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Search Results for 'questions'

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  • onions2578

    If possible I would like Member Admins to be able to create their own questions for Member Users to fill out on the profile page but not needed.


    You are probably better off asking a gallery creator such as BuddyDev or rtMedia, these are all questions relating to features of the gallery views etc, which are not part of BuddyPress.


    They don’t have a contact page for that. They have a contact page for custom development or for pre sales questions.


    hello, thank you it worked

    I have few other questions :

    1) what about the css, I tried to edit it but the css of the registration page is not changing even with the !important, ps : I tried to add the css rules in the registration page with visual composer. Usually when the css rule is not working properly I can find the rule in the console and the rule is crossed out, but here in this case I can’t even find the css rules that I added.

    2) how can I disable the sentence “this field can be seen by X” , I tried to disable it with the css rule display:none but I got the problem that I described in the first point, is there another way to disable it other than with the css ?

    thank you for your answers


    In reply to: Email solution


    Thank you Vapvarun for the reassurance on MailGun.

    I had a few quick follow-up questions, I was hoping you could help me with:

    1. Do you recommend I go into “maintenance mode” before switching the email service to Mailgun or do you have any other workflow suggestions for making the email service change on a very active site?

    2. When a member gets a site generated notification is the sender email always the site email, even if it’s to notify them of a message from another member, in other words, is one MailGun account (subject to the email limit I purchase) going to do the trick for a large buddypress membership site?

    3. When a member messages a member inside the site, is this through their email?

    And if you have any documentation on this that would be great too. I’m having trouble trying to understand how email/notifications/messaging in a buddypress site functions, and then in turn how to solve our problem of exceeding our hosts* 500 per day email limit.

    Thank you again!

    *Interestingly GetFlyWheel use SendGrid but when I contacted SendGrid they referred me to MailGun

    Norman Cates

    So I’m having a really frustrating time getting BuddyPress to show all groups and fields, even if they have no data in them.

    I found this page:

    Profile Fields Loop

    It talks about the bp_group_has_profile() function. And parameters that can be applied. BUT that function is NOT in the example code on that page.

    I tried applying some of that information to


    But bp_group_has_profile does not exist in the above file.

    How does this information apply to showing all the fields and Profile Groups?

    When I search for the individual functions (like bp_profile_group_has_fields) in the BuddyPress site, they don’t seem to exist…

    Are these standard functions?

    I’m very confused about how to make this work.

    I also found this page:

    But that involves removing bits, rather than using function calls… Is this the way to do it?

    Thanks for any insight

    Henry Wright


    Try asking your question over at bbPress. They handle forum-related questions.

    Varun Dubey

    @glenndavis007 Welcome aboard, feel free to ask any questions, we will help 🙂


    Hello. Here is my site

    1. First, I would like if Your Name under extended profiles is not set to Required. But it seems I cannot change this. Is there a way to edit this so it is not required to add your name?

    2. Is there a way to remove Terms of Use from Profile Details on Register page and add it below where it says confirm password? I don’t want the Terms of Use shown on Profile, only on the Register page under Account Details, Confirm Password.

    Thank you.


    In reply to: GDPR compliance


    Hello you all!

    Since I am using BuddyPress, I have a couple of questions regarding the GDPR compliance:

    – Is this plugin setting cookies with personal information from visitors (like IP-address)?
    – Is this plugin collecting, storing and/or sending personal information from visitors (IP-address, etc.) locally and/or externally?

    In case that you are storing/sending and/or processing visitors’ information:

    – Are the IP addresses only stored anonymously, i.e. without the last octet?
    – What are you doing with the stored information?
    – Do you share the data with 3rd parties? If yes, have you concluded appropriate contracts with the subcontractors that commit the subcontractors equally to data protection?
    – When will the user data stored by you (in particular cookies) be deleted?
    – Do you offer opt-out options for users (if yes, how are they implemented)?
    – Can you provide us with a Data Processing Agreement including technical and organisational protection measures as well as an overview of the subcontractual relationships for signature?

    Thanks in advance for your replay!

    Best regards


    In reply to: Assign Members Page


    Have you found my site – BuddyPress User? I designed it to answer a lot of the questions you have. Look it up!


    Do you expect any user to answer 16 questions before he posts a message? It seems to me unreasonable. I understand that it is a non-profit organization, and I appreciate that, but still, I’m sure that not all problems require you to know all of the system’s specifications. Let alone my very specific issue. If any tiny problem requires that amount of information, then maybe this entire project needs to be reexamined from the technical aspect.



    I recently installed a social theme I bought it runs mainly on buddy press. I have a task I need to do I believe the steps are as follows but i have several questions i don’t know the answer to.

    1. Add new field to buddy presses new user registration. (what file do i need to modify to do this?)

    2. Add an extension that can scrape a website and create a database from results. (Found an extension for this)

    3. Link said database to new field in ? 1 (again what file?)

    Any help you can give me would be very appreciated. Thanks in advance.


    Hi, I’m trying to contain make my register form a little more visually compact by grouping questions into accordion. I’ve found an article specifying the use of /profile/profile-loop.php however I don’t see this file in my buddypress path/s.

    Is this now located somewhere else or is there a better means to achieve the desired result?


    First of all, a big thank you to all contributors for this useful and traight out mindblowing software! And for free! Wow! :

    In general I am not much of a coder, but I can understand some, and I have two questions:

    About buddypress bubble notification (not email) when there is a bbpress answer to a topic you either started or are subscribed to:
    – This does not work on my new site – should it? As buddypress and bbpress are so welded together, it would surprise me if this “bubble notification on forum replies” is not thought about before, but if it isn’t – what would I want to do, to notify users via the bubble when someone replies to a topic they either started or subscribed to?
    – I have enabled the notification addon in buddypress, and I reveive emails, it just doesn’t notify via the bubble.

    When a new member register, and is active – either in bbpress or in buddypress / groups or updates his profile or something else – he is still not visible under sitewide activity: New members. This does not work on a clean install of newest wordpress, newest buddypress and whatever theme. I’ve tested many.

    Is this a bug, or do I have to do something to the settings to make this work?

    Henry Wright

    I wonder why Members page is not part of the BuddyPress menu?

    Good question! This is something you can change at the theme level. Nearly all areas of BuddyPress can be customised. If you need help feel free to post questions and open new topics.

    Shashi Kumar

    Hi @ottiya
    I am sorry to hear the same. I saw the test site and just wanted to recheck a few questions.
    1. In the directory path buddypress > members > single > cover cover-image-header.php, did you created cover-imgae-header.php in the cover directory or under single directory. It should be under single directory.
    2. I think you have not enabled allowing user to upload cover image. Could you please check and confirm ?
    If the same is not enabled you can edit member-header.php under buddypress > members > single.


    What’s wrong with the support of Buddypress?
    With every plugin I get reply’s within a few hours, but Buddypress just doesn’t bother to answer questions.

    I would like some help on this and other issues please.

    Shashi Kumar

    Hi @ottiya
    If you want to play with the HTML of the Buddypress members, you will have to look at the Buddypress directory located in your child theme. As I can see from your source code, you are using child theme of weta (weta-child).

    1. Login to your web server (web host) and browse the files
    2. Go to your website directory and navigate to wp-content > themes > weta-child
    3. If you find a directory named buddypress. You can go inside and start editing the templates. As @djpaul suggested the article, you can start editing the files accordingly.

    Your questions are related to editing the member profile cover section. You can go to directory buddypress > members > single > cover-image-header.php of your child theme and edit.

    Shashi Kumar

    @ngoegan add the following code in your child theme’s function file. It modifies default behavior and redirect user to activity page. Link to the source of code

    function bbg_bp_loggedin_register_page_redirect_to( $redirect_to ) {
        if ( bp_is_component_front_page( 'register' ) )
            $redirect_to = bp_get_root_domain() . '/activity';
        return $redirect_to;
    add_filter( 'bp_loggedin_register_page_redirect_to', 'bbg_bp_loggedin_register_page_redirect_to' );

    In reply to: 1 forum on homepage

    Henry Wright

    Try asking at bbPress. They handle all forum related questions.


    I need to allow members to upload profile pics and cover images.

    I DO NOT need the additional profile questions. I may want to use them, but the “short description” and “long description” will not delete.

    I delete the “long description” and the “short description” appears. It’s a cruel game and I’m not winning. Why is this happening?

    Here is an image of what I’m trying to remove –


    Hello guys,

    I’m new to wordpress themes customization so I’d like some help with a few questions.

    I’ve been running a buddypress community for some months now but I couldn’t find out these things:

    1) How do I remove items from the menu bar that’s below the user profile header? I tried via the usual Menu customization option in WP dashboard but couldn’t find it.

    2) How do I add a link to a custom page to that same menu and make it open within the same template, that is, showing the header and menu bar on the top of the content I created?





    Ok the plugin seems dead. No answer from support on the last questions for months. Any plugin advice for me?


    I completely Disagree! BuddyPress has served me well in over 250 projects. I only use 3 plugins on average and never use any pre-made themes. I have developed over 250 perfectly working and extremely customized communities and learning websites as well as intranet sites using BuddyPress and have never had any issues with it. I have never had any issues making it do just exactly what I want to to do “Well, there maybe one or 2 items I would change”.

    Anyways, my point is, if you know how to work with WP’s flavor of messed up PHP, if you know how to use the codex, the extensive list of attributes and hooks, actions and filters that are listed all over the web, BuddyPress is a pretty puppy that can pretty much act, do or become anything you want without all the plugins.

    As far as the help goes around here, Well, yes, It has a lot to be desired. When you post a question, you must realize that not everyone here can help. A lot of the members here are looking for help themselves. The guys who can help are often times bogged down trying to help others and along with having work of their own to complete for their jobs at the same time. So yes, the help here is sparse but no one ever said that this was the help desk or the help line. Its just a forum for people to ask questions and get replies from other members and sometime staff that will help out someone when we can.

    And Finally……
    Wordpress and BuddyPress are basically developers platforms. It just so happens that its simple enough that basically anyone who has a desire to learn or are at least brave enough to look into some files can make changes and even figure out how to make a theme if they want. No one ever said it was easy for everyone which is why a lot of people pay other people to do the work for them. If you fall into this category, please just pay someone to do the work and stop whining about not getting help because you dont know what your doing.

Viewing 25 results - 251 through 275 (of 2,230 total)
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