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Search Results for 'spam'

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  • amnonmichaelcohen

    In my standard BuddyPress I do not know how to RESTRICT the FIELD for entering new members Personal Profile URL.

    As of now, I am asking for it, but people/scammers are just entering 2-3 letters, so I do not think they are real potential/legitimate members.

    Standard BuddyPress does not have/grants me the option to restrict a new applicant’s application to enter specific sought information, say like URL, Phone Number and alike.

    Also, when I look at all new members’ applications, the Name and email and time appear, but specific field/information like Personal Profile URL are not on the page — a feature which will help me approve the legitimate new members and reject all the many fake/spammers I am getting by the hundreds…

    David Wickstead

    It could be that your email sending/server does not have the correct authentication and is being seen as potential spam. Most cases this is because there are missing or incorrect DNS settings in your domain details.

    I would recommend checking your email sender with MxToolBox. Follow the on screen promts and it will let you know if there are any issues with your domain DNS.


    I know this may sound crazy, but I’m trying to figure out why users activity in my groups is being held for moderation. Basically looking for less spam control. Is there a way to whitelist users so that their activity updates in groups is never held for moderation?


    In reply to: Infinite replies



    I’m trying to create custom commenting on a buddypress install. I basically would like to have 2 levels of nested comments, and infinite replies without the indentation causing comments to be unreadable. I found this code, but I think it’s specific to WordPress comments, not buddypress:

    Home » WordPress » How to Have Infinite Replies with WordPress Threaded Comments

    How to Have Infinite Replies with WordPress Threaded Comments
    WordPress doesn’t allow to have infinite replies beyond the maximum nested comment depth. In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to create a “Reply” link for all threaded comments, regardless of the depth.

    Table of Contents

    Code for Infinite WordPress Replies
    No Need to Modify Core WordPress Files
    Why Increasing the Max Depth via Code Doesn’t Work
    Allow Flat Inline Replies Like on Facebook
    Related to WordPress Comments:

    How to Disable Links in WordPress Comments
    How to Remove “Comments are Closed” from WordPress
    How to Block WordPress Comment Spam Using Cloudflare
    How to Display Error Messages in the WordPress Admin
    In this screenshot, I’ve set the nested comments level to three:

    WordPress Nested Comments Three Levels Deep
    WordPress Nested Comments Three Levels Deep
    WordPress will nest comment replies to this depth and then stop showing the “Reply” link at the bottom of every comment, as shown here:

    WordPress Comment Reply Missing on Maximum Depth
    WordPress Comment Reply Missing on Maximum Depth
    Because of this limitation, visitors can’t have an ongoing conversation on your site, thereby stifling debate. The code below fixes this problem.

    Code for Infinite WordPress Replies
    To solve the above problem, paste the following code into your theme’s functions.php file, or better yet, use a custom plugin for code insertion. Whichever way you choose, here’s the code you need:

    // Add a custom reply link for infinite comments

    function add_a_reply_link($comment) {
    $temp = get_comment_id();
    $comment_handle = get_comment($temp);
    // $comment_handle = get_comment(get_comment_id());
    $comment_link = get_comment_link($comment_handle);
    $comment_id = get_comment_id();
    $post_id = get_the_id();
    $author = get_comment_author();

    $comment= $comment . ‘<p>Reply</p>’;

    return $comment;

    add_filter(‘get_comment_text’, ‘add_a_reply_link’);

    // Remove the default reply link

    function remove_reply_link() {
    return ”;
    add_filter(‘comment_reply_link’, ‘remove_reply_link’)


    I had a lot of spam “pending” users and to make deletion quicker I went into wp_signups in the database and deleted the users that didn’t have an activation date listed.

    This seems to have deleted the users. However, the old number of pending users still shows at the top of the pending column. How can I reset this so it doesn’t show the old number of pending users?



    And you use the BuddyX theme with BuddyPress and not the BuddyBoss Platform right?

    You can send me an email here:

    This reply will be deleted once you reach out, in order to prevent spam mails in the future. 🙂


    I found it here:

    Stop BuddyPress SPAM



    I am building a new buddypress website and want to set all spam preventions before going live.

    Does this honeypot code still work for buddypress register page?

    // BuddyPress Honeypot
    function add_honeypot() {
        echo '';
    function check_honeypot() {
        if (!empty($_POST['system55'])) {
            global $bp;

    best regards,


    I realy like your invitations feature where you can invite friends to your site.

    But this feature was introduced in BP 8 and still has no option to limit emails per timeframe or user or a captcha protection. So you cant switch it on. Otherwise you postbox will be flooded with spam.
    As Tatiana K says “scariest feature ever” in this post:

    BP 8.0 Introduces Site Membership Invitations

    Plz, can this be introduced to any of the next versions? Or at least a helping hand to code it.


    So I’m trying to implement a way to redirect users after registering or first time login to automatically go to their Buddypress profile Settings > General to edit their profile picture, cover photo and other profile details.

    Doing this so we can determine who is a spam bot and who is active.

    Can anyone help me? I’ve been trying codes all day long and so far no luck at getting someone’s username to show up in the link successfully.

    Example of the link I’m trying:


    In reply to: Members page sidebar


    1. Which version of WordPress are you running?

    2. Did you install WordPress as a directory or subdomain install?

    3. If a directory install, is it in root or in a subdirectory?

    6. Which version of BP are you running?

    8. Do you have any plugins other than BuddyPress installed and activated? If so, which ones?
    Ad Inserter
    Advanced Editor Tools
    Akismet Anti-spam: Spam Protection
    BP Classic
    Classic Widgets
    Envato Market
    Playerx Core
    Playerx Instagram Feed
    Playerx Twitter Feed
    reCaptcha by BestWebSoft
    Sidebar Login
    Site Kit by Google
    Ultimate Category Excluder
    VFB Pro
    VFB Pro – Form Designer
    VFB Pro – Notifications
    Webhook for Discord
    Wordfence Security
    WoW Progress
    WP Discord Invite
    WP-Optimize – Clean, Compress, Cache
    WPBakery Page Builder
    Yoast SEO

    10. Which theme do you use ?

    11. Have you modified the core files in any way?

    12. Do you have any custom functions in bp-custom.php?

    15. Which company provides your hosting?

    16. Is your server running Windows, or if Linux; Apache, nginx or something else?

    17. Which BP Theme are you using?
    Tried both legacy and new.

    18. Have you overloaded any BuddyPress template files.


    Okay let me put this short and simple – first of all I’m not a spammer I’m a regular user requesting support for buddypress…. Just cause I don’t have a profile picture doesn’t automatically mean I’m a spammer. Does somebody need to see my driver license to prove it?

    Why isn’t there a way to ban users permanently or set a time until their allowed with a custom message?


    It’s due to SMTP. You must log in to SMTP using your website email address.
    Not enough, unfortunately only with Buddypress, you then also have to identify the email address with the website provider DMARk, use the Easy WP SMTP plugin
    You need to contact your website provider.
    Also check the spam

    We are welcome to network, register if necessary and give each other tips.

    Nachbarschaftstreff Hamburg – Harburg – Basteln Workshops


    It’s because of SMTP. You have to log in to SMTP with your website email address.
    Not enough, unfortunately only with Buddypress, you then also have to identify the email address with the website provider DMARk, use the Easy WP SMTP plugin
    You have to contact your website provider.
    Also look in the spam

    We are welcome to connect and perhaps register each other and give each other tips.

    Nachbarschaftstreff Hamburg – Harburg – Basteln Workshops


    This is displayed to me as I come from Germany

    I am sorry to inform you that your message was not possible
    be delivered to one or more recipients. It is attached below.

    (2a00:1450:4025:c01::1b) said: 550 5.7.1 This message does not comply with RFC 5322
    compliant. There are several To headers. To reduce the amount of spam sent to
    Gmail, this message has been blocked. For more information, see
    Check and RFC 5322
    Specifications 4fb4d7f45d1cf-5733c2d5aa2si13175593a12.240 – GSMTP


    Ok thanks – just out of interest and to avoid such impressions in future – what was it that made you think it might be spam?


    Thanks venutius for removing all potential spam from this forum, it’s appreciated.

    The question was regarding: why are forums not showing on my Buddypress site?

    My reply: Buddypress does not include forum functionality by default.
    Usually this can be added via another plugin eg. bbpress.

    Find the bbpress plugin on the WordPress plugins website.

    Install it, that should solve your issue.


    I decided that your site may be potential spam




    I’m experiencing issues with the password field on the registration form. While it’s not displaying a password that exists (and every time I refresh it, it updates to a different one), it displays something random for any user who finds this page. I think this is why we keep getting so many spam requests…

    Is there any way to hide that field input by default?

    I found another topic here regarding a different theme conflict:



    I can recommend this plugin. I get no spam signups and I’ve removed captcha.

    I’ve had it installed now for over a year, it’s blocked them all.


    Hey guys,

    I’m wondering if you can help.

    I installed BB-Press & BuddyPress a few weeks ago and quickly found the need to add a CAPTCHA to stop the spam sign ups.

    I installed it, and it slowed them down, but I’m still getting sign ups that are clearly fake.

    Attached is a screenshot of the settings and below is a link to the website forum.

    Are you able to see where they might be getting through?

    Sound Matters Forum



    From what I can see in my dashboard, users marked as Spam still show up in the All users section. Unfortunately there seems to be no way to sort them so you might have to individually set each back to “Not spam”.


    Someone changed all users to spam, altho I don’t see Spam as a choice Anywhere.

    How can I change them to active again? I’ve bulk and sgl selected and clicked to active, participant, etc. but nothing changes.

    Would appreciate your assistance.
    Version 12.4.1



    I have a website running BuddyPress with 50000 users and we are hit by a lot of spam user creations. We managed to mitigate it but it ends up bloating the uploads folders with thousands of avatar images that end up staying there when deleting user accounts. Is there a hook or function dedicated to handling avatars that is not working on my hand when deleting a user or is this normal?

    I saw that this topic asked the same question a looooong time ago but no answers and can’t find anything in documentation about that.

    How to discard unused uploaded avatar images in wp-content/uploads/avatars

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