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Search Results for 'custom activity page'

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  • jenniferwatson


    I am facing an issue with the media upload option in BuddyPress on my Community Guidelines page. When I try to upload a media file:
    The “Choose File” option appears, and the file successfully uploads in the interface.
    However, the file suddenly disappears, and I get a red error message saying, “Please choose some content to post.”

    Steps I’ve Taken to Fix It:

      Tried using custom code to resolve the issue—no success.
      Cleared cache from the hosting panel and WordPress dashboard.
      Checked for plugin conflicts by disabling all other plugins, but the issue still persists.
      Tested on different themes—the issue remains.

    Moreover strange thing is, Media upload works fine if I go to My Profile → Media and post on my feed.
    The issue only happens inside Groups—media upload is not working on group posts.
    I have also reviewed some BuddyPress articles where users reported the same issue, but I didn’t find a resolution.

    As I am handling a community website, I urgently need this feature to work.
    Please provide guidance on how to fix this issue.

    My Site’s URL: edit: link removed
    Thank you!


    WP: 6.7.1
    BP: 14.3.1
    Theme : BuddyBoss with a custom child theme

    Since we update to 14.3 we cannot change the Activity tab order in the manage Page general setting anymore

    When we create a group, the default page is Activity.
    Previously it was possible to change it to any other tab in Manage Page General Setting, but not anymore.
    While I can change the place of the other tabs (Pages; Members, etc.) I cannot move the Activity any more, i.e. I cannot grab the Activity button while I can still grab and move the others.

    If I edit an old group where I changed the tab default to something else than Activity, I can still change the other tabs but I cannot grab the Activity and therefore I cannot change its order.

    Could someone help me on where to look at ? I’m clueless at this point.

    I tried on Safari Google Chrome, Firefox and observe the same behaviour.

    Thanks for your help



    I have a custom template page that I’ve added specific bp-activities and its comments (pulled some code from the activity-loop).

    In Buddypress v11.4.3, everything was working fine, the activity displays and comments + reply functionality works – click on a reply and the .ac-form moves to selected reply/comment and it nests it as expected.

    Since Buddypress 12, replies no longer work. I think it’s because the Buddypress scripts no longer load on NON-buddypress pages. I tried enqueueing Buddypress scripts myself using a function:

     function load_bp_activity_scripts(){
        wp_register_script("bpnouveau", "/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-templates/bp-nouveau/js/buddypress-nouveau.js");
        wp_register_script("bpactivity", "/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-templates/bp-nouveau/js/buddypress-activity.js");
        wp_register_script("bpactivitypost", "/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-templates/bp-nouveau/js/buddypress-activity-post-form.min.js");
        wp_register_script("bpmentions", "/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-activity/js/mentions.min.js");
        wp_register_script("corecaret", "/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-core/js/vendor/jquery.caret.min.js");
        wp_register_script("coreatwho", "/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-core/js/vendor/jquery.atwho.min.js");
    add_action("load_bp_activity", "load_bp_activity_scripts");
    function load_bp_activity(){ do_action( 'load_bp_activity' );}

    but just loading the scripts is not enough. When I replaced buddypress-activity.js with my own version to debug, I noticed that BP_Nouveau returns as ‘undefined’ and so none of the script functionality would run.

    I’m probably missing something really simple but how can I load Buddypress core scripts or styles in my own custom wordpress template?


    Hello again 🙂

    This might start to make sense then!

    First, when you translate something within the code itself (not using a translation plugin and po/mo file) it will for the most part be overridden whenever you update your WordPress / plugins that are translated. So, this might be why it doesn’t work now after the update.

    I personally use a combination of LocoTranslate and TranslatePress. This is because BuddyPress activity is updated the way it is and for that reason LocoTranslate itself is not able to translate the dynamic content (like when activity updates – without the page doing so) – this TranslatePress supports.

    So, for the BuddyPress content that can’t be translated correctly using LocoTranslate, I use the TranslatePress for those. Both plugins are free to use, and it doesn’t require you to purchase any expensive addons.

    It’s important that you pick the right placement for your translation-files (custom, author, system). If they’re not in the right place the translation might not show up on the front-end. Also make sure you setup the settings within the LocoTranslate plugin not to override your translated files upon updating WordPress: Loco Translate > Settings > File system access > Modification of installed files & Editing of POT (template) files must be set to Disallow.

    For the display name, this should be the default value it sorts by. Mine by default sorts by display name. When you go to Users > Profile Fields – you can edit the different settings from within there with the names and what is mandatory/not mandatory.

    For the sorting part (or other features in the future) if it still causes issues, maybe a snippet code using a plugin like WPCode Lite might be a better solution rather than going into the code and edit it from there. In this way it will not get affected in most cases when you update WordPress, plugins and theme.

    Maybe some of this can help you – if not – then feel free to keep me updated. 🙂


    WP 6.6.2, BP 14.2.1, Divi theme.

    I added a bunch of WordPress users to my site from a csv file using the Import and export users and customers plugin. Worked well. But those users couldn’t figure out how to make friend requests, since they couldn’t “see” the other users that they could ask. After some fumbling through this forum and googling, I came across the “/members” slug. I seemed like exactly what I needed, a list of members with a button to send a friend request to each one. The only problem was that it didn’t show all the users. More ressearch found this post from 10 years ago. Seems the issue was/is that it only shows those users who have had some BuddyPress activity recorded. But since these were mostly new users, most had no activity. So I wrote a little bp-custom.php file containing:

    function make_all_users_active() {
        $users = get_users();
        // repete_log(print_r($users, true), __FILE__, __LINE__);
        foreach($users as $user) {
            if (strlen(bp_get_user_last_activity($user->ID)) == 0) {
                // repete_log(sprintf("bp_update_user_last_activity(%s)", $user->ID), __FILE__, __LINE__);
                echo $user->ID . "<br>";
    add_action ('wp_loaded', 'make_all_users_active');

    This solved the problem of not showing all the other BuddyPress members, but as far as I can tell, I’ve now got to tell all the users that if they’re interested in making friend connections, they have to go to the address bar, and type /members right after the domain name. That seems ridiculous! I guess I could add a page containing a link to that slug that they could click, but it would be nicer if I could make a page they could find as one of the site’s pages that would display the information from that slug, without having to click a link. Better still would be to be able to customize the BuddyPress drop-down menu to add an item for “All Members” that would display the slug’s contents…

    Upen Singh

    This plugin will add an extended feature to BuddyPress. It will use Shortcode for Listing Activity Streams, Members directory, and Groups directory on any post/page within the website.

    Wbcom Designs – Shortcodes & Elementor Widgets For BuddyPress

    Try FREE BuddyPress Theme: BuddyX – Offers unique layouts with clean code and easy-to-customize options, giving you a whole new way to visualize BuddyPress.




    Is it possible to add the Activity Feed in a custom location?

    I find the Activity page quite restrictive and would like to add a feed to a custom page via a shortcode.

    I can gt the feed to load like this – however it seems to be missing styling and when clicking comment it redirects me.

    Is there a better way to do this?

    function custom_shortcode_activityfeed() {
        if ( function_exists( 'bp_has_activities' ) ) {
            bp_get_template_part( 'activity/activity-loop' );
        $output .= ob_get_clean();
        return $output;
    add_shortcode( 'custom_activityfeed', 'custom_shortcode_activityfeed' );

    Hi everyone,

    I’m working on customizing my BuddyPress site and would like to change the text that says “posted an update in the group” on the activity page. Specifically, I want to replace the word “group” with “Teams.”

    Could someone guide me on which file I need to edit to make this change? Any tips on best practices for modifying this would also be appreciated to ensure I don’t break any future updates.

    Thanks in advance!



    Building a site with BuddyPress and the Divi Theme is definitely doable, but there are some compatibility considerations to keep in mind. The Divi Theme Builder is highly versatile, but its compatibility with BuddyPress depends on how BuddyPress structures its pages.

    Key Points:

    Post Type Compatibility: As the Elegant Themes team mentioned, if BuddyPress uses the default WordPress post type for its pages, you should be able to edit them using the Divi Builder without any issues. BuddyPress typically generates pages using custom post types for specific content like user profiles, activity feeds, etc.

    Custom Templates: You might need to create custom templates for BuddyPress pages. Divi allows for a lot of customization, so you can design layouts that suit your needs. However, the integration may require some manual tweaking to ensure everything displays correctly.

    Third-Party Plugins: There are third-party plugins that help bridge the gap between BuddyPress and Divi, making it easier to customize BuddyPress pages with the Divi Builder. You might want to explore these if you encounter limitations.

    Testing: It would be a good idea to set up a test environment where you can experiment with how BuddyPress and Divi work together, especially when it comes to customizing profile pages and other BuddyPress-specific content.

    If anyone in the community has experience with this setup, it would be great to hear your thoughts and any challenges you encountered!


    In reply to: disable rss

    Thanks Venutius, I spent some time using your code along with ChatGPT and this seems to have worked for me, all the feeds are gone….maybe this will help someone else!

    function disable_all_rss_feeds() {
        // Disable all WordPress feeds
        function disable_all_feeds() {
            wp_die(__('No feed available, please visit the <a href="'. get_bloginfo('url') .'">homepage</a>!'));
        add_action('do_feed', 'disable_all_feeds', 1);
        add_action('do_feed_rdf', 'disable_all_feeds', 1);
        add_action('do_feed_rss', 'disable_all_feeds', 1);
        add_action('do_feed_rss2', 'disable_all_feeds', 1);
        add_action('do_feed_atom', 'disable_all_feeds', 1);
        add_action('do_feed_rss2_comments', 'disable_all_feeds', 1);
        add_action('do_feed_atom_comments', 'disable_all_feeds', 1);
        // Remove RSS feed links from the header
        remove_action('wp_head', 'feed_links', 2);
        remove_action('wp_head', 'feed_links_extra', 3);
        // Disable BuddyPress feeds
        remove_action('bp_activity_feed', 'bp_activity_action_sitewide_feed');
        remove_action('bp_activity_sitewide_feed', 'bp_activity_action_sitewide_feed');
        remove_action('bp_member_activity_feed', 'bp_activity_action_sitewide_feed');
        remove_action('bp_group_activity_feed', 'bp_activity_action_sitewide_feed');
        remove_action('bp_member_feed', 'bp_dtheme_activity_feed');
        remove_action('bp_group_feed', 'bp_dtheme_group_activity_feed');
        // BuddyPress Nouveau template pack feed removals
        remove_action('bp_nouveau_group_header_meta', 'bp_nouveau_group_meta', 50);
        remove_action('bp_nouveau_group_header_meta', 'bp_nouveau_group_meta', 50);
        remove_action('bp_nouveau_action_activity_content', 'bp_nouveau_activity_feed', 5);
        // Disable BuddyPress members feeds
        remove_action('bp_members_directory_members_feed', 'bp_members_feed');
        // Disable BuddyPress groups feeds
        remove_action('bp_groups_directory_groups_feed', 'bp_groups_feed');
        remove_action('bp_group_activity_feed', 'bp_group_activity_custom_feed');
        // Disable BuddyPress blogs feeds
        remove_action('bp_blogs_directory_blogs_feed', 'bp_blogs_feed');
        remove_action('bp_blog_comments_feed', 'bp_blog_comments_custom_feed');
        // Disable BuddyPress forums feeds
        remove_action('bp_forums_directory_topics_feed', 'bp_forums_feed');
        remove_action('bp_forums_topic_feed', 'bp_forum_topic_custom_feed');
    add_action('bp_init', 'disable_all_rss_feeds', 1);
    // Disable BuddyPress Nouveau feeds
    function disable_buddypress_nouveau_feeds() {
        remove_action('bp_nouveau_activity_feed', 'bp_nouveau_activity_feed');
        remove_action('bp_nouveau_group_feed', 'bp_nouveau_group_feed');
    add_action('bp_init', 'disable_buddypress_nouveau_feeds', 1);
    // Disable pingbacks and trackbacks for privacy
    add_filter('xmlrpc_methods', function($methods) {
        return $methods;
    add_filter('wp_headers', function($headers) {
        return $headers;
    add_filter('pings_open', '__return_false', 10, 2);
    // Remove RSS feed div by ID and class using jQuery
    function remove_rss_feed_div() {
        if (is_buddypress()) {
            <script type="text/javascript">
            jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
    add_action('wp_footer', 'remove_rss_feed_div');
    add_filter( 'bp_rest_api_is_available', '__return_false' );

    I have created a solution for this and this works. but like count only changes when pages are refresh. any solution for that?

    ## create a table wp_likes

    function custom_activity_content_below( $activity_id ) {
    // echo bp_activity_id();

    global $wpdb;

    // Query to count the number of favorites for a specific activity
    $favorite_count = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare(

    FROM {$wpdb->prefix}likes
    WHERE activity_id = %d
    ) );

    echo ‘<div class=”like_count” style=”margin-top: 10px; color: black;”>’.$favorite_count .’ Likes</div>’;

    add_action( ‘bp_activity_entry_meta’, ‘custom_activity_content_below’,10,1 );

    function get_activity_favorite_count( $activity_id ) {
    global $wpdb;

    // Query to count the number of favorites for a specific activity
    $favorite_count = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare(

    FROM {$wpdb->prefix}bp_activity_user_favorite
    WHERE activity_id = %d
    ) );

    return $favorite_count;

    function save_activity_like_to_table($activity_id) {

    global $wpdb;

    // Get current user ID
    $user_id = get_current_user_id();

    // Table name
    $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . ‘likes’;

    // Insert data into the custom table
    ‘activity_id’ => $activity_id,
    ‘user_id’ => $user_id,
    ‘created_at’ => current_time( ‘mysql’ ),

    add_action( ‘bp_activity_add_user_favorite’, ‘save_activity_like_to_table’, 10, 1 );

    function delete_activity_like_from_table($activity_id) {
    global $wpdb;

    // Get current user ID
    $user_id = get_current_user_id();

    // Table name
    $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . ‘likes’;

    // Delete data from the custom table
    ‘activity_id’ => $activity_id,
    ‘user_id’ => $user_id,

    add_action( ‘bp_activity_remove_user_favorite’, ‘delete_activity_like_from_table’, 10, 1 );


    I have the WordPress Creator Plan.

    In left side menu under ‘Users‘ there is ‘Member Types‘.

    Clicking on ‘Member Types’ opens this (screenshot) page and this is my setup with created Member Types: Screenshot .

    The plugins I have active are:
    – (BuddyDev) BP Auto Login on Activation
    – Activity Pub
    – Akismet
    – BP Auto Group Join
    – BP MPO Activity Filter
    – BP Profile as Homepage
    – BuddyPress
    – BuddyPress Username Changer
    – BuddyPress Xprofile Custom Field Types
    – Crowdsignal Forms
    – Crownsignal Polls & Ratings
    – Gutenberg
    – Imsanity
    – Jetpack
    – Jetpack Boost
    – Kirki Customizer Framework
    – Leira Letter Avatar
    – Link Page to Groups
    – Page Optimize
    – rtMedia for WordPress
    – Editing Toolkit
    – WP Headers And Footers WP User Login Notifier
    – Yoast SEO
    – Youzify

    I have disabled Youzify and BuddyPress Xprofile Custom Field Types to see if they made the Member Types possible to create but no.

    Thank you for your patience.


    Topic: custome query

    in group forum Installing BuddyPress

    i want to get only 2 comments , on load of activity page . wich i really get using my code
    “add_filter(‘bp_use_legacy_activity_query’, function ($value, $method, $args) {
    if ($method == “BP_Activity_Activity::get_activity_comments”) {
    return true;
    }, 10, 3);

    add_filter( ‘bp_activity_comments_user_join_filter’, function( $value, $activity_id, $left, $right, $spam = ‘ham_only’ ) {
    // Modify the SQL query to fetch only two comments
    global $wpdb, $bp;
    $bp = buddypress();

    $xprofile_active = function_exists(‘bp_is_active’) && bp_is_active( ‘xprofile’ );

    // Initialize fullname related variables
    $fullname_select = $fullname_from = $fullname_where = ”;

    // Select the user’s fullname with the query if XProfile is active and user has filled the field.
    if ( $xprofile_active ) {
    if ( bp_has_profile() ) {
    // Get the field value if user has filled it.
    $field_id = 1; // Modify this according to your field ID.
    $field_value = bp_get_profile_field_data( ‘field=’ . $field_id );
    if ( !empty( $field_value ) ) {
    $fullname_select = “, pd.value as user_fullname”;
    $fullname_from = “, {$bp->profile->table_name_data} pd “;
    $fullname_where = “AND pd.user_id = a.user_id AND pd.field_id = $field_id”;

    // Don’t retrieve activity comments marked as spam.
    if ( ‘ham_only’ == $spam ) {
    $spam_sql = ‘AND a.is_spam = 0’;
    } elseif ( ‘spam_only’ == $spam ) {
    $spam_sql = ‘AND a.is_spam = 1’;
    } else {
    $spam_sql = ”;

    // Modify the SQL query to fetch only two comments
    $sql = $wpdb->prepare( “SELECT a.*, u.user_email, u.user_nicename, u.user_login, u.display_name{$fullname_select}
    FROM {$bp->activity->table_name} a, {$wpdb->users} u{$fullname_from}
    WHERE u.ID = a.user_id {$fullname_where}
    AND a.type = ‘activity_comment’ {$spam_sql}
    AND a.item_id = %d
    AND a.mptt_left > %d
    AND a.mptt_left < %d
    ORDER BY a.date_recorded ASC
    LIMIT 2″,
    $activity_id, $left, $right );

    return $sql;
    }, 10, 5 );”

    but it give me also count 2 , can i get original count.

    means , any activity has 10 comment then it display only 2 but give count 10


    There can be a few reasons why comments aren’t showing up in your activity stream. Here’s how to troubleshoot the issue:

    Check Settings:
    Platform Settings: Verify that comments are enabled for the activity stream and for the specific content type (e.g., blog posts, forum discussions) you’re looking at. This might be in your platform’s administration panel.
    Comment Moderation: Is comment moderation enabled? Comments might be waiting for approval before showing up.

    Content vs. Stream:
    Comment Location: Were the comments made directly on the post or within the activity stream itself? Some platforms only show comments made on the original post in the activity stream.

    Technical Issues:
    Cache: Clear your browser cache and reload the page. Outdated cached data might hide comments.
    Plugins/Themes: If you’re using a custom theme or plugins related to activity streams or comments, try temporarily deactivating them to see if there’s a conflict.

    Platform Specifics:
    For example, BuddyPress (a popular social networking plugin for WordPress) has settings related to where comments appear in the activity stream. Look for documentation specific to your platform.


    In reply to: URL issues


    I have a similar issue. After plugin updates, the activity page url often stops working.

    To get around it I have to add “-3” to the end of the activity page url, and then create a redirect as we have urls going to the activity page in our menu. It works for a while, but eventually stops working. When this happens, I change the url back by removing the “-3” and remove the redirect.

    I need to change the members url as well by adding “-3” to the end of it, or removing it depending on which url is working.

    This typically only happens after running plugin updates. This last time a plugin auto updated and we lost our urls. wpmudev. I’ve turned off auto updates so I can keep an eye on things, but it would be good to know what’s causing this.

    I have the latest version, and BP classic, also the latest version. WP and everything else is kept up to date.


    1. Which version of WordPress are you running? latest

    2. Did you install WordPress as a directory or subdomain install? installed at /

    3. If a directory install, is it in root or in a subdirectory? root

    4. Did you upgrade from a previous version of WordPress? If so, from which version? always up to date.

    5. Was WordPress functioning properly before installing/upgrading BuddyPress (BP)? e.g. permalinks, creating a new post, commenting. yes

    6. Which version of BP are you running? 12.3.0

    7. Did you upgraded from a previous version of BP? If so, from which version? yes. using BP for over 5 years. kept up to date weekly.

    8. Do you have any plugins other than BuddyPress installed and activated? If so, which ones? too many to list…

    9. Are you using a standard WordPress theme or customized theme? custom

    10. Which theme do you use ? Thrive

    11. Have you modified the core files in any way? no

    12. Do you have any custom functions in bp-custom.php? no

    13. If running bbPress, which version? Or did your BuddyPress install come with a copy of bbPress built-in? not running bbPress

    14. Please provide a list of any errors in your server’s log files. autoindex error happened around the time a plugin auto updated, which I suspect caused the url change. The plugin was wmpu dev, but other updates cause this as well. error references public_html/.well-known/. not sure if this is related.

    15. Which company provides your hosting? liquidweb

    16. Is your server running Windows, or if Linux; Apache, nginx or something else? alma linux

    17. Which BP Theme are you using?

    18. Have you overloaded any BuddyPress template files. no

    19. Any other site customisations that might have a bearing on the issue? Not that I know of.

    20. What BP Template Pack is activated in your installation? You will see that under Dashboard > Settings > BuddyPress – Options page. New Template/Nouveau Template


    i Have this link now:
    but need this:

    how i can do that by some php snippet? pls help

    Something like this? but its bad code i mean

    function custom_activity_link($activity_id = false) {
        global $bp;
        if (!$activity_id) {
            $activity_id = bp_get_activity_id();
        return home_url('/' . $activity_id . '/');
    function change_buddypress_activity_permalink() {
        global $bp;
        $bp->activity->root_slug = 'activity';
        add_rewrite_rule('^([0-9]+)/?$', 'index.php?pagename=activity&p=$matches[1]', 'top');
    add_action('bp_init', 'change_buddypress_activity_permalink', 2);
    add_filter('bp_get_activity_thread_permalink', 'custom_activity_link', 10, 2);

    I have installed the buddypress plugin on my site. But there is no way to edit the generated page and and others. Those two URLs are not listed in my WordPress “Page” dashboard.


    According to the following document

    “Every BP Component using a directory gets an accordion panel to let you customize its title and permalink as well as potential single item screen URLs when supported (eg: Members and Groups).”

    However, on my BuddyPress Settings->URLs screen, I see accordion panels for Members and Activity Streams. I do not see an accordion panel for User Groups, even though it is enabled in the Components screen.

    I see the following message in the Network Dashboard and the Main Site Dashboard:

    A BuddyPress page has been added for the following active BuddyPress Components which did not have associated BuddyPress Pages yet: Groups. You may need to refresh your permalink settings.

    Varun Dubey

    @locker17, there is no option to edit BuddyPress Directory pages with Elementor like members Groups, Activity, or Registration.
    For the login & 404 page, you can create a template for it, as it can be a regular page with an Elementor widget on it.

    For registration pages, that’s template driven, and you need to override the template to make those changes, or you can also use some 3rd party plugins like Gravity Forms and WP Forms with their user registration addon to create custom registration forms.


    Hi @imath,
    I don’t know if my issue is related to this release, as I haven’t been checking for a couple of weeks, but none of the Buddypress pages are loading – all I get is “Loading the xxx updates. Please wait.” – this is for Activity, Group Activity, Groups, Profile Activity, Notifications, Friends, Groups etc etc. No errors in server logs or debug log. However, if I change from Nouveau to Legacy they are fine, so obviously something is amiss with Nouveau, rather than it being a plugin or WP theme – can you suggest where I need to look to fix this? I have already tried deactivating and reactivating, turning off plugins and changing themes.I have also reuploaded the bp-nouveau folder/files from a new download of the plugin but still the same. I really need some help as my site is unusable and switching to legacy loses many of my style and functional customisations.


    Hi, I got some error about the BP Classic. Before the bp’s updates, my activity page is working without activate BP Classis plugin. For now, I need to activate the BP classic plugin to work my activity page. However, I cannot customize my site now when I activate my BP Classic plugin.

    May I know how to solve the problem?

    This is how my activity page without activate BP Classic looks like:

    Activity URL:


    Certainly! If you’re looking to optimize member profiles on a BuddyPress-powered website for search engines (SEO), you might want to consider the following response:

    Hello there,

    Optimizing member profiles on BuddyPress for SEO is a crucial step to enhance visibility on search engines. Here are some tips to ensure your member profiles are search engine friendly:

    Complete and Relevant Profile Information:
    Encourage members to fill out their profiles thoroughly. Include key information, such as a brief bio, interests, and any relevant links. Search engines often prioritize pages with comprehensive content.

    SEO-Friendly Usernames and Display Names:
    Suggest to members that they choose usernames and display names that are relevant to their identity or interests. This can contribute to better search engine visibility.

    Enable SEO-friendly Permalinks:
    Check your BuddyPress settings and ensure that your permalinks are set up in a way that includes relevant keywords. This helps search engines understand the content of the profile pages.

    Utilize BuddyPress Custom Fields:
    BuddyPress allows you to add custom fields to member profiles. Use these fields to gather additional information that might be relevant for search engine optimization. This could include skills, locations, or any other pertinent details.

    Encourage User-Generated Content:
    User-generated content, such as forum posts or activity updates, can contribute to the overall SEO of the website. Encourage members to engage with the community and share valuable content.

    Implement OpenGraph and Twitter Card Tags:
    Add OpenGraph and Twitter Card meta tags to member profile pages. This enhances how the profile appears when shared on social media platforms, indirectly impacting SEO.

    Mobile Optimization:
    Ensure that member profiles are optimized for mobile devices. Google considers mobile-friendliness as a ranking factor, and a responsive design is crucial for SEO.

    Regularly Update BuddyPress:
    Keep your BuddyPress installation up-to-date. Updates often include improvements and bug fixes that can indirectly impact SEO.

    Remember, SEO is an ongoing process, and monitoring analytics can provide insights into what is working and what can be improved.

    Mathieu Viet

    So you’re using BP version 12.0 on a regular site (not a multisite config), you activated, then deactivated BP Classic because it was no more needed. And now when you go into the URLs tab of the BuddyPress settings and tries to customize slugs, it adds a -2 suffix.

    Is it happening when these slugs are default BuddyPress ones only (eg: activity, members) or is it happening even with these slugs: ‘activites’, ‘membres’ for example?

    If it’s only happening with BuddyPress default slugs: check there are no regular WordPress pages using the BP slugs.

    Then try to use the Reset Slugs BuddyPress tools from the WP Admin tools menu.

    If it didn’t fixed the issue, try to temporarily add this code to the functions.php of your active theme:
    remove_filter( 'wp_unique_post_slug', 'bp_core_set_unique_directory_page_slug', 10, 6 );

    Go to the URLs tab of the BuddyPress settings and try to customize slugs again.

    Then remove the custom code you added to the functions.php of your active theme.


    In reply to: Help with labels

    Mathieu Viet

    Hi @shemakeswebsites,

    12.0.0 brings URL slugs customization, that’s a big improvement to have meaningful URLs for non English communities.

    These communities are using different words for things like Activity, groups etc.. They can do so thanks to the l10n feature of WordPress. So a good way to reach your goal is to use a custom translation file. And I believe it’s the best way to do so, because the page title or labels won’t be enough to really reword all places where we use groups.

    You can try to put your custom translation file into wp-content/languages/buddypress/ replacing the xx_XX with your locale maybe it’s even working with en_US.


    In reply to: BuddyPress 12.0.0


    Mathieu, thanks for the comments , I can see there are many effected by the upgrade, I hope its not overwhelming for you. I don’t write php, but of course can copy and paste. I am not missing any buttons, the buttons just don’t work , they still show, they are edit , delete, created I think with forminator. Since there is a functions.php page in my child theme I tried pasting the add_filter code you posted, with BP 12 it didn’t help. I pasted it in the top section “function my theme area, I posted the functions php code in a gist here

    I am looking to see how to share a screenshot of the offending page ,.
    Hey also I noticed in the buddypress settings page there is a tab marked “Pages” that is new, I have no idea if I am supposed to set those drop downs to pages, but after touching it now I see a message in red “The following active BuddyPress Components do not have associated BuddyPress Pages: Members, Activity, Groups, Activate, Register.” The guy that wrote these custom code child theme pages died about two years ago, I’ve been maintaining this website and really hope I can keep this working , updates can whack it out , but usually it still functions after the update , not this time

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