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Search Results for 'buddyboss'

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  • #320356

    Just wanted to say a HUGE thank you to @tatiana_k, using your tutorial I was able to find the bp_nouveau_member_hook( 'before', 'header_meta' ); hook in the Buddyboss member-header.php and in that I added an action to insert a profile field “tagline” below a user’s name on their profile. So before, a profile showed the avatar and Name, then on the next line the @mentionname but now it shows Avatar, Name, TAGLINE FROM PROFILE FIELD, @mentionname etc.

    My code:

    /*Add profile field 'tagline' to member profile, below member name*/
    add_action( 'bp_before_member_header_meta' , 'insert_tagline_in_profile' );
    function insert_tagline_in_profile(){
        $webdata = bp_get_member_profile_data( 'field=Tagline' );
    	if( $webdata != false )
    	echo '<div class="member-tagline">' . $webdata . '</div>';

    Note, if you are using a profile field like Favourite Quote, you would replace Tagline in the field above with your field, ie ‘field=Favourite Quote’.

    Thanks to Tatiana I was able to realise I needed bp_before_member_header_meta as the hook, by adding bp / before (from the bp_nouveaux function) / member (because it’s inside the member section) / header_meta (from the bp_nouveaux function).

    If you want another example, I was able to use it to display the same field in the Activity Feed, but in this case I ended up adding the code directly to a template file copied into my child functions.php instead of using the hook, because I wanted the data nested in with the name etc instead of on the line below, but in case it helps anyone, the code to add a profile field below the user info in the activity feed is:

    /*add Tagline to activity feed user info using nouveau loop - no good for me as it
    inserts after the user header instead of inside it*/
    add_action( 'bp_before_activity_activity_content' , 'insert_tagline_in_feed' );
    function insert_tagline_in_feed(){
        $profile_id = bp_get_activity_user_id();
          $tagline_data = xprofile_get_field_data( 'Tagline', $profile_id);
          if( $tagline_data != false ){
              echo '<div class="activity-tagline">' . $tagline_data . '</div>';

    Once again my heartfelt thanks!


    BuddyBoss is a company. They sell products. Their BuddyBoss Platform is free and started as a fork of BuddyPress.

    BuddyPress was created and is maintained by volunteers in an ongoing effort.

    You can switch to BuddyBoss but it works best with their commercial theme.



    I have built my site with BuddyPress and have not yet explored BuddyBoss. I want to know that if in the future I want to shift to BuddyBoss, will it be very difficult to do so? I believe both these are from the same company. However, I am hoping BuddyPress is here to stay and will not be rolled back. It is a very good plugin.



    I have created a study website where user can access online courses. I am using the buddyboss theme with WordPress 5.7.2 version. I want to add a feature called “Study-Buddy” which shows a random user from only the student user type. If the user hits the ‘Find Study-Buddy’ button it shows a random student. If the student doesn’t like the random choice then he/she can find another one. Can anyone please suggest how can I implement this feature.



    I wanted to see how we could add icons to the member actions.

    View post on

    There’s too many buttons there and wanted to replace them with an icon.

    I’m using BuddyBoss Theme.

    Also, how can I move the position of a 1-3 of the buttons to the left and closer to the profile picture? For example, moving add friend next to their name.




    function profile_tab_event() {
        global $bp;
        bp_core_new_nav_item( array( 
              'name' => 'Events', 
              'slug' => 'event', 
              'screen_function' => 'event_screen', 
              'show_for_displayed_user' => false,
              'position' => 70,
              'parent_url'      => bp_loggedin_user_domain() . '/event/',
              'parent_slug'     => $bp->profile->slug,
              'default_subnav_slug' => 'event'
        ) );
    add_action( 'bp_setup_nav', 'profile_tab_event' );
    function event_screen() {
      // Add title and content here - last is to call the members plugin.php template.
      add_action( 'bp_template_title', 'event_title' );
      add_action( 'bp_template_content', 'event_content' );
      bp_core_load_template( 'buddypress/members/single/plugins' );
    function event_title() {
      echo 'Events';
    function event_content() { 
      echo 'Content';

    I created a new tab for users. But how can this be limited to specific user types? Different user types see different tab and/or different content in the tab?

    I suppose it could use this code:

     $member_type = bp_get_member_type( bp_displayed_user_id() );
                    if ( $member_type == 'userA' ) {

    Though not sure how to apply it.

    Any suggestions would help.

    using buddyboss theme



    I’m trying to add a custom sidebar (for the widgets) for different user types. We have 3 different user types as “Member”, “Instructor”, and “Facilitator”. For these 3 different user types, we want 3 different sidebars. So, as you would go on Appearance -> Widgets you can see 3 sidebars and you can add the widgets to and they will ONLY appear for that specific user type.

    I managed to register the sidebar in the functions.php in the Childs Theme but was not sure how to call it in the BuddyPress > Members > Single > Home.php. I know I have to use bp_get_member_type() and if conditional to make it and call it using dynamic_sidebar(). Though I tried it and as the code is in the loop, it does not work.

    This is the code in the home.php which I assume I should include it in:

    if ( ( !isset($bp_nouveau_appearance['user_nav_display']) || !$bp_nouveau_appearance['user_nav_display'] ) && is_active_sidebar( 'profile' ) && !bp_is_user_settings() && !bp_is_user_messages() && !bp_is_user_notifications() && !bp_is_user_profile_edit() && !bp_is_user_change_avatar() && !bp_is_user_change_cover_image() && !bp_is_user_front() && $profile_cover_width == 'full' ) {

    dynamic_sidebar('profile' );
    $sidebar = ob_get_clean(); // get the contents of the buffer and turn it off.
    if ( trim( $sidebar ) ) { ?>
    <div id="secondary" class="widget-area sm-grid-1-1 no-padding-top" role="complementary">
    <div class="bb-sticky-sidebar">
    <?php dynamic_sidebar( 'profile'); ?>

    I am using BuddyBoss theme.


    In reply to: Missing sidebar icons


    For anyone that needs this:

    Replicating our Demo Homepage


    In reply to: Missing sidebar icons

    Varun Dubey

    @mastersegarra contact buddyboss pro support


    Hi I have buddyboss pro, learndash and gamipress. Everything seems to be working fine except I am missing the sidebar icons ( the little person, folder, chat balloon, graduate with hat). Instead I just have rectangles.

    Anyone have any ideas?



    Thanks I already deactivated everything except BuddyBoss plugin and switched themes, and the homepage was in the new theme but all other pages were still in the BuddyX theme and still had the issues. Also, repeatedly clicking the home button caused the homepage to cycle through the BuddyX (inactive) theme and the active theme. That’s weird, right?


    To narrow it down, take the usual debugging steps.
    For example, switch to a WP theme like 2020.
    You can open a support ticket at BuddyBoss.
    You can send an email to BuddyX.
    All those steps will be more productive than posting in these forums.


    I know but there isn’t a forum for BuddyBoss, and I don’t know if it’s BuddyBoss or BuddyX or something completely different that’s causing the issues, and maybe someone using BuddyPress has had a similar issue. I’m just trying to narrow down the problem.


    These are the forums for BuddyPress.
    Please send your questions to BuddyBoss and / or the creators of the BuddyX theme.

    Mitsuhiro Kato

    Thank you very very very much!
    I could make it!

    I love BuddyPress.
    I was thinking which one is good for me, BuddyPress or BuddyBoss before I use BuddyPress.
    BuddyPress is so GOOD!
    So, I will use BuddyPress forever.


    Can anyone recommend a market place or a directory of programmers – or an individual perhaps – who might be prepared to help me improve the BuddyPress forum I’m running? My small group is willing to pay an hourly fee for occasional help.

    We are generally satisfied with the way BuddyPress works out of the box, and we’re not interested in all the bells and whistles provided by paid-for themes like BuddyBoss. We’d just like to change a few of things BuddyPress provides, and above all try to understand the basics.

    We are not interested in learning to code – that’s not what we want to use BuddyPress for. I’m our member with most knowledge of WordPress and I feel I’ve reached the end of what I can do on my own. I’m looking for help, but we can’t pay big bucks, so is there somewhere BuddyPress coders market their skills to help people in our situation?

    Thanks for your advice.

    Here’s our website:

    We use Siteground as our hosting service and the current WP installation with a child version of thee Sinatra theme.



    Well as BuddyBoss is just a fork of BuddyPress, and considering most of the stuff that works for BuddyPress works for BuddyBoss too… In fact I’m pretty sure that for this exact problem I have both plugins work the same way.

    I already asked them and they didn’t help me at all. Besides, they don’t have any kind of user forum, and this community looks way more helpful.


    These are the forums for BuddyPress.
    If you are using the BuddyBoss plugin – you need to contact them with your questions.


    Hi all,
    First of all, this is my first time posting here (or in any other forum like this actually) so apologize if I’m missing info or something is not clear. Also, I have very little experience extending WordPress plugins.
    I’m working on a community + e-learning site using BuddyBoss and LearnDash, and there’s an apparently little thing that I need to extend from the base functionality that I don’t know how to develop.
    What we need to achieve is to somehow have paid groups. We have MemberPress, which allows us to do so, but the problem is how to take the user to the correspondent membership page when they try to access a paid group.
    The solution that comes to my mind is to somehow change the default behaviour of the Request Access button on Private groups so that, based on a variable of the given group (that could contain the URL of the associated membership), it redirects users to the membership page.
    I find myself with 2 problems here:
    1. How to add a “field” to each BuddyBoss group that I can use to fill it with the MemberPress membership URL or ID that gives access to that paid group.
    2. How I change the behaviour of the Request Access button so it reads that field and redirects the user there instead of doing what it currently does. Ideally, if the field is blank, the Request Access button should behave as default.
    Do you think this is overall a good approach to the problem we have? Any ideas on how to solve problems 1 and 2?
    Any help is much much appreaciated.
    Kind regards,


    I’m trying to change the excerpt length for the activity feed. And I can’t figure out why it’s been so difficult.

    For example, I’ve used the following code:

    function buddydev_modify_excerpt_length( $length ) {
    	$length = 1225;
    	return $length;
    add_filter('bp_activity_excerpt_length', 'buddydev_modify_excerpt_length' );

    I even went into bp-core/bp-core-template.php for a hard-coded solution:

    function bp_create_excerpt( $text, $length = 1225, $options = array() ) {

    Still it doesn’t change my excerpt length. I then thought it might be the theme I’m using (Buddyboss) and went poking around but couldn’t find anything; although maybe there is something and I didn’t look well enough.

    Otherwise, could it have anything to do with the activity feed posts in question being added post types (woocommerce product pages) via the guide by Mathieu Viet:

    Post Types Activities

    Anyone else have similar issue or know what it might be?


    But by theme is Buddyboss which is by Buddypress.


    Hello All,

    Waiting for solutions for my query. Anyone have solutions for the same.

    I want to pass meta value in group rest API.



    Hi all,

    I’m trying to modify the BuddyPress activity loop for my BuddyBoss site. I have quite a specific outcome in mind, but any help towards attaining this will be very welcome. I have a rough idea of most of the moving parts but I’m finding it difficult to pull it all together so any help would be greatly appreciated.

    I’m trying to make a loop that shows forum replies and discussions which have an image uploaded to them and are posted with a specific word or hashtag.

    I have two major questions:

    1. Does anybody have an example of a working loop which could be placed into a PHP shortcode creator so I can experiment with the different things the loop can be modified to show? I’m having trouble even creating a working loop right now.

    2. I know I can search through loops via keyword to filter out the hashtag, but is anyone aware of how to only return replies or discussion posts with images attached/uploaded? I can’t seem to work this bit out.

    Any information very much appreciated.

    Thanks in advance!


    Hi all,

    I want to conditionally add a step in the Group Creation wizard of Buddypress / Buddyboss.
    In step 2 my form asks for a specific field (via a Select-box with the HTML name “group-types[]”).

    Whenever a specific group type is selected and the user clicks “next step”, I want to add a new step inbetween conditionally on the group type field.

    I found the Group Extension API which is very complicated to understand:

    Group Extension API

    And I found this code:

    It kind of works, but there are two things:

    I’m not sure where exactly to “ask” the already made setting “group-type[]” for the group in the creation wizard and unfortunately the settings-page “Ville” is added at the end.

    I tried to set a “position”-element in the $arg which is passed to parent::init( $args ); but this is not accepted.

    Any help would be highly appreciated.


    Hi All,

    I’ve just installed BuddyPress, bbPress and BuddyX with the BuddyX child theme. When I click on the “RSS” feed button (which I don’t even particularly need for the record), it brings me to a broken link site point to BuddyPress:

    Title: “;
    Body: “<rss xmlns:content=”; xmlns:atom=”; xmlns:sy=”; xmlns:slash=”; version=”2.0″>
    <title>MedSupply Network | Site-Wide Activity</title>
    <atom:link href=”; rel=”self” type=”application/rss+xml”/>
    <description>Activity feed for the entire site.</description>
    <lastBuildDate>Sun, 16 May 2021 19:48:22 +0000</lastBuildDate>
    <iframe src=”; id=”reachout__pixel” frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no” style=”width:1px; height:1px; display: block”/>

    I have no idea what’s going on with this…
    Also, a couple of questions:
    1.) Do I need to install rtMedia directly?
    2.) Do BuddyPress and BuddyX work together directly?
    I know the developer of BuddyX is a BuddyPress (or former – not sure?) developer of BuddyPress – but I want to make sure that everything is in sync and I’m not using BuddyBoss b/c it appears that BuddyBoss and BuddyPress are not 100% in sync with each other.

    I’m aiming to create a social networking website for healthcare profesionals and medical suppliers in the safest (technical) way possible – and I’ve built this using Linux Ubuntu + NGINX + MYSQL + PHP 7.4-fpm + AWS EC2 (and route 53 elb asg’s etc.).

    any help woudl be greatly appreciated!

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