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Search Results for 'activation email'

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  • #84546

    I just delete them and tell them to sign on again… seems to be working for me…

    Philo Hagen

    I’m pretty new to Buddypress and WordPress. Launched my first site today with 95% of the “i can’t find my registration” emails solved by directing them to their spam folders. But beyond that I have three that can’t find their email, say it’s not in their spam folder, and I need to get em in. Opened phpadmin and didn’t see a “wp_signsup” listing. Checked out “wp_users” and found user_activation_key and there’s a list of 30 things and two of them have keys next to them. They’re different keys. How do I know which one to use? And how exactly do I use it. Do I go to the example url above and enter this key and then that gets them in? Or do I give them the key and they do that? Any insights most appreciated.

    Andrea Rennick

    I just signed up to your site. Worked for me. even got to the “hey, lookit your nice avatar!” page. :D

    One thing I noticed – there’s not bp admin bar, no links in the menu, no indication anywhere about any BP areas.

    As a new user, I’d have no idea where to go next.

    But, then I did get my activation email, as I requested a blog as well. So, then I do see the admin bar when logged in. *phew*. So far, no errors though.


    I tested this again on another install and same happening. Notification for activation email, mention, new friendship request, etc. all have problem. See same in yahoo and gmail emails.


    It looks like the fix is to change:
    $group_ids = $this->get_group_ids( $user_id );

    $group_ids = BP_Groups_Member::get_group_ids( $user_id );

    in bp-groups-classes.php


    I think the problem was that I had BP_MULTIBLOG_ENABLED, and didn’t have BLOGID_CURRENT_SITE set correctly in wp-config.php. I fixed that, but now, I get the following error when I try to delete a user:

    [03-Jul-2010 13:22:47] PHP Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 1053

    The error occurs in delete_all_for_user(), a member function of BP_Groups_Member

    Any ideas?


    If I remove registration/register.php from my theme, I just get sent back to the subdomain’s home page when I try to register, without getting a form to register in. Where does the BuddyPress registration page come from when things are working correctly? Is it from the bp-default theme?


    Remove the register.php from your user blog’s theme because you shouldn’t need it.
    That’s causing the problem.


    Yes, BuddyPress is activated network-wide.

    I get redirected to which runs the register.php file in my theme. The register.php file is a copy of the bp-default/registration/register.php file, with a couple of formatting changes.

    Should I get redirected to (without the subdomain)?

    btw, the contents of the bp-custom.php file are:

    php define( ‘BP_ROOT_BLOG’, 9 );
    php define( ‘BP_ENABLE_MULTIBLOG’, 1 );

    if that’s any help.


    If you’re using WPMU or WP 3.0 in network mode, try this:

    The plugin author hasn’t updated this for single WP yet.

    A more, manual method involves forwarding the activation emails to an admin account so you can approve them manually that way.

    Put this sample code in your theme’s functions.php:

    Replace “get_site_option( “admin_email” );” with a custom email address if you don’t want it to forward to your admin email addy.


    Do you have BuddyPress activated network-wide?

    If you activated BP network-wide, when you attempt to register from a subdomain, what is supposed to happen is you get redirected to BuddyPress’ register page.


    “What’s wrong with creating the user before the activation email is sent?”

    Because the (spam) account is still there, listed everywhere, even if it will never be used.


    What’s wrong with creating the user before the activation email is sent? If it doesn’t get sent, then the user won’t be created and they’ll never be able to login since the user account won’t be activated.

    Of course, if you’re using the plugins that r-a-y mentions, then that’s a different story.


    You have to activate your account via email by default!

    It appears that you’re using the BP Disable Activation plugin or some other plugin that does something similar.
    Can you confirm?


    Has anyone made any progress with this? Will we have buddypress checking for banned email domains soon?
    Will we have buddypress checking for banned domains upon registration and perhaps even again upon activation?
    Can someone please add the possibility to add *.info in a way that works
    I know this won’t stop all spam and splogs – but I am getting tired of deleting a dozen spammers every day that are mostly from the same dozen domain names that I have added to the block list. This would save lots of people hlaf the splog deletions, and that adds up to a lot of time saved.
    BTW – has anyone tested buddypress with TTC Spam Bot Registration plugin ( )to see if there are any issues? I am guessing it may still be bypassed by buddypress even if it worked in WP?


    @tober11 Thanks. It’s nice to hear. I figured if I was going to be building my project on the back of BuddyPress I should try to do my part to give back. I’m all in with BuddyPress, so you’ll see me around here for a while.

    BTW, this plugin is now release officially: and will be part of Welcome Pack 2.2 in the future.

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    FYI, Welcome Pack 2.2 will include this functionality; I’m working with techguy on this.


    techguy …I’ll be looking forward to your progress on this. As a side note…I’ve enjoyed your contributions around this community. Kudos


    I think a lot of it is because its considered spam by most email hosts just as gmail, aol, etc. Can someone help create a fix for this? There has to be a way to change the way the emails are delivered from Buddypress.


    dt borneo

    the problem same with my buddypress, new register never receive activation code from administrator

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    No, Welcome Pack won’t let you create or change which email address the activation emails are sent to.


    Nice find Zachary. I wouldn’t recommend changing that file since it will get overwritten when you upgrade BP. Instead just use the bp_core_activation_signup_user_notification_to filter to change it to your email.


    Figured this out, finally. Turns out that the file and function to modify was:
    –>function bp_core_activation_signup_user_notification( $user, $user_email, $key, $meta )

    Isn’t it redundant to have two functions so similar to each other? Both the above function and
    –>function bp_core_signup_send_validation_email( $user_id, $user_email, $key )
    are extraordinarily similar to each other. It’s kinda frustrating.

    I’d consider developing a plugin, but perhaps I’ll wait for the first release of WP 3.0.


    I have compared both the test server and the live server configs, disabled mod_security, checked different other settings and found NOTHING until I stumbled upon a pretty hidden error log of this client and there are a couple of different DB errors like [06-Jun-2010 10:46:25] WordPress database error Unknown column 'spam' in 'where clause' for query SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM wp_users WHERE spam = 0 AND deleted = 0 AND user_status = 0 made by require, require_once, do_action, call_user_func_array, bp_core_do_catch_uri, load_template, require_once, bp_get_total_member_count, bp_core_get_total_member_count

    so its definitely a wordpress issue and not a server issue. here is a bigger part of the error log, just in case anyone has some feedback on this:

    gettign weirder and weirder:

    the test site has these fields inside the wp_users table:
    Full Texts ID user_login user_pass user_nicename user_email user_url user_registered user_activation_key user_status display_name spam deleted

    the live site these:
    Full Texts ID user_login user_pass user_nicename user_email user_url user_registered user_activation_key user_status display_name

    After adding the two missing fields: spam and deleted, all is good :-)
    Does anyone know when those fields were supposed to be added? I which WP version? or does BP add them? I’d like to figure out where this went wrong…


    Any closer to getting this to work with mu?


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