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Search Results for 'activation email'

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  • dlittle800

    Is it possible to have the welcome email include the RIGHT password? (i.e. the password that was entered upon registration)

    Any idea how?


    I’d like to know this as well. You could probably put this on activate.php somehow.

    Also the standard WPMU welcome email is sent on first login. That works via a function in wpmu-functions.php:

    function wpmu_welcome_user_notification($user_id, $password, $meta = '') {
    global $current_site;

    wp_mail($user->user_email, $subject, $message, $message_headers);
    return true;

    I don’t see a hook in that function. It’s called/triggered from function wpmu_activate_signup in the same php file.

    wpmu_activate_signup is called from function bp_core_screen_activation in bp-core-activation.php.

    Perhaps you could add a redirect there to the mandatory extra fields? There are already some if statements there, one with this:

    bp_core_redirect( $bp->root_domain . '/' . BP_ACTIVATION_SLUG );

    You could add your own? Just guessing, wouldn’t know what it would look like…


    There’s not supposed to be any generated password upon activation in 1.1.3. No passwords are ever sent by email in 1.1.3. You may have missed something in the upgrade.

    We had noticed that the welcome email includes a wrong password, perhaps because of different encryption between WP and BP. The password that was entered upon registration still works.

    Note that in 1.1.3 the WPMU is disabled by default. To bring it back you have to remove a function from the core files.


    In reply to: Double passwords


    Could this also lead to the wrong passwords in the welcome email?


    In reply to: Double passwords


    @r-a-y I’m not using a deprecated theme.

    I have to agree with Peterverkooijen. It doesn’t matter which theme is activated.. the wrong password is being sent. Even with the default theme.

    This is happening when a blog is created at the register process. When only a user is created.. Only the activation mail is being sent.. No Welcome User Email.

    For now I’m going with the tempory fix like Mark.. but hope that this will be fixed in the next update.


    In reply to: Double passwords


    Hello r-a-y,

    Thanks for your response.

    I’m using BP Version 1.1.3 but I’m not sure what a deprecated theme format is.

    I’m using the Social theme from the site. But having the same problem when using the standard BP theme.

    When signing up without adding a new blog to the account. No account details are being sent. Just the activation email.

    And when signing up and adding a new blog. The account details are being sent but with a wrong (generated) password.

    Pretty weird huh?

    Thanks for your help btw.


    In reply to: Moderate members


    Is it even possible to make the activation emails get sent to the site admin, rather than to the actual member? That way I can just forward the activation email to the member IF I approve their account.

    Would this work, and how would I go about it?


    In reply to: Moderate members


    Seems that only fixed the admin panel problem.

    However it’s throwing up errors on the front end now.

    To be honest I think this plugin is maybe outdated.

    I’ll list here my site’s configuration, and what errors I’m getting in-case anyone fancies making this plugin work as it should.

    OK.. Groups and Blogs are disabled site-wide (Except for the main site blog).

    The setting “Allow new registrations” is set to “Only user account can be created.”

    And “Registration notification” set to “Yes”

    1st problem (As previously mentioned in this thread)… When I go to the admin panel and try to edit the options for the plugin, and hit save, it throws up the errors that I posted here:

    I managed to get rid of those errors by doing as mentioned here:

    However… it turns out that was not a fix for the plugin, so I reverted the file back to original state.

    OK, I couldn’t edit the emails that would be sent out due to those errors, but I could of worked around that (editing within the file itself)… so I continued to the next step, which was to try and create a new account, to see if the plugin actually done what it’s supposed to.

    After entering all my required fields, and hitting the submit button, I was taken to the upload avatar page. I was also shown the “Check your email address for your activation email” notice. Also, at the top of the page these errors appeared:

    Warning: implode() [function.implode]: Invalid arguments passed in /home2/puezq/public_html/ on line 639

    Warning: implode() [function.implode]: Invalid arguments passed in /home2/puezq/public_html/ on line 642

    Since I know only very little php, I had a look to see what those lines were in the plugin php file, but done nothing with them. Here are those lines:

    639 $bp_groups_str = implode(",", $bp_groups);

    642 $bp_blogs_str = implode(",", $bp_blogs);

    So I’m guessing these errors are showing because I have blogs and groups disabled on the site?

    However the plugin php file is full of terms relating to blogs and groups, so I saw no point just removing those lines from the file as other errors would appear from somewhere… surely?

    Anyway, to see what happened next- I then uploaded an avatar, successfully. The errors at the top of the page disappeared when it was uploaded.

    I then clicked on the activation link in the email I received, and logged into the site. I was able to EDIT my profile and browse the site pages normally, but not able to view member profiles, my own public profile, or even view the members search page.

    I then received an email saying there was a new member registration (to my admin email)… and the notice also appears in the admin panel saying there’s a user awaiting moderation.

    And that’s where Im at.

    Come to think of it, and after having read through this post several times now- It seems that the plugin’s actually working… with the exception of those errors that are flagging up in the admin panel (when editing the emails that will be sent out), and at the top of the front end page. Hopefully one of you guys can tell me how to get rid of those errors… or at least the ones on the front end. :-)

    This truly does sound like a fantastic plugin, but with non-existent support at the forum link in the README.txt file, I think it can only carry on living if one of you geniuses are willing to fix the bugs.

    Unless anyone knows of another plugin that will allow new member moderation? (I have searched, but couldnt find anything).


    In reply to: Removing Activiation


    Hey Brajesh,

    I just checked out the auto-activate plugin and I can confirm what Pierre said that it does send an activation email even though the user account is already activated.

    Also, I just checked out since you have the plugin running on your site and I’ve noticed a lot of spam registrations there!

    Perhaps you need to add some anti-spam prevention of some kind to your BP install.

    And also, as a courtesy, on the plugin release page, you should add a warning to enable some type of anti-spam solution on the user’s BP install (particularly in production environments).


    In reply to: Removing Activiation


    You’ll have to manually override MU’s email activation functions.

    It’s not something you can turn off in the WPMU admin backend I’m afraid.


    In reply to: Removing Activiation

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    The same way you stop WordPress MU from requiring email activation.


    Found this in bp_core_activation.php:

    * bp_core_disable_welcome_email()
    * Since the user now chooses their password, sending it over clear-text to an
    * email address is no longer necessary. It's also a terrible idea security wise.
    * This will only disable the email if a custom registration template is being used.
    function bp_core_disable_welcome_email() {
    if ( '' == locate_template( array( 'registration/register.php' ), false ) && '' == locate_template( array( 'register.php' ), false ) )
    return true;

    return false;
    add_filter( 'wpmu_welcome_user_notification', 'bp_core_disable_welcome_email' );

    So I guess I could just remove this function?

    Is sending that password really such a “terrible idea security wise”? Are criminal gangs intercepting these emails to break into WordPress accounts?

    EDIT: Yes, removing that function works. A regular WPMU welcome email is sent.

    But the password in the email is eight numbers instead of the eight letters password I’d entered. Why?! Does Buddypress do its own encryption on the password? Does it use other tags or “placeholders” or whatever they’re called to call the password?

    Going to sit in a corner and cry…


    I have 1.1.3 on Bluehost as well. No problem with activation email, so there must be something else going on.

    If you’re sure you have a clean install, call Bluehost to check PHP mail settings. They have a pretty good help desk.


    I’ve tried this regular WordPress plugin for New User Email Setup, but it didn’t do anything at all for Buddypress activation.

    This BuddyPress Registration Options has some very useful features that I probably need anyway, but it still doesn’t allow you to change the From and Subject lines. [username] seems to be the only available tag, not [fullname]. You can’t make any changes unless you check Moderate New Members.

    Why is more control over the registration process not built into the Buddypress core? It’s essential to a social network imho.



    Has editing the activation/welcome email become any easier in versions 1.1.3/1.2?

    What changes have been made?

    Is the pastebin code now obsolete? I’ve noticed in 1.1.3 the default setting (?) is that new members enter their own password on the sign-up form, so I guess the “you will receive *another email* with your login” no longer applies?

    Anonymous User 96400


    setting up different group types is fairly easy. You just have to attach some groupmeta to the group, that basically let you add as many types as you’d like. Then you just check the metadata to figure out what type of group you’re in. Using the groups API you can then add different functionality for different groups.

    I’ve written a types-plugin for one of my sites. It doesn’t have an interface, though. The 3 types I needed are hardcoded into it, so it’s really not suited for a release at the moment. There’s also a lot of more stuff, like a shopping cart, part of that plugin. So, I’ve stripped the functions needed for group types out (hopefully al of them).

    First we need to add the addtional fields to our registration form:

    function sv_add_registration_group_types()
    <div id="account-type" class="register-section">
    <h3 class="transform"><?php _e( 'Choose your account type (required)', 'group-types' ) ?></h3>

    <script type="text/javascript" defer="defer">
    jQuery("#account-type-normal_user").attr("checked", true);
    if (jQuery(this).is(":checked")) {
    } else {
    if (jQuery(this).is(":checked")) {
    } else {

    <?php do_action( 'bp_account_type_errors' ) ?>
    <label><input type="radio" name="account_type" id="account-type-normal_user" value="normal_user" checked="checked" /><?php _e( 'User', 'group-types' ) ?></label>
    <label><input type="radio" name="account_type" id="account-type-type_one" value="type_one" /><?php _e( 'Type 1', 'group-types' ) ?></label>
    <label><input type="radio" name="account_type" id="account-type-type_two" value="type_two" /><?php _e( 'Type 2', 'group-types' ) ?></label>
    <label><input type="radio" name="account_type" id="account-type-type_three" value="type_three" /><?php _e( 'Type 3', 'group-types' ) ?></label>

    <div id="group-details">
    <p><?php _e( 'We will automatically create a group for your business or organization. This group will be tailored to your needs! You can change the description and the news later in the admin section of your group.', 'group-types' ); ?></p>

    <?php do_action( 'bp_group_name_errors' ) ?>
    <label for="group_name"><?php _e( 'Group Name', 'scuba' ) ?> <?php _e( '(required)', 'buddypress' ) ?></label>
    <input type="text" name="group_name" id="group_name" value="" />
    <br /><small><?php _e( 'We suggest you use the name of your business or organization', 'group-types' ) ?></small>

    <label for="group_desc"><?php _e( 'Group Description', 'scuba' ) ?></label>
    <textarea rows="5" cols="40" name="group_desc" id="group_desc"></textarea>
    <br /><small><?php _e( 'This description will be visible on your group profile, so it could be used to present your mission statement for example.', 'group-types' ) ?></small>

    <label for="group_news"><?php _e( 'Group News', 'scuba' ) ?></label>
    <textarea rows="5" cols="40" name="group_news" id="group_news"></textarea>
    <br /><small><?php _e( 'Enter any news that you want potential members to see.', 'group-types' ) ?></small>
    add_action( 'bp_before_registration_submit_buttons', 'sv_add_registration_group_types' );

    Then we have to validate things and add some usermeta when a regitration happens:

    * Add custom userdata from register.php
    * @since 1.0
    function sv_add_to_signup( $usermeta )
    $usermeta['account_type'] = $_POST['account_type'];

    if( isset( $_POST['group_name'] ) )
    $usermeta['group_name'] = $_POST['group_name'];

    if( isset( $_POST['group_desc'] ) )
    $usermeta['group_desc'] = $_POST['group_desc'];

    if( isset( $_POST['group_news'] ) )
    $usermeta['group_news'] = $_POST['group_news'];

    return $usermeta;
    add_filter( 'bp_signup_usermeta', 'sv_add_to_signup' );

    * Update usermeta with custom registration data
    * @since 1.0
    function sv_user_activate_fields( $user )
    update_usermeta( $user['user_id'], 'account_type', $user['meta']['account_type'] );

    if( isset( $user['meta']['group_name'] ) )
    update_usermeta( $user['user_id'], 'group_name', $user['meta']['group_name'] );

    if( isset( $user['meta']['group_desc'] ) )
    update_usermeta( $user['user_id'], 'group_desc', $user['meta']['group_desc'] );

    if( isset( $user['meta']['group_news'] ) )
    update_usermeta( $user['user_id'], 'group_news', $user['meta']['group_news'] );

    return $user;
    add_filter( 'bp_core_activate_account', 'sv_user_activate_fields' );

    * Perform checks for custom registration data
    * @since 1.0
    function sv_check_additional_signup()
    global $bp;

    if( empty( $_POST['account_type'] ) )
    $bp->signup->errors['account_type'] = __( 'You need to choose your account type', 'group-types' );

    if( empty( $_POST['group_name'] ) && $_POST['account_type'] != 'normal_user' )
    $bp->signup->errors['group_name'] = __( 'You need to pick a group name', 'group-types' );

    if( ! empty( $_POST['group_name'] ) && $_POST['account_type'] != 'normal_user' )
    $slug = sanitize_title_with_dashes( $_POST['group_name'] );
    $exist = groups_check_group_exists( $slug );
    if( $exist )
    $bp->signup->errors['group_name'] = __( 'This name is not available. If you feel this is a mistake, please <a href="/contact">contact us</a>.', 'group-types' );
    add_action( 'bp_signup_validate', 'sv_check_additional_signup' );

    And then we set up the group for the user (there are some constants in this function, so you’ll need to change that):

    * Create custom groups for skools, biz and org accounts
    * @since 1.0
    function sv_init_special_groups( $user )
    global $bp;

    // get account type
    $type = get_usermeta( $user['user_id'], 'account_type' );

    if( $type == 'normal_user' )
    // Do nothing
    elseif( $type == 'type_one' || $type == 'type_two' || $type == 'type_three' )
    // get some more data from sign up
    $group_name = get_usermeta( $user['user_id'], 'group_name' );
    $group_desc = get_usermeta( $user['user_id'], 'group_desc' );
    $group_news = get_usermeta( $user['user_id'], 'group_news' );

    $slug = sanitize_title_with_dashes( $group_name );

    // create dive skool group
    $group_id = groups_create_group( array(
    'creator_id' => $user['user_id'],
    'name' => $group_name,
    'slug' => $slug,
    'description' => $group_desc,
    'news' => $group_news,
    'status' => 'public',
    'enable_wire' => true,
    'enable_forum' => true,
    'date_created' => gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s')
    // add the type to our group
    groups_update_groupmeta( $group_id, 'group_type', $type );

    // delete now useless data
    delete_usermeta( $user['user_id'], 'group_name' );
    delete_usermeta( $user['user_id'], 'group_desc' );
    delete_usermeta( $user['user_id'], 'group_news' );

    // include PHPMailer
    require_once( SV_MAILER . 'class.phpmailer.php' );

    $mail = new PHPMailer();
    $mail->Host = SV_SMTP;

    $auth = get_userdata( $user['user_id'] );
    $profile_link = $bp->root_domain . '/' . $bp->groups->slug . '/' . $slug . '/admin';

    $message = sprintf( __( 'Hello %s,

    we have created a group for your business or organization. To get more out of your presence on Yoursitenamehere please take some time to set it up properly.

    Please follow this link to fill in the rest of your profile: %s

    We wish you all the best. Should you have any questions regarding your new group, please contact us at

    Your Yoursitenamehere Team', 'group-types' ), $auth->display_name, $profile_link );

    $mail->AddAddress( $auth->user_email );

    $mail->Subject = __( 'Your new group pages on Yoursitenamehere', 'group-types' );
    $mail->Body = $message;
    $mail->WordWrap = 75;
    add_action( 'bp_core_account_activated', 'sv_init_special_groups' );

    When you write a group extension we’ll have to swap the activation call with a function like the one below to be able to check for group types.

    * Replacement activation function for group extension classes
    function activate_type_one()
    global $bp;
    $type = groups_get_groupmeta( $bp->groups->current_group->id, 'group_type' );
    if( $type == 'type_one' )
    $extension = new Group_Type_One;
    add_action( "wp", array( &$extension, "_register" ), 2 );
    add_action( 'plugins_loaded', 'activate_type_one' );

    The last thing we need to do is add our group type names to group and directory pages:

    * Modify the group type status
    function sv_get_group_type( $type, $group = false )
    global $groups_template;

    if( ! $group )
    $group =& $groups_template->group;

    $gtype = groups_get_groupmeta( $group->id, 'group_type' );
    if( $gtype == 'type_one' )
    $name = __( 'Type 1', 'group-types' );

    elseif( $gtype == 'type_two' )
    $name = __( 'Type 2', 'group-types' );

    elseif( $gtype == 'type_three' )
    $name = __( 'Type 3', 'group-types' );

    $name = __( 'User Group', 'group-types' );

    if( 'public' == $group->status )
    $type = sprintf( __( "%s (public)", "group-types" ), $name );
    elseif( 'hidden' == $group->status )
    $type = sprintf( __( "%s (hidden)", "group-types" ), $name );
    elseif( 'private' == $group->status )
    $type = sprintf( __( "%s (private)", "group-types" ), $name );
    $type = ucwords( $group->status ) . ' ' . __( 'Group', 'buddypress' );

    return $type;
    add_filter( 'bp_get_group_type', 'sv_get_group_type' );

    * Modify the group type status on directory pages
    function sv_get_the_site_group_type()
    global $site_groups_template;

    return sv_get_group_type( '', $site_groups_template->group );
    add_filter( 'bp_get_the_site_group_type', 'sv_get_the_site_group_type' );

    It’s quite a bit of code, but it should get you started. This hasn’t been tested with 1.2 btw.


    Actually a fresh install , no plugins installed …


    Same problem here. No notifications are being sent, no new users are being listed in the backend. In the database table “wp_signups” I can see the registrations, in wp_users I can not.

    The only plugin installed is bp-events at the moment.

    (BP 1.1.3, WordPress mu 2.8.6)


    Any plugins?

    Mike Pratt

    @Jeff – that involves either a core hack or writing a plugin to extract the action just to solve the problem of improperly set & passed variables

    Jeff Sayre

    Since this is a cosmetic issue, as you indicate above, why not simply change the subject message. It may also help make registration emails from your site look even less suspicious than they do when they contain a link.

    So, hardcode the subject message to say something like this:

    Your New Bugle Notes Account is Ready to be Activated

    Mike Pratt

    @djpaul sorry I left some things off. wpmu 2.8.5, directory install, no custom functions that go anywhere near register.php (a few widgets that’s all), screenshot provided, no register redirects, bbPress 1.0 (no relevant), no server error logs, host is Liquidweb.

    Paul Wong-Gibbs
    Mike Pratt

    No. The problem I describe takes place right in the middle of register.php. Additionally, I have not made a single change to those files. it’s just not populating a couple of the fields (mentioned above)


    A you redirecting to the buddypress pages? You shouldn’t use the standard wpmu register and activation. I remember Andy saying that he fixed this, but I guess it isn’t working like it should yet.

    Try this.

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