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Search Results for 'activation email'

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  • #38155

    hi Arturo: activity feed ok, registration and activation email ok, widget ok.

    i’m using an old italian translation, maybe i will update the localization soon.

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    The only thing you can’t change safely is some of the subject lines of the emails. If that’s not 100% essential to the launch of your site, I would suggest waiting for the next release of WPMU – or just running a copy from trunk.

    However if you follow the link above you should be able to find out what file you need to change.


    Thank you DJPaul;

    Then at this point what steps should we take to change the message? I assume we don’t need a plugin, but just changing the text somewhere in MU files, right? But where?

    I would appreciate your response.

    Thanks so much;


    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    FYI has added a hook so we can customise the subject line of the email sent to new users (accounts) after activation.

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    KevinRyman: please email me. I’m only asking because I haven’t got anywhere ready to upload a file yet. Thanks.

    Kevin Ryman

    DJPaul sign me up for testing too! :P

    Adam W. Warner

    I couldn’t find any existing plugin…obviously;)

    DJPaul, is it cool if I test your plugin?

    Burt Adsit

    DJPaul, I just saw your comments about this on mu trac. Nice find!

    Paul Wong-Gibbs


    Email me at djpaul at gmail dot com. I’ve spent sometime shoehorning this into a “proper” plugin – it’s not complete but would appreciate it if you could test with what I’ve got so far.


    Hi DJPaul:

    So, I created the little plugin and placed it in wp-content/mu-plugin folder.

    I then went back to the “welcome” box to make the changes to the outgoing text. No changes were made. Sorry for being slow here. But these are the questions I have right now!

    1) I have no idea what to do with this step you mentioned above:

    “Sorry, forgot to add. Use these tokens in your update_welcome_user_email function to tell WordPress where to insert the relevant values: USERNAME PASSWORD LOGINLINK SITE_NAME”

    2) After I create the file and place it in the Mu plugin, where should I go to customize my final message going to the user.

    I really appreciate the help.

    Thanks so much;


    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    life2000: Make a new file in your wp-content/mu-plugins/ folder. Call it what you want but make the extension .php.

    Put this tag at the top of the file: <?php

    Copy and paste the code from above underneath it

    And at the bottom of the file, put this: ?>

    Save it and it should work immediately. Make a new test user to see if the message changes.

    Adam W. Warner

    There has to be an MU plugin already put together for this somewhere no? I am looking now…


    Hi DJPaul:

    Thank you for your reply.

    How do I get to “update_welcome_user_email” at the outset? Or better said, where do I begin to start these changes and filters. BP Core files? WPMU files?

    Sorry, still trying to get the hang of it all:)

    Thanks so much;


    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    Sorry, forgot to add. Use these tokens in your update_welcome_user_email function to tell WordPress where to insert the relevant values: USERNAME PASSWORD LOGINLINK SITE_NAME

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    Hi life2000

    You need to write a filter to hook into the update_welcome_user_email action, like so:

    add_filter('update_welcome_user_email', 'filter_newuseremail_dm', 1, 4);

    function filter_newuseremail_dm($welcome_email, $user_id, $password, $meta) {

    return "body text of your email";


    If you want to send an email formatted with HTML, you also need to do this:

    add_filter('wp_mail_content_type', 'newuseremail_content_type_dm', 1);

    function newuseremail_content_type_dm() {

    return 'text/html';



    Almost solved! Password not a problem.

    I just noticed that I can easily change the password using the “settings” on the profile page. It’s awesome!

    I won’t be giving them a blog yet. So that won’t be a problem.

    So, all set. All I have to do now is change the text on the last activation email sent to users. It looks rather unfriendly with the title: “dear user” and the signature “WordPress”.

    Other than that, it’s all cool.



    All we need to do is to direct them to their profile page withing Buddypress site after they log in. Is there a way to modify the email messages that go out during and after activation process?

    This problem has burned a hole in my brain for the last 24 hours.


    Brad Williams

    disable email activation on new sign-ups. I know it’s more of an MU specific plugin, but there are a LOT of people who could use this (including myself!)


    In reply to: No admin bar in blogs

    Burt Adsit

    There’s no admin bar in the login form no.

    I’m not sure what email link you are referring to. After signing up a user gets an email with an activation link and then a password and then logs in with a temp password to their blog.

    To get to the admin backend (dashboard) of any blog you use: or after logging in, the user has the option of using the menu bar’s ‘my blogs’ > ‘my new blog’ ><flyout menu> ‘dashboard’

    That’s also the admin area of the blog.

    There isn’t a ‘bbpress bar’ that I’m aware of. There’s a buddypress bar that has a ‘my account’ menu where you can visit your profile and other options.

    Burt Adsit

    Lemme take a look at that area.

    Yep, bp does snag the ‘wpmu_signup_user_notification’ event and doesn’t allow mu to do it’s thing. Looks like bp takes over the email to the user with the user’s activation link. Sorry, I just thought bp just added some xprofile stuff.

    Wonder why it traps the email activation to the user? Gonna go look.



    Had the same problem. The I did a fresh install and used an email address on the same domain as the admin’s email: eg. site = and admin email =

    In my first installs I was using my work email during installation and for some reason it would not work.

    Hope this helps :)

    Burt Adsit

    Did you check your mail options settings in mu?





    They happy?

    Michael Torbert

    So here’s the weird thing now. I tried registering on the site with different email addresses; including hotmail, gmail, yahoo, ones I host, and ones hosted at various hosting companies. None of them receive and email. If I grab the activation key from the database and manually type in the activation URL, then that user is activated and then sent the activation email, along with any followup emails.

    I had two friends try it, and it worked perfectly for both of them.

    I got a hosting account the other day with asmallorange just to play with buddypress, so I’m not able to check the mail logs without submitting a support ticket to their tech support, so I have no clue whether the emails in question are actually leaving the server.

    Burt Adsit

    I’ve had a problem similar to #1. The email is actually sent but the recipient’s email server just blocks it. They never get it. It doesn’t get sent to ‘spam’ like gmail or yahoo. They just don’t get it at all.


    Right? Try complaining to Microsoft. :)

    Michael Torbert

    Thanks apeatling. I downloaded the trunk from svn and #2 is fixed now.

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