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Re: BuddyPress Links 0.2-RC1 now available




Your admin bug is fixed in the trunk. Not sure about your friends_check_friendship() issue. The friends component loads before bp-links, so that function should exist. Can you do any debugging on your end?


Thanks for the kind words. I have put a lot of time into this plugin!


The most recent version of the plugin does not call that function on that line. When you upgraded did you copy the newer links template files into your theme?


I have on my list of services to support in the Pro version which hopefully will be out in February


I originally tried to hook into WP categories and tags and it was a huge nightmare trying to figure it out. I may take another crack at it in the future when the higher priority stuff has been completed. Vimeo is on my list of services that will be supported in the Pro version. Users already can delete links from the link admin page.

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