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Search Results for 'profile fields'

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  • jumling

    Hey Guys,

    New to BP. Latest versions of WP/BP all active.

    I’ve noticed when a new user registers, activates, then logs in: That various profile data such as:

    *Real Name
    *Hobbies etc
    *Other fields

    Are all pre populated with the same dummy info.
    I see no options in the settings to stop this from happening: e.g: Leave it blank.

    I do see the datafields in phpmyadmin though. Deleting these from the DB, is this the right way to stop blank fields being populated?




    How can I find the meta names of the extra fields on the extended profile? I create extra fields but I don’t know their names, just id and group_id.
    I need meta names so I can use other plugins for registration, for example, or for PODS.
    By the way, PODS doesn’t seem to see the extended profile fields anywhere…


    What I do:
    I create the ability to edit the profile of a specific user by another specific user

    What I’ve done:
    Added filter for bp_core_can_edit_settings which returns true

    but i also need to be able to edit custom fields

    Question: how to redefine this line, because it requires bp_moderate, which I don’t want to give normal users even for a while

    if ( ! bp_is_my_profile() && ! bp_current_user_can( 'bp_moderate' ) ) {
    return false;

    This line is in the file “plugins\buddypress\bp-xprofile\screens\edit.php”


    Hey, so i am trying to add a filter in the members search to only show the profiles that have a certain role in an Xprofile field, doing some research i came across the next code

    if ( !defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) exit;
    class BP_Loop_Filters {
         * Constructor
        public function __construct() {
        private function setup_actions() {
            add_action( 'bp_members_directory_order_options', array( $this, 'random_order' ) );
            if( bp_is_active( 'groups' ) )
                add_action( 'bp_groups_directory_order_options',  array( $this, 'random_order' ) );
            if( is_multisite() && bp_is_active( 'blogs' ) )
                add_action( 'bp_blogs_directory_order_options',   array( $this, 'random_order' ) );
        public function random_order() {
            <option value="random"><?php _e( 'Random', 'buddypress' ); ?></option>
    function bp_loop_filters() {
        return new BP_Loop_Filters();
    add_action( 'bp_include', 'bp_loop_filters' );

    i tried adjusting it to call the Xprofile fields i want but it caused a complete error on the website, any help?


    UPDATE (semi-fixed) – I turned off ALL fields under Profile Fields > Signup Fields except default First Name and now signup worked again. So I guess its a process of elimination to see which signup field has some wrong setting. Hope that helps someone out there.


    These are the forums for BuddyPRESS.
    You could ask BuddyBoss about it.
    Even better – contact the creators of the Conditional Profile Fields plugin.


    I have created “Professional Experience” repeater field set and inside it I created :

    • current job (yes or no)
    • end date (date) hide when current job is yes

    The issue is when I edit the profile the end date hid only in the first field not working on other fields. Also, it’s not working at all when I view the profile.
    Does anyone have a solution, please?

    BuddyBoss Platform Pro v 1.2.0
    Conditional Profile Fields for BuddyPress v 1.2.5
    BuddyBoss Theme v 1.8.7


    Hi –

    Please advise how to migrate/duplicate/clone xprofile ‘fields’ from one site to another (not the values, the fields).

    I want to use the same buddypress setup on multiple sites and don’t want to manually create the custom fields for each site.



    I’m sure there has to be a function that changes the default of profile data fields, x-profile fields so the deault would be Me Only. Only you can see your profile files on the profile edit page. Everyone else sees nothing.

    Way to do that please?

    Thank you in advance!


    Hi All,
    I am extremely new to wordpress and buddypress development. I’ve been searching the forum and trying multiple plugins to find this answer without success. I was hoping someone might be able to point me in the right direction.

    I think buddypress will be able to do what I want but I just can’t say for certain right now.

    I have been using the extended profile to allow a user to enter a bunch of information for their company product. I have created an extended profile with multiple tabs and each tab has multiple fields. that’s good

    That is for category 1. What I need to do though, is create a whole different set of tabs with multiple fields but under category 2.

    User 1 may only have the fields available for category 1 to fill out.
    User 2 may only have the fields available for category 2 to fill out.
    User 3 ma only have the fields available for category 1 AND category 2 to fill out.

    Then, it would be logged in, and visitors to site would only be able to see the profile information for the categories they are allowed to see.

    If a plugin exists that would give us that functionality, great. If it’s something I’d have to code myself (and it could be done) that’s fine also. I’ve spent 2 days and my boss is anxious for an answer that we can do this.



    I have a repeater fieldset with ‘Website’ and ‘URL’ field.
    Here is my current code to display the datas (it’s within a while loop):

    <?php if ( bp_field_has_data() ) : ?>
    <?php echo bp_get_the_profile_field_value(); ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

    At the moment the datas are displayed like this:

    <p>Website name #1<p>
    <p>URL #1<p>
    <p>Website name #2<p>
    <p>URL #2<p>

    There is some formatting with <p> and added + I would like to get separate datas.
    I searched all over the forums, tried a lot of ways, I can’t find a solution.
    Could you please help me find a way to get the raw datas?
    Thank you!


    Hi David,

    Thank you for your reply.

    There’s no button as “Save Changes”. Only “View Profile” and “Update Profile” are available when using BuddyPress plugins to show an extra “Extended Profile” tab in WordPress User to show additional fields. Please see the google drive link shared below for a screenshot.


    Can I use any registration form plugin to create a members registration form? If the answer is positive, How can the values from the compatible custom fields of group, group type, and user type, are set to the WordPress user profile? Is it possible to create groups from the frontend by registered users?


    From extended profile tab, once I made changes in the fields and then clicking “Update Profile” button from right side top bar, nothing happens and the changes does not save. Any idea what might be the reason behind this problem?


    Hi –
    I’m not sure if Buddypress is causing my issue – but I find that once 1 option is selected for Drop Down Select Box default option (in in extended profile fields under Users > Profile Fields) there is no way to then uncheck all options.

    As a result, most of my dropdowns correctly display —– on front end (ie select 1 option) but several dropdowns have an option pre-selected that I can’t un-select (in wp-admin Users > Profile Fields).

    If anyone knows how to deselect them all – Id love to know 🙂

    Thank you



    If i send a user to

    is there any way to automatically fill a field named ‘onepin’ with the pin 90822 (or what ever is added to ?pin=

    I am using buddypress extended profile fields


    In reply to: Xprofile field


    If you mean as an input, then it would be easier to add a JobTitle xprofile field.
    You could write some code to sync the WP field with a BP field.
    Or there are plugins in the repo that claim to sync those fields.



    I’m using BB. I want to show custom fields on the profile page.
    How can I show the following data on the profile?

    $jobtitle = get_user_meta( $user_id, 'JobTitle', true);

    I prefer to add a custom function, than use an extra plugin



    Anyone? Everything I’m finding in the documentation discusses changing the profile fields, not how the profile is displayed. I want to change the screen layout of the profile.


    I’m trying to find a way to use two profile fields to help group and list members of my site. So there’s a continent field and a country field that I want to use, but am not quite sure if it’s possible with buddypress out of the box.

    The grouping would go something like this:
    — Countries
    —- Members

    I imagine the loop to display would be something like:
    -Get list of continents and display it
    — within that loop, get the list of country that belong to said continent and display it
    — within that loop, display all the members that belong that country


    i want to change bp_xprofile_fields name & discriptio based on condition selected by user .
    for that i want create muliple bp_xprofile_fields table with _suffix

    and when user select option based on that bp_xprofile_fields_suffix shoud activate

    please guid how to achive

    class BP_XProfile_Component extends BP_Component {
    public function setup_globals( $args = array() ) 
    		$global_tables = array(
    			'table_name_data'   => $bp->table_prefix . 'bp_xprofile_data',
    			'table_name_groups' => $bp->table_prefix . 'bp_xprofile_groups',
    			'table_name_fields' => $bp->table_prefix . 'bp_xprofile_fields',
    			'table_name_meta'   => $bp->table_prefix . 'bp_xprofile_meta',


    $global_tables = array(
    			'table_name_data'   => $bp->table_prefix . 'bp_xprofile_data',
    			'table_name_groups' => $bp->table_prefix . 'bp_xprofile_groups',
    			'table_name_fields' => $bp->table_prefix . 'bp_xprofile_fields<strong>_hi</strong>',
    			'table_name_meta'   => $bp->table_prefix . 'bp_xprofile_meta',

    I installed Buddypress and created advanced profile fields,
    They are displayed for me to fill out in my own profile, but other users are not displayed.
    I also don’t see the profile fields of other users,

    Why is this? Does anyone know?



    I made custom profile fields on “Users”.
    In “Multi fields” of sort order “Custom” does not work.

    Only working “Ascending” and “Descending”.
    I can not find the way of fixing it.

    Please someone tell me how to fix it.


    Anonymous User 18404156

    hi, i have removed buddypress. how can i remove instagram-profil-url, myspace-profil-url and other social url’s from database?

    i don’t want my customer to add their social links on their profile.

    thank you


    Hi there,

    I have uploaded the BuddyPress plugin, purchased the Youzify Pro, and using Woocomerce.

    My client requires me to add a QR code in the Youzify info section which I have renamed to Bio so all his customers will have a unique QR code for their dog.

    I am using a short code being [su_qrcode data=”%CURRENT_URL%” title=”Dogs”] but need some help to add this in the profile fields form which is uploaded by BuddyPress.

    It would be great if there was a php snippet I could put in my theme to ensure all users once sign up automatically have their own QR code sitting in the info section.

    Below is the link to the page I am talking about.

    Any help would be highly appreciated, thank you.

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