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  • #336464

    I am also testing this plugin, and I am using it with buddyboss platform and buddyx pro theme. I am encountering the same issues, especially this one with hitting enter to send a message, I hope so omeone can help with this, but it seems this thread is not active šŸ™ I might end up getting help from ChatGPT šŸ™‚


    WP: 6.7.1
    BP: 14.3.1
    Theme : BuddyBoss with a custom child theme

    Since we update to 14.3 we cannot change the Activity tab order in the manage Page general setting anymore

    When we create a group, the default page is Activity.
    Previously it was possible to change it to any other tab in Manage Page General Setting, but not anymore.
    While I can change the place of the other tabs (Pages; Members, etc.) I cannot move the Activity any more, i.e. I cannot grab the Activity button while I can still grab and move the others.

    If I edit an old group where I changed the tab default to something else than Activity, I can still change the other tabs but I cannot grab the Activity and therefore I cannot change its order.

    Could someone help me on where to look at ? I’m clueless at this point.

    I tried on Safari Google Chrome, Firefox and observe the same behaviour.

    Thanks for your help



    I am using the “BuddyPress Messaging Control” plugin (available here) and ran into some bugs with it. The creator has not responded so I thought I should ask here.

    Issue 1:
    This plugin is used to restrict who (based on user roles) can send how many messages to whom and within what time period, eg free user roles can send 10 messages a week or only reply to messages sent to them, but paid users can send unlimited messages to anyone).

    When I tested this plugin with the latest Buddypress and WordPress version and BuddyX theme, when you go to send a message, and your account is restricted, there is a message that says “Your messaging is capped, you can send a further”. and “Your messaging is set to Reply Only, you can only message users who have previously sent you a message, in addition you are only able to send another”. It doesn’t show the quota, and I would like for it to show it, because this just looks silly.

    Issue 2 and 3:
    In the Buddyboss platform (Buddyboss says anything made for Buddypress is compatible with Buddyboss, but it doesn’t actually seem so) the messages can be sent by simply pressing enter, there is even a message that says ā€œEnter to Send Shift+Enter to add a new lineā€. But, pressing the ā€œenterā€ key doesnā€™t visibly do anything, ie the message that you typed still stays in the text box, it doesn’t move to the sent messages box, so it is not obvious that a message was sent. Then the user will repeatedly press “enter” until they run out of their alloted messages. Then a message appears that says “There was a problem sending your message.”

    The first of this issue is obviously the message not “sending” upon pressing “enter”.
    The second of this issue is that the message itself is vague and not specific: It should say “You have used up your message quota for this period.”

    I am wondering if anyone can help with fixing these things.
    Thank you in advance.


    You’ve got mail! šŸ™‚ thanks in advance.

    Yes I am using BuddyX PRo (but again, when switching to any standard theme – the issue is the same)
    And BuddyPress (not BuddyBoss)


    And you use the BuddyX theme with BuddyPress and not the BuddyBoss Platform right?

    You can send me an email here:

    This reply will be deleted once you reach out, in order to prevent spam mails in the future. šŸ™‚


    Re. avatar size, not sure, you can try putting a span around your shortcode, give it a class and with CSS try to force the avatar size.

    Or you can add a class into the fetch_avatar array and try that way.


    Marco Giustini

    Unfortunately, this very important plugin is no longer updated with the latest version of BP and crashes the system. It would be helpful if it was updated and if possible integrated directly into the BP core, as Buddyboss has already done.


    Hello @varunkamani

    I already gave you a few options to choose from, so in the end it’s up to you.

    1. Ignore error and keep plugin
    Keep the plugin and accept the fact that it comes with some issues and risks.
    The risk itself is pretty low when it comes to the XSS since this is pretty common.
    Like mentioned before, old and unsupported plugins do come with some risk.

    2. Find a different plugin
    Find a different plugin that is updated that can provide you with the features you need/want.
    You can search on both WordPress.Org or other sites like Google, CodeCanyon etc.

    3. Use a third party security plugin
    Download and install a third party security plugin that can help prevent the XSS attacks on your site. This could be either free or paid/premium depending on your budget and needs.

    4. Get a developer to help you update current plugin
    If you insist on keeping the BuddyPress Global Search and you want it updated to fix its current issues, you’d need to pay a developer to help you update the plugin itself. This might not be the best solution long term, and I would also assume BuddyBoss themselves would update this if they felt it was necessary. The fact that they talked about updating it for the past 3 years and now left it abandoned tells me that it’s not a priority for them.

    From a quick search on the forums, this topic has been up several times before for the past many years, so don’t expect an easy or “free” solution for this.

    Hope it helps! šŸ™‚


    In reply to: disable rss

    I’m no longer using BuddyPRess or bbPress. I switched to BuddyBoss and gave up on trying to get BuddyPress to work the way I wanted.


    In reply to: Critical Error

    Upen Singh

    I think you have used BuddyPress and BuddyBoss themes. You can try deactivating the BuddyBoss theme temporarily to see if the issue persists, which will help determine whether the problem is related to the theme or BuddyPress itself.


    Topic: Critical Error

    in group forum Installing BuddyPress

    I need Buddypress as I use Buddyboss and memberpress, so I need the plugin that connects them.

    I have migrated my website to a new host and since moving it, re activating buddypress causes a critical error. I have tried deleting and reinstalling it and still get a critical error on activation.

    Can anyone help, I am on wordpress 6.6.2



    Weā€™re talking about Profile -> Messages -> Compose, right?

    Yes, this is exactly what I am talking about.


    Thank you for this suggestion and interesting insight. I am not a developer so I have no idea how to write a script that does this, but I found this code here. Would you/does anyone know if this is the right thing to use, and if so, how I can modify it to apply only to the “compose a message” page? And I am guessing I need to put it in the bp-custom.php file?

    Thank you


    After updating the plugin to the lattes version (14.0.0), a notification message is stacked at the top of my WordPress admin dashbored as follows:

    (For BuddyPress Multilingual to work you must enable WPML together with BuddyPress or BuddyBoss.)


    and there is no close icon to close this notification, noting that the WPML and BuddyPres are already active and working since long time with no issues.

    please advise how to get rid of this notification as it is annoying.


    In reply to: BuddyPress 14.0.0


    Thank you, but after updating the plugin to the lattes version, a notification message is stacked at the top of my WordPress admin dashbored as follows:

    (For BuddyPress Multilingual to work you must enable WPML together with BuddyPress or BuddyBoss.)


    even the WPML and BuddyPres are already active and working


    In reply to: BuddyPress 14.0.0


    Buddyboss got sold to awesome motive. More competition for buddypress. We are currently at a declining rate sitting at 2016 levels.


    We are not Buddyboss support


    We are using the buddyboss platform.
    However, Users couldn’t register. After they submit the registration, the system always gets stuck.
    How can I fix the problem?

    Ability to create posts within groups with tags? Then allow members of groups searchbytagtoo? Making posts in groups for buddyboss or buddypress

    Hi. So the member if he/she tries creating a group with the same name that already exists, the member is told ā€œGroup name exists, cannot makeā€, and stops group creation. Can you send how to implement this on buddyboss budypress? If you can also force a format type for words so no duplicates are ever made this way in input group-name ID input field, would also be great. Say you want to make a group for each flower that exists. 3 different users right now can make a group for Rose, Rse, Roseee, but these are in essence duplicates, and can be created. What is the workaround here or can you send some code to help with this?


    Is there a way to hide the visibility of certain parts of a user’s profile in the front end according to user roles, so that only certain user roles can see those parts? For example, I have a directory of members and they can post things about themselves in the profile, including their contact details. Obviously I would prefer that their contact details are not visible publicly to just anyone in general – to see their contact details, I would like the user to sign up as a a specific user role, log in, and then be able to see them. For example, you have to have User Role A to see the phone number of everyone in the directory, people who have User Role B cannot see them, instead they might see the field with a message saying “register as a User A to see their phone number/email address[or whatever the field might be]”.

    I am using BuddyPress 12.4.1 (but am on the BuddyBoss platform right now if that makes a difference)


    The parent theme is missing. Please install the “buddypress/buddyboss” parent theme.
    I do have installed buddypress plugin into my the7 theme, shall i install buddyboss too?


    Think you’d need to ask BuddyBoss about that. BP does not interact with those pages, and presumably the login page is theirs also.


    Hello everyone. Having an issue on a couple of my pages. My privacy policy page and also terms and conditions.
    They show up fine when logged into the site but when users are not logged in its just a white page with white text.
    Also this is happening on the forgot password page
    I tried adding code to fix this but that did not work either.

    Anyone have a solution


    Elementor compatibility and a good documentation like BuddyBoss has.


    This has been an issue since the beginning – when I post an internal link on my News Feed (so thatā€™s a link thatā€™s protected within the Memberpress rules) it wonā€™t show a preview on the feed. Instead it shows a preview of what I call the ā€˜OOpsā€™ page – the page non-members are redirected to by Memberpress if they try to access a members only page.

    I have tried turning off all the plugins and it didnā€™t fix the issue.

    Iā€™m using latest versions of all – WP 6.4.3 and BuddyBoss Platform 2.5.31, BuddyBoss Platform Pro 2.4.60

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