The Notifications %s
string looks like it is available:
If you’re using a custom translation from a previous version, you need to merge your language files together. Here’s a quick tutorial I found on Google:
You might also benefit from a translation that is already available here:
I have the newest stable version of WordPress and Buddypress. My problem is that most tabs under the profile (notifications, messages, friends and groups) won’t translate from english to my language. I have successfully translated other strings that are used by Buddypress, and I know for sure that I have translated them in .po and .mo file (as it works with the other translations I have applied).
For the notifications string, it seems like it is added in buddypress/bp-notifications/classes/class-bp-notifications-component.php line 136:
_x( 'Notifications %s', 'Profile screen nav', 'buddypress' )
However, when I look at the .po file, I cannot find the exact string “Notifications %s”, only “Notifictions”. Could that be the problem?
Let me know if you need more information.
Thank you
My WordPress version is : 4.5.3
My BuddyPress version is :
I have been trying to find a way to change the names / text of at least 2 BuddyPress member profile menu items.
I want to change ‘Friends’ to ‘Connections’ and ‘Groups’ to ‘Clubs’.
I tried using poedit with the latest pot file from BP 2.6 and translated all occurrences of ‘Friends’ and ‘Groups’ but it is still not working.

All translations other than profile nav items are working fine. I also tried changing the language in WordPress settings, still no avail.
Kindly help me
Many thanks
Re-check your po file and see if the original word hasn’t a count beside it. Something like Members %s
. Many translation are omitting this or use an erroneous variable ( something like % or %d or…nothing). In any case, the translation should contain, if exist in the original, such variables.
Same remark if you use plugins or a theme who modify the menu.
You can also check for the new nav API examples you could eventually help you to rename the items, but only if nothing goes to work with translation itself.
@socialc, since 2.6 and the new Nav API, there is a much simplier possibility as the translation file to change nav item names.
@marcono, try this; not sure you learned, below snippet is on Nav API examples i indicated previously. 😉
function bpcodex_rename_group_tabs() {
if ( ! bp_is_group() ) {
buddypress()->groups->nav->edit_nav( array( 'name' => __( 'Group Discussion', 'buddypress' ) ), 'forum', bp_current_item() );
add_action( 'bp_actions', 'bpcodex_rename_group_tabs' );
function bpcodex_rename_profile_tabs() {
buddypress()->members->nav->edit_nav( array( 'name' => __( 'My Buddy Forums', 'textdomain' ) ), 'forums' );
buddypress()->members->nav->edit_nav( array( 'name' => __( 'My Buddy Groups', 'textdomain' ) ), 'groups' );
add_action( 'bp_actions', 'bpcodex_rename_profile_tabs' );
@marcono you might want to read this page and consider making a translation file of your own.
The Danish translation is not complete… so the automatic translation doesn’t work.
Read from here to go further:
Languages and Translations
positionning: check CSS pseudo class :before or :after
buddypress.pot: this file does nothing! It contains only the strings you can translate. If you need a translation, you have to create a po and a compiled mo file. To do this you need a tool like poEdit.
Any code placed in bp-custom.php stays untouched after an update. It works like a child-theme.
Hi jangolin
Thanks for your reply – KLEO Theme language files are there…
Problem I have is finding how to make buddypress find the Danish translations .po and .mo I have in wp-content/languages/plugins/
I have no problems with other plugins only buddypress….
Using v
I do NOT have a folder: wp-content/buddypress/languages/
And I DID add the .po and .mo to wp-content/languages/plugins/
I am not using loco translate
Have checked po language files and translation is still there….
I am also using KLEO Sweet Date, even if your theme language files are there, they are probably without translation.
When I opened my language file in poedit all my translation was gone and had to do the translation all over again and upload, then it worked
So open your po. language files and see if your translation is still there
you used the wrong directory for translation.
The directory to use IS NOT wp-content/buddypress/languages/
if you manually upload a po/mo for BP, add it to
wp-content/languages/plugins/ / po
Thanks for the tip
Using KLEO theme – can see that the language file is still there.
Still having problems with getting buddypress to find the translations….
I dont what theme you use but i found the solution for my problem
The latest update from my theme erased the theme language files which made that the byddypress translation didnt show, I had to translate my theme language file all over again and upload po and mo file and now buddypress is showing again.
Check if you theme language files are still there
Having same problem with Danish language.
Have added both .mo and .po to wp-content/buddypress/languages/ but can’t see the translations…
However, bbpress seems to be getting the translations OK …
Deactivate loco translate and redo what i described previously.
Search also for evtl. issues mentionned on loco translate support.
Aside there is no reason to use that plugin if you don’t translated scecificcally BuddyPress to your nedd. sv_SE.po/mo are loaded automatically.
If despite this, you use your own translation version, see how to prevent your translation to be overidden. It’s explained in one of the sticky topics on the plugin support.
I’m unable to reproduce your issue. WP and BP language update is working properly.
BuddyPress har uppdaterats utan problem.
Guess it is this who genrate now an issue.
I have tried to update the po file with a new mo file but no difference
Po & mo are not the same file, and mo is compiled…
Remove all bp language files from /language/
Deactivate and reactivate BP – this will force BP to reach his translation.
My translation in buddypress stop working after latest update 2.6.1
My language files po and mo are in /wp-content/languages/plugins
The POT file is in /wp-content/plugins/buddypress
I have tried to update the po file with a new mo file but no difference
I use Sweet Date theme and have some plugins as bpchat, bp poke, profiles serach, recent visitors and other, all other translation is working except buddypress and it all worked ok before the last update.
Any solution to this problem?
Hello Buddypress,
today on 23.06.2016 , there was a new update of (version 2.6.0) and here are the translations of notifications, messeges and friends on the tab were in german forgotten. can you please make it?
That was a surprise for me, as yesterday BuddyPress ru_RU was 100% translated by me – both dev and stable.
I re-imported translations, so now everything is 100%.
Добрый день @valery-kondakoff,
no it’s not a regression ! Just a question of delay after BP’s update. Translations are made by volonteers, which are humans, not programmed machines. You have to wait that the translation is completed.
Or you can download the trunk version, which is already completed to 100%.
At the page bottom you have a download button and a file type selector. Select po and mo format and rename both files to buddypress-ru_RU
BuddyPress share the DB with WordPress (the wp where it is activated).
An association between Polylang and Lingotek could be a good compromise.
If you really want 3 WP, it’s possible for them to use one DB.
Read also the documentation about installing BuddyPress on multisite.
> Which template did you changed?
I changed the theme (thrive social) i’m testing , editing & setting because i want that theme for my site. I set another one i have installed (socialMe) to see if the translation problem in some places of the site persist in this one.
> What do you want to fix if it works now ?
I want to fix the problem in the thrive social template because that will be my main template.
Yo said something like
Apparently there are some missing tabs aside “subir”
. What is that about?
> I just changed the template and the translations works fine.
Which template did you changed ? What do you want to fix if it works now ?
Have you tried with a Twenty theme ?