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Search Results for 'activation email'

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  • #86572

    What kind of support forum is this? If you google about this “buddypress activation email problem” it’s all over the !@#&% place, and no one has an answer? I’ve seen forum after forum post, thread, question, whatever and well over a dozen “fixes”, none of which have worked for me.

    This is absurd. Registrars not getting their activation emails and, as a result, not being able to log in, basically renders Buddypress USELESS. I wished I’d known about this before I spent the last three !@#&% days customizing my site.

    Here’s an idea… Don’t release this crap without being 110% sure that the most important feature (people being able to become members) works.

    And at the very least can you guys answer the question… How can we fix the problem?

    Paul S

    The “Mail From” plugin does indeed work. In the Dashboard I had to go to the Settings menu, in there was listed the “Mail From” plugin. The sender email was a nonexistent account, which was the problem. I changed it to an existing account. I just created a new user account in the website, and the activation email was sent out, immediately. And it worked, too.

    Problem solved.

    Paul S

    Apparently it now does work. Although it took a few hours for my activation email to arrive, it did. But, the sender email address wasn’t the admin email (the one listed as the one from which all activation/notification emails are sent from) it was an weird email from BlueHost. mybluehostusername

    Should I take this up with Blue Host? Or is something else wrong?

    Paul S

    OK, I have a BuddyPress install on my website, which is hosted by BlueHost.

    I’m using WP ver 3.0 and BP ver

    I have searched all over for the solution to the problem apparently addressed in this thread, but the suggested “Mail From” plugin doesn’t work. I just logged out as Admin, and signed up as a regular user. The site told me my registration is complete, pending my reception of the activation email and subsequent clicking on the link contained.

    There was a suggestion in this thread, I think, to go to the Options menu and edit the Registration email configuration, I cannot see any way to do that.

    Jeremy Robinson

    Someone has just suggested to us that they are convinced it is a php/SMTP conflict related to the multiple installs or wordpress.

    Any idea what this means or how to go about fixing this issue…


    Jeremy Robinson

    If anyone could suggest a 5 star idiot proof plugin for BP WP noobz please, please, please let me know. Just need to fix this issue.


    Jeremy Robinson

    I am actually having the same issue as the first poster – but her issue kind of got derailed after the 3rd post…

    I currently am trying to install different mailing plugins but nothing has worked yet.

    There seems to be zero connection between emails and the sites content, however the internal site communications are working fine.

    Jeremy Robinson

    Sorry I meant SMTP Email Plugin


    you’ll have been sent an email with an account activation link, clicking that will activate the account and enable you to log in. (I have just done this myself using my WP3.0 test install).


    Cool, glad that worked for you!


    I installed the “Mail From” plugin and it’s working now.. Hosting company is “HostMonster” which is part of a parent company that owns, Powweb and a number of others, possilby BlueHost as well…

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    Welcome Pack will also do this in next version; I’m working with @crashutah on it. (end plug, hehe).


    Use the BP Disable Activation plugin by @crashutah

    Make sure you add a captcha plugin or some type of spam prevention!


    In reply to: Lost Activation Email


    Take an activation URL in the activation email (send yourself a fake one if you don’t have one lieing around). Then, go into something like phpmyadmin. Look at the table for users (it’s different if you’re using WP vs. WPMU) and find the activation key. Replace the key in the URL and now you can use that URL to activate the account.

    I’ve also heard rumor that someone might be working on a plugin to deal with this type of situation.


    My problem with the activation e-mail is that when you click on the link in the e-mail it goes to google page not found listing the URL including the additional code .. however I found that by getting people to copy and paste it into their browser it did work .. not ure what is causing this problem. If it works in the browser why is it not working in the e-mail?


    If you’re on BlueHost, there have been issues with the email being sent.

    You can try the proposed solution listed here.


    Help?!?!?! I am having the same problem except once a new user the hits “Submit Query” (which why does it say that anyway rather than register?) it just comes back to the same page with no error message. I am running WPMU 3.0BP Everything was working fine. I’m not sure if it was the upgrade or a plug-in I installed, or some stupid error I made. I note that the last person who registered was 5 days ago. I am very new at the program and do not know yet how to code (but trying to learn!) I’ve dug all over, but can’t seem to figure it out. I am presenting the site at a conference for a school project, and now it suddenly stopped working! I am a broke grad student, but if someone can help me out, I can throw a few bucks their way if they can help me get it fixed before Saturday! The site is . I can be reached to chat or email at digitaldance007 . PLEASE HELP!!!! :)


    I’m happy to delete all the new users since they shouldn’t be here yet anyway :-) But I still can’t get any email to send outbound. I used the same host / setup with Joomla with no issues… Is there no way in WP/BP to see the email setup? To tell it to try sendmail or to use a specific SMTP server? That seems like huge missing feature???

    Philo Hagen

    That is, of course, an option, but I’m moving a community over from a site that was in Movable Type and Elgg into a new WordPress / Buddypress system and users are obviously attached to having the same username they had before and that people already know them by.

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    You have to edit the database to manually activate a new user. BP will use whatever mail server settings you have configured PHP for, which may well be sendmail.


    I just delete them and tell them to sign on again… seems to be working for me…

    Philo Hagen

    I’m pretty new to Buddypress and WordPress. Launched my first site today with 95% of the “i can’t find my registration” emails solved by directing them to their spam folders. But beyond that I have three that can’t find their email, say it’s not in their spam folder, and I need to get em in. Opened phpadmin and didn’t see a “wp_signsup” listing. Checked out “wp_users” and found user_activation_key and there’s a list of 30 things and two of them have keys next to them. They’re different keys. How do I know which one to use? And how exactly do I use it. Do I go to the example url above and enter this key and then that gets them in? Or do I give them the key and they do that? Any insights most appreciated.

    Andrea Rennick

    I just signed up to your site. Worked for me. even got to the “hey, lookit your nice avatar!” page. :D

    One thing I noticed – there’s not bp admin bar, no links in the menu, no indication anywhere about any BP areas.

    As a new user, I’d have no idea where to go next.

    But, then I did get my activation email, as I requested a blog as well. So, then I do see the admin bar when logged in. *phew*. So far, no errors though.

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