other random plugin settings. You can do so much with this tool and completely customize the way the back end looks. I was amazed.

    User Role Editor – You can add new roles and give and take away specific powers. I have made a new role based on the Author role and gave the new role category powers. The site I am building is a family recipe site and I wanted to allow them to add their name as a category and also different cooking terms. This plugin is also a nice way to view every detail of the standard roles in WordPress.

    Search Everything – This plugin seems to help with searching… I wasn’t getting any results before installing but now everything comes up.



    * Admin Bar
    * This code handles the building and rendering of the press bar.

    * Instantiate the admin bar object and set it up as a global for access elsewhere.
    * To hide the admin bar, you’re looking in the wrong place. Unhooking this function will not
    * properly remove the admin bar. For that, use show_admin_bar(false) or the show_admin_bar filter.
    * @since 3.1.0
    * @access private
    * @return bool Whether the admin bar was successfully initialized.
    function hide_admin_bar() {
    return false;
    add_filter( ‘show_admin_bar’, ‘hide_admin_bar’ );

    function _wp_admin_bar_init() {
    global $wp_admin_bar;

    if ( ! is_admin_bar_showing() )
    return false;

    /* Load the admin bar class code ready for instantiation */
    require( ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/class-wp-admin-bar.php’ );

    /* Instantiate the admin bar */
    $admin_bar_class = apply_filters( ‘wp_admin_bar_class’, ‘WP_Admin_Bar’ );
    if ( class_exists( $admin_bar_class ) )
    $wp_admin_bar = new $admin_bar_class;

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    Can you confirm you’ve checked what the last poster said? In wp-admin, go to the BuddyPress > Settings screen, and check that the “Hide admin bar for logged out users” option is disabled.


    If its not showing for logged out users but showing for you when you login, go to buddypress > settings> and make sure its clicked to no where it ask’s Hide admin bar for logged out users?


    Thanks. I saw it in members php page exclude admin mods should be set to 1.


    If you have a bp-default child theme, copy group-header.php file.into your child theme folder as in wp-content/themes/yourchildtheme/groups/single/group-header.php
    then delete lines 11-15 of said file. If you also want to delete Group Mods, then delete lines 7-30


    ==So if you want Group Forums, click on Install button, then after you’re done, enable Forum for each you in Group > Admin==

    I’m not sure I understand the latter half of that sentence, particularly the ‘enable Forum for each you in Group”.

    Considering the member usability in the aforementioned codex, I’ve decided I’d rather stick with sitewide forums instead. And seeing as how I was getting an HTTP error trying to activate them, I’m using bbPress directly vs through BP. However, I don’t want users going into the groups and trying to use the forums link within them and finding it doesn’t work. Is there a way to hide/disable that link instead?



    @ahkar83 just go to wp-admin menu BuddyPress > Settings – Main Settings – Toolbar – uncheck “Show the admin bar for logged out users”

    Joshua Craig

    Hi everyone,

    I’m currently working on a project and my client wants only the admins to be able to create groups, so I set that option in the BuddyPress admin area, easy peasy. But, the Create A Group button still appears on the front end. For now I am simply looking for a way to hide that button, and I’ve added the CSS @Mike Pratt suggested but the button remains. Any ideas?

    What would be really cool (not that I have a clue how to do this) would be:

    1.) BP functionality that automagically removes the Create A Group button when you select that only admins can create groups, that would be ideal.
    2.) A way to change the URL of the Create A Group button for the members level, so you could create a Request A Group page with a form that a member can fill out requesting a group. That is what I’d like to do, but I’m at a loss for where to start in the code, and I’m not much of a PHP dev.


    In reply to: hide profile group

    Are you referring to the tabs within groups (admin, topics, etc.)?

    If so, the quick and dirty way to hide them is via CSS.


    In reply to: Customize Buddy Press


    As for search bar…a website said
    From what I could find you can’t actually remove that search box. You can however, hide it with a bit of CSS.
    Add this to your functions.php or a custom plugin;
    `function hide_admin_bar_search () {
    echo ‘
    #adminbarsearch {
    display: none;
    add_action(‘admin_head’, ‘hide_admin_bar_search’);
    add_action(‘wp_head’, ‘hide_admin_bar_search’);`

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    Best place for this is — post it as an enhancement ticket. Thanks.


    In reply to: Hiding the admin user


    I’ve found the function bp_core_get_users in the file bp-members-functions.php which seems to make it possible to exclude users from being shown. But how can i use this function and is it the right piece of code to hide the adminuser in the whole buddypress-created area?

    Has anyone an idea what i could write in my themes functions.php to override this function in a way, that the adminuser is hidden on my site?



    In reply to: Hiding the admin user


    Thanks for answering, but that is not what i am looking for. I would like to hide the adminuser from buddypress, not just from some lists. Isn’t it possible to take him out of the system? The admin doesn’t needs a profile etc., just access to the admin-area and the control of the system. He shouldn’t appear in any list and the name should not be public.

    Has anyone an idea? Maybe i caould change something in the wp-core, but where?

Viewing 25 results - 426 through 450 (of 692 total)
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