First, thank you to everyone who has helped with my questions in the past. I know the support is free and I am grateful for those who assist.
I started my site over a month ago. However it is on hold because new subscribers are not receiving their confirmation emails. Big problem – new members are ready to join and I’m afraid my site is losing momentum. I used the plugin “Check Email” and it sends emails with no issue. I deleted BP and uploaded it again today, but still the patch (see below) is not in it.
I tried to add the patch as stated by @r-a-y. But WP could not save it. ( I don’t know anything about FTP so that’s not going to work.
Any idea when BP will be updated with this patch so I can simply load a fresh version of it on WP?
If it can’t be resolved, can anyone recommend another platform?
Thanks for helping.
I’m setting up a new website. I’ve chosen Buddypress for registratio, but it’s not sending activation emails. I’ve read many threads but not coming up with a solution.
Here’s what I know:
WP version 4.9.6
Buddypress 3.0.0
WP mail SMTP has been set up by my hosting provider, and it’s working ok. All the test emails arrive correctly.
When I try to register through Buddpress registration form, there’s a sign saying that an email has been sent. But it never arrives there. I’ve checked with gmail, but also but So sure it’s not going to spam folder.
I’ve also tried adding these to my functions.php theme file
add_filter( ‘bp_email_use_wp_mail’, ‘__return_true’ );
That is not working neither.
Is there anything else I can try?
I am testing this, but wondering at the same time what is ” the repair email option”.
Hello @alpokoskiniva, this solution is tested and has worked for everyone with activation mail issue. I am sure you will also be able to solve this.
As for “reset email settings” – go to Dashboard> tools > BuddyPress tools and here you will find this option. This option resets Buddypress e-mail configuration to default. Hope it helps.
When a user activate an account via email link like
the browser show (width an 302 redirect). All work fine.
But how can I read the value of the activation key (3ONWPmBo9srNbF4Fm8d6kIQInFV9NvHt in my example) in the page activate.php, in order to redirect user to a paiement page ? I want the user ID.
Thanks a lot @sharebophar for your solution. I had to do a little of adjustment but it was right on the spot!
buddypress nouveau not sending activation email but buddypress nouveau sending correctly emails to user for notifications on manually activated users. So in my case the problem was ONLY that the validation email was not sent. I say ‘only’ from a technical perspective but from the user perspective was a VERY BIG issue. Again thanks @sharebophar for your solution
Also note that I am not running a wordpress multisite.
Here are the steps I have employed:
a) browse to “/bp-core/bp-core-functions.php” in buddypress plugin directory
b) replace the code for ‘core-user-registration’ and ‘core-user-registration-with-blog’ with the following one
'core-user-registration' => array(
/* translators: do not remove {} brackets or translate its contents. */
'post_title' => __( '[{{{}}}] Activate your account', 'buddypress' ),
/* translators: do not remove {} brackets or translate its contents. */
'post_content' => __( "Thanks for registering!\n\nTo complete the activation of your account, go to the following link: <a href=\"{{{activate.url}}}\">{{{activate.url}}}</a>", 'buddypress' ),
/* translators: do not remove {} brackets or translate its contents. */
'post_excerpt' => __( "Thanks for registering!\n\nTo complete the activation of your account, go to the following link: {{{activate.url}}}", 'buddypress' ),
'core-user-registration-with-blog' => array(
/* translators: do not remove {} brackets or translate its contents. */
'post_title' => __( '[{{{}}}] Activate {{{user-site.url}}}', 'buddypress' ),
/* translators: do not remove {} brackets or translate its contents. */
'post_content' => __( "Thanks for registering!\n\nTo complete the activation of your account and site, go to the following link: <a href=\"{{{activate-site.url}}}\">{{{activate-site.url}}}</a>.\n\nAfter you activate, you can visit your site at <a href=\"{{{user-site.url}}}\">{{{user-site.url}}}</a>.", 'buddypress' ),
/* translators: do not remove {} brackets or translate its contents. */
'post_excerpt' => __( "Thanks for registering!\n\nTo complete the activation of your account and site, go to the following link: {{{activate-site.url}}}\n\nAfter you activate, you can visit your site at {{{user-site.url}}}.", 'buddypress' ),
a) go to wordpress dashboard, settings, buddypress
b) select and run the ‘repair email’ option
all now works. I have been testing it with dummy users. I hope the whole explanation helps.
It seems confirmed that Buddypress is not sending (or resending when triggered) the activation emails for new users. I have seen in the logs of Post SMTP Email Log that the test emails go through, even password reset, but new user activation link emails don’t go to my gmail or email at another domain I own.
I have spoken to my host, dreamhost, where I have several Buddypress sites that seem to work just fine, however this newest one that I installed just Thursday has been nothing but problems.
I’ve uninstalled, reinstalled several times, tried different tricks, used Easy SMTP, WP Mail and as mentioned Post SMTP EMail Log.
I install wordpress alone, works, I get my admin account email. I change the WP system email and my admin account email to the sites branded email. Still everything is working, getting the emails. Then install Buddypress and nothing from it, nothing in the logs, nothing in spam folders, nada.
The other sites are not so new, most recent one I installed was several months ago, but they all run Buddypress and reside on the same VPS with the same configuration as this new site.
I’m running out of ideas. Help! 🙂
At the moment, I have a plugin called BP Disable Activation Reloaded which has disabled the normal BP Activation system. Then another plugin called User Activation By E-Mail is sending out an email to user, which contains a button for them to click on. Then they can login and are supposed to be redirected to the activation page, where they need to complete a form for extra data.
This is a complete hack workaround and I’m going to need to mess around with the user roles etc to get this working the way it needs to be.
Obviously, LOTS of people have this issue and it’s not something that can be ignored because members can’t actually access the site without that email. For this to have been going on for a decade is a joke and makes the plugin a lot less value in general. I wouldn’t consider purchasing anything without this working.
@bassibabes1 yeah its really very annoying. People have been dealing with this issue for years but it remains unsolved. Everyone suggests to use wp_smtp or similar plugin but in my case they all fail.
@bassibabes1 on your site register auto login is enabled and that might be a reason users are not getting activation emails. I had registered at your site, and I was logged in at the same time. You might be added any plugin or custom codes inside the theme on purpose.
At the moment, I have a plugin called BP Disable Activation Reloaded which has disabled the normal BP Activation system. Then another plugin called User Activation By E-Mail is sending out an email to user, which contains a button for them to click on. Then they can login and are supposed to be redirected to the activation page, where they need to complete a form for extra data.
This is a complete hack workaround and I’m going to need to mess around with the user roles etc to get this working the way it needs to be.
Obviously, LOTS of people have this issue and it’s not something that can be ignored because members can’t actually access the site without that email. For this to have been going on for a decade is a joke and makes the plugin a lot less value in general. I wouldn’t consider purchasing anything without this working.
@vapvarun Yeah, I’ve tried numerous different Email plugins – they ALL work in every way APART from sending the BP activation email.
@sharebophar – yes that menu item only changes the look of the emails and has no impact on functionality.
Seems like people have been dealing with this issue for a decade. There is no solution that works for me. I have tried almost every workaround I found in forums but all in vain.
It’s strange that when I deactivate buddypress, all emails work fine. It’s just buddypress that doesn’t send activation mail. It sends forgot password mail though.
I am having the exact same problem. I’m using a GSuite account, and have setup my emails on the WP site using GMail SMTP. I can send test emails from this plugin and am email comes from WP if I go through the Lost Password process. But NO activation email! ARGH!
Hello Everyone.
From past a week I’ve been working on my website. The problem is that buddypress doesn’t send activation mail but when I trigger forgot password email for the same account it sends.
Default wordpress register page is able to send activation mail but when I activate buddypress it doesn’t work.I have tried all the plugins and have been going through all these forums from last two days but all in vain.
I have reinstalled it thrice and now as stated in requirements I have done a manual wordpress install. I am on shared hosting and using my website mail server to send emails.
My site : My Site
Wordpress Version: 4.9.6
Buddypress version: 3.0.0
Please help me solve this issue.
hi i read a lot of posts here:
i have buddypress 3.0.0.
tried all those smtp plugins and still not activation code from buddypress, all site email and test email from the smtp plugins works ok
and idea??
Configure SMTP
הפעלה | מחיקה
Configure SMTP mailing in WordPress, including support for sending e-mail via SSL/TLS (such as GMail).
גרסה 3.1 | מאת Scott Reilly | הצגת פרטים
בחר Easy WP SMTP
הפעלה | מחיקה
Send email via SMTP from your WordPress Blog
גרסה 1.3.6 | מאת wpecommerce, alexanderfoxc | הצגת פרטים
בחר Post SMTP
Settings | Visit us | כיבוי
Email not reliable? Post SMTP is the first and only WordPress SMTP plugin to implement OAuth 2.0 for Gmail, Hotmail and Yahoo Mail. Setup is a breeze with the Configuration Wizard and integrated Port Tester. Enjoy worry-free delivery even if your password changes!
גרסה 1.8.9 | מאת Jason Hendriks, Yehuda Hassine | הצגת פרטים
בחר WP Mail SMTP
הפעלה | מחיקה
Reconfigures the wp_mail() function to use SMTP instead of mail() and creates an options page to manage the settings.
גרסה 1.2.5 | מאת WPForms | הצגת פרטים
I have been using this plugin for a while and the process that happened when someone registered was they would get an activation email and when they clicked the link in the email it would take them back to my site activated and ready to go. Since the last update of both WP and Buddypress (did them on same day) instead of taking the user to the site already activated it is asking them for an activation key now. I’m not sure what happened or if there is a way I can change it back as my client wants it the old way.
Wordpress Version:4.9.6
Buddypress Version:3.0
It looks like there is a bug where the activation email post is not created for new installs using single-site.
I’ve reported the bug here:
The fix can be found here:
Once you’ve added the fix, go to “Tools > BuddyPress” in the admin dashboard and select “Reinstall emails”. This should add the missing activation email post.
Also this test i did in an incogneto window as well. so.
at least I know that the “Activation Key” is actually in the email that is sent saying “click here to activate”.
It would be nice if i could just make it redirect them to the dashboard allowing the email click to be an official registration…
I was having the same issue, It turns out, the LINK that is sent in the email IS the activation key.
The text for the activation link shows
the actual hyperlink is
So I believe when the user lands at the activation page, the activation link is supposed to be auto populated. maybe there is a script or a listener on the page waiting for the activation link.
I think maybe due to the spam protector, the hyperlink is encrypted or screwed up, which keeps the “activation page” from listening for the key (which it would normally auto-populate)
I dont know if this is just an outlook issue, i haven’t tested it anyfurther. nor do i know if its an email server issue.
This first test user, the activation link was sent from a wordpress generated email (not tied to smtp or anything) i had to dig the email out of my spam.
so i’ll register the bbpress with an actual smtp email, and send to a gmail, and a yahoo..
and see if it auto populates the activation key field.
long story short, the activation link is in the url of the email link (with exception for
When someone is registrered in my website by buddypress, the system send an email. That email contains one link where you can click and it sends you to a activation page. In this page, the website ask you an activation key, but in the email it doesn’t appear.
Someone can help me?
Thank you!
Buddypress Versión 3.0.0
WordPress 4.9.6
Did you test the activation email without BuddyPress loaded? I don’t suppose you edited the slug for he register page? I knw that sometimes causes the activation email to fail.
@venutius – any idea why test emails are sent successfully via the plugin “Check Email” but no activation email from BP?
Hello I have create one intranet with the help of woffice theme. Until now everything was working perfect but after an update I have a problem. Specific the new user that are register in the intranet, when they received the activation letter in there email, they click the activation email and they are transfered in a page where there asked to enter the validation code and of course they dont know what to do. Until now when the user was clicked the activation link , he was transfered in login page and he could log in. Waiting for your help. Thank you