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  • Mike Pratt

    Let’s move on to solving your problem, shall we? Everyone here is trying to help you. We are not misreading your posts (as evidenced by jjj’s reply – he’s part of “we”) We have given you things to look at but continue to have to ask questions to nail down your specific case. The bandaid solutions are not what we’re after but we are trying to figure out what combinations of settings might be tripping this behavior on your install. Yes, asking all these questions is a part of “helping” It’s not merely the eureka solution you expect (which also counts as “helping”)

    Are you experiencing this on a clean 1.2, wpmu 2.9.1 (if not, that’s a suggestion to test) install with no plugins (esp the email related ones out there?) Are you experiencing it with blog creation on? off? Is this a sub-directory or sub-domain install? After this we might be able to reproduce. But if we can’t, then we have to continue to ask questions to see what it is you might have set differently.

    Oh, and I promise to work on my self-image projection issues. :-)


    Hey r-a-y, than you for your reply :)

    I have some little questions, after i’ve read all topics around here (i guess) about bbpress and buddypress combined:

    – To have a forum as it is on, you need to install bbpress seperatly and integrate it with wordpress. Does this way allow the Group Forums, as if you install bbpress within buddypress (not seperaly) ? (maybe there is a plugin for that as far as i know, but know nothing about its stability with the new buddypress);

    – I’ve installed bbpress within buddypress, (not a seperate bbpress install). I made a group called Forums to check if forum will be enabled in it…and yes it is as you can see here.

    But the problem is if you noticed, the Forums Link on the right menu doesnt appear next to blogs and groups.

    Any ideas?

    Thank you in advance!

    Avi M

    Mode I have a couple of questions for you.

    First is there anything in the repo version that wasn’t in the version available a couple of days back? Also regarding your “I’ll be adding a few more page templates with various layouts” comment is there an eta and can you provide some more detail whats being added?

    Lastly I was in IE (whatever the latest version is) last night and the widget areas seem to be having a hard time displaying correctly. Thought I would mention it in case you want to look into it.


    This is not a problem of BuddyPress, please use WPMU support forum for general questions. Please only post questions regarding functions provided by BuddyPress plugin to this forum. In fact, you get faster response if you post this to WPMU support forum.



    Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions and subsequent suggestions, please keep me informed about the pro version of this plugin as it is integral to the proposed idea of my site, I don’t want to say that my site will hinge on this plugin (however this would be a lie)

    It’s just that after seeing this plugin it has pushed me into a whole new direction and one that I thought would not be possible, so please consider me your first customer!

    Just sent you a friend request, damn I love BP, just wish I had the technical ability instead of the ideas!!!



    I have a couple of questions I have been playing with adding a (tweet this) to the link at the bottom where it says:

    ‘0 Comments (avatar image) admin created 5 seconds ago – (then here I would like to add a button for sharing)’

    Cant find the right section to allow this do you have any ideas?

    You need to look at link-loop-item.php, there are a TON of actions in there.

    Another question as well is it possible to make the link section your home page, i.e. the first thing I want people to see is the link listing page, any ideas on how to do this?

    This was possible on the old default theme using a widget, but I dropped the huge widget until I can maybe bundle an optional CMS type home page with the plugin so there is room for the widget.

    Some suggestions (you can tell me to take a running jump on these!)

    Is it possible to add a question in the link submission page (to prevent the inevitable spammers) like ‘whats 98 + 17 (enter in box) once they have given an answer the link is posted based on correct answer or wrong one throws up link could not be posted.

    I have been thinking about this, and I’m not sure how to handle it yet. I would like to get some more suggestions from the community before I pick a direction.

    The other idea is a bookmarklet code so people can post on there blogs etc, or some kind of iFramed box to show how many votes they have received on their blog once the it has been submitted.

    This will be in the pro version.

    I know I may be reaching here but I just think this is a fantastice piece of code.

    Cheers dude, look forward to hearing from you.




    Thanks for the kind words. I will respond to your questions later when I have more time,

    @Michael Berra

    The comments ARE part of the activity stream. I am using the activity stream API to create the comments, so they should be showing up on the activity page, and everywhere else. I will PM you later with my e-mail for the translation!


    This is without a doubt one of the best plugins I have ever seen.

    I have a couple of questions I have been playing with adding a (tweet this) to the link at the bottom where it says:

    ‘0 Comments (avatar image) admin created 5 seconds ago – (then here I would like to add a button for sharing)’

    Cant find the right section to allow this do you have any ideas?

    Another question as well is it possible to make the link section your home page, i.e. the first thing I want people to see is the link listing page, any ideas on how to do this?

    Some suggestions (you can tell me to take a running jump on these!)

    Is it possible to add a question in the link submission page (to prevent the inevitable spammers) like ‘whats 98 + 17 (enter in box) once they have given an answer the link is posted based on correct answer or wrong one throws up link could not be posted.

    The other idea is a bookmarklet code so people can post on there blogs etc, or some kind of iFramed box to show how many votes they have received on their blog once the it has been submitted.

    I know I may be reaching here but I just think this is a fantastice piece of code.

    Cheers dude, look forward to hearing from you.

    Mike Pratt

    @jfigura I am happy to help figure out your problem but yo u have not given us enough information. The fact that this occur for you in v1.1.3 obviously points to the fact that you have had issues independent of v1.2. What version of WPMU? Are you setting the password during registration AND receiving an email with a DIFFERENT password? Are you expecting to receive an email with a password (if so, why? given that’s not how BP works – in spite of @Peter’s incessant protests) Does anyone have passwords that work? Did they receive them in an email or are they using the one they set on registration? These questions should help us figure out this dilemma.


    Wow! You could install BP in Yahoo! Hosting? I’ve seen many support questions at where users are bogged down or get errors with that hosting, didn’t know that Yahoo! had mod_rewrite enabled

    You can login on the sidebar at where your BP is installed. Not sure if this is going to work with Yahoo! hosting, but test if this could be added to your wp-config.php

    Allow BuddyPress to function on multiple blogs of a WPMU installation, not just on one root blog:

    define ( 'BP_ENABLE_MULTIBLOG', true ); is the insider community. If you’re registered and paying attention, then you’re one of the cool kids.

    There’s a few reasons why works and looks different than a usual BuddyPress installation does out of the box. I’ll do my best to explain them for you (and everyone else) but I can assure you, there’s nothing stopping anyone from mimicking this or infinite other kinds of hybrid installations.

    1. This site uses the old and very yucky deep integration method with bbPress. Before BuddyPress 1.1 that was the only way to do it. With 1.1 Andy wrote an abstraction layer for bbPress to seamlessly bring its functionality into a WordPress installation.

    2. The decision was made that forums made the most sense when linked directly to a group of users. Rogue forum categories without a group of users to attach them to, have taken a back seat for the time being. This has been the topic of debate for a while, but it won’t change for 1.2 and probably won’t change until bbPress as a whole gets a little more attention.

    2. Because links directly with WordPress user and usermeta tables (which is why your 1 login works at all WP related sites), upgrading and shifting around over a million registered users isn’t a task to be taken lightly.

    3. Since Buddypress 1.1 was released, hasn’t changed a single bit. Little to no attention has been paid to the inner workings of this site, and all efforts have been poured into the project itself in a very successful attempt to deliver a much more stable and solid project. Even group avatars on this site are still broken from the conversion.

    4. The purpose of the support forums is to have a central community devoted to the questions and answers that a wide array of users have while installing, theme-ing, and in general just using BuddyPress. If you have needs that don’t fall within the core code then you’re stepping outside of core support and looking for custom development.

    5. Many people on the forums (including myself) have stepped up and taken on side projects (pro bono or as paid clients.) A slew of plugins are available specifically to enhance parts of BuddyPress, but just like with WordPress if nothing currently exists that does what you need, you either need do it yourself or find someone to do it for you in a way that fits your budget.

    6. BuddyPress 1.0 launched in April of 2009. It’s less than a year old and 2 major updates have already come through with even more to come in 2010. It’s still a baby compared to WordPress and bbPress, and I think Andy and myself will be the first people to say that it’s still capable of a lot more. Patches are always welcome, and in the past year the number of code committers has doubled (from 1 to 2 ;) ) and the number of significantly contributing code patchers, bug reports, and trac tickets has just about doubled also.

    So, if you’re unhappy, I can understand why. In a way sets an unrealistic expectation of a turn-key installation. If you feel you’ve been mislead in one way or another, that makes sense to me. Your opinion is valid, and when the site is updated to 1.2, I think you’ll be pleased.

    In the meantime, if you choose not to use it that’s okay. If you choose to study the code and start submitting ideas and patches, that’s cool too. Whatever anyone decides to do, I don’t think anyone will be mad. We’re all buddies here, remember? :)

    Mike Pratt

    Dude – You’ve been watching too many conspiracy theory movies lately. Let me try and put some of your questions to rest:

    1. There is no group of insiders. Just folks who have been around since Andy started putting code in the repository. There is no conspiracy for those “in the know” to get guys like you to pay for stuff. We’re all here on our own dime. Some make money in WP/BP related endeavors but they are still here on these forums because it validates their skill set and they’re also good people.

    2. You need to hang out at for awhile. It is what you get “out of the box” in BP. I don’t want to be to snarky here, but that fact is written all over the place. Not sure how you don’t know that. The theme at is (aside from being pretty outdated as far as BP goes) Andy’s own creation. He has not once said it is what you get with BP nor has he intimated that it would be available. Way back when, we asked him to make it available with no luck. O well, no big deal. You seem to think it’s his fault for not giving it to you? FYI, is not a typical BP install. Groups are barely used. Why do you have it in your head that it is?

    3. No matter how much nice language you use, calling this community “two-faced” is not only a sure-fire way to make enemies but it’s a total falsehood. In fact, it’s an insult to all the volunteers who put in countless hours answering questions of people to lazy to read all the good info at their finger tips who’d rather just rehash the same basic stuff over and over. It’s a miracle we still get their awesome help.

    SO here’s a few suggestions: Quit masking your contempt for this community in polite prose. Fill out your profile with links and such so you are more than just a username throwing barbs. Read the codex and all the great documentation and to what DJPaul, jjj and all the other selfless BP-asisters tell you.. Perhaps a thread like “I’m trying to replicate the forum functionality the way Andy does it here on, does anyone know how that’s done” might be way to start.

    Good luck to you. We’re always here to help :-)

    Mike Pratt

    interesting approach, Bowe. Thanks for the idea. Trying now.


    Sorry for the tripple post.. the correct logout redirection is:

    <?php echo wp_logout_url(site_url() ); ?>


    Ow and you can solve the logout redirect like this:



    Mike to solve your problem with the login direction thing.. I’ve solved that with some jquery stuff which opens the reset password dialog:


    The code to display the reset password:

    <h6>If you've forgotten your login details you can reset your password. Fill in your email or username and you'll receive an email with further instructions on how to reset your password.</h6><p></p>
    <form name="lostpasswordform" id="lostpasswordform" action="<?php echo site_url('wp-login.php?action=lostpassword', 'login_post') ?>" method="post">
    <label><?php _e('Username or E-mail:') ?><br />
    <input type="text" name="user_login" id="user_login" class="loginpanel" value="<?php echo esc_attr($user_login); ?>" size="20" tabindex="10" /></label>
    <?php do_action('lostpassword_form'); ?>
    <p class="submit"><input type="submit" name="wp-submit" id="wp-submit" class="button-primary" value="<?php esc_attr_e('Get New Password'); ?>" tabindex="100" /></p>

    Another thing you could do for the time being is style the wp-login page with your own logo:


    In reply to: Hints to debug

    Boone Gorges

    Ha ha, agreed, nexia. I always learn better when my questions are, you know, specific :)


    Where can you assign these Roles to Groups? Sorry if this is somehow obvious, but I can’t find any documentation on User Roles on the Buddypress site or anywhere else. And I have these fundamental questions:

    1. Is there a way to assign user roles to Groups/Forums?

    2. Is the creator of a group the “admin” for that group? I assume so, but then, who is the Moderator, and how does a Group Admin assign a Moderator to their group?

    3. How do I give any user that has the role “Moderator” the ability to edit/delete any Group or Forum topics or posts created by any user below the Moderator level (such as Subscribers)?

    4. Can I turn off the “Create a Group” function for anybody but Admins and Moderators?

    What I’d like to do is have it so only Moderators and above can create groups, but Moderators and above can also edit and delete groups, forum topics, group/forum posts, etc. Is this possible?


    @symm2112. Tried to access the ‘private’ forum but I guess you have to be a paid member. Most sites that require paid membership have pre-sale questions thread to address these type of things. Might be a good idea.

    NEway, I’d be interested in seeing these efforts merged. They seem too similar to keep separate. If Brajesh has a longer timeline, maybe the development help can change that. It also sounds like Brajesh will have incentive to keep it going due to being compensated.

    Just a thought. We have so many other things that BP needs, I’d hate to see too much duplication. That said, if the functionality/use cases are different, maybe it’s justified.

    Michael Berra

    I say it again: GREAT plugin – thanks alot!!!

    A couple suggestions/questions:

    1. Do I get it right: I can set the default in the backend, but eyery user (not the group admin) sets/changes the notification for themselves?

    2. Forum-Notification: I don’t want forums activated on my site, but I cannot get it off (no CSS classes for display:none). It is also not dynamically I guess, for I disabled forums in the backend, but still shows forum-notifications… Any solution to this?

    3. What exactly means “added something new to the group”? Is that comments? Is that another plugin like gallery, group-documents etc?

    4. Member must be registered for option: When I type 0 in the field, that would mean no delay, right?

    5. “You can also specify a minimum gap in time between updates regarding group wiki page edits.” This sentence does not make sense to all the users who haven’t wikis installed. It’s hardcoded. Any solution to get rid of it?

    6. Last but not least: Is it translatable??? I really would love to do that for german (at least try it as my first :-)) – could you provide a POT-File?

    Thanks for all the work. This is REALLY IMPORTANT for us and well/simple made!

    Ps: This is my test-install-site: – there I am testing your plugin :-)

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    These aren’t BuddyPress questions. Look on the WordPress and WordPress MU websites and forums.


    @Headmine — JJJ had responded to some of my prior posts about this same thing, and he believed it is possible. So instead of just flooding him with a bunch of questions I spent the past few weeks reading through the codex and the bp code to see if I could figure it out on my own.

    At this point I am unsure which direction to go, but I’m confident it can be done. Honestly, once people realize what I am asking for I’m pretty certain it will become a highly requested feature.

    In a nutshell it would give us the ability to run our own social networks independent of each other.


    In reply to: bp 1.2 setup questions


    define(‘BP_DISABLE_ADMIN_BAR’, true);

    found it and it works, although in the admin area it still leaves the blank area where the bar was

    remove_action( ‘wp_head’, ‘bp_core_admin_bar_css’, 1 );

    did not remove the blank area as expected


    In reply to: bp 1.2 setup questions


    Thanks Ray, removing the old themes solved the issue.

    What I can’t figure out is why the bp bar is showing up on all of my blogs and not just the one sub-domain blog and root blog that I activated bp on.

    I’m guessing this is because bp is still activating system wide instead of on a per blog basis like other plugins.

    Is there a way of easily only showing the bar on my dev blog so that I can work on building my theme to be bp compatible without effecting all the other blogs? — many do not want bp at all, while others do.


    In reply to: bp 1.2 setup questions


    Did you follow the BP upgrade instructions here?

    Also if you’re running object cache, disable or clear it before activating your new BP 1.2 theme.

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