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Search Results for 'private'

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  • #42708

    Just to add my 2 cents,

    I’m using Eclipse as my IDE, and have had great luck with phpeclipse and subclipse. Because eclipse is java based it is cross platform, for the ide and plugins. I have used this setup on both a Ubuntu system and my Current Mac.

    I have 3 projects currently “checkout out” the Buddypress trunk, the WPMU trunk, and my private svn for personal development. This allows me to look at source code for everything. I only have submission permissions on my private svn, which is probably good.

    On my server I can also use the command line and checkout the files and copy them into the required directories.

    Hopefully this inspires someone,



    Let me try and answer this diplomatically because this seems like spam without being spam to me…

    BuddyPress isn’t Facebook, and it really doesn’t have any intentions of trying to imitate it. That’s up to an audience of GPL contributors to try and mold and shape it into that, if they so choose.

    BuddyPress also has a test development site already, to flex its muscles and allow people to use it as they like.

    There are unlimited domains available, with unlimited hosting and bandwidth options. None of what you’re offering really has anything to do with BuddyPress other than using it for potential profit. Contributing a domain that specializes in spreading bad news isn’t any part of Automattic’s roadmap that I’ve seen, so don’t count on getting any hosting.

    If what you’re doing is offering a business opportunity to specific individuals, you should contact them privately and see if they’re interested.

    (I’m locking this for now. If any other staff feels like re-opening it for discussion, go for it. My gut tells me this isn’t what the forums here are for.)


    Does anybody have any clue how to fix it? It’s still an issue in the latest trunk

    Burt Adsit

    bp and wpmu use the same user table. A bp ‘account’ is a wp ‘account’. You can use any theme you like on your blog. All blog posts and their comments show up in activity from any blog that hasn’t been set to ‘private’.


    Sorry, I lost track of this. AFAIK, this is not resolved.

    Lance Willett

    I also noticed a similar behavior here in this very form where I’m typing (forums, edit topic).

    If I post a topic, then edit it, more slashes are added each time I edit. For example, if I edit the same post 3 or 4 times, I’ll end up with \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\it's instead of just it's.

    Lance Willett

    I was able to duplicate this behavior, but don\’t have a fix in mind for it. This is with the latest trunk (revision 1302):

    To repeat, log in as a user and send a message to another user with this subject line: Just wondering how you\'re doing

    When that first message saved to the database, the field value is this: Just wondering how you\'re doing

    So far, so good.

    Now log out and log in as a different user (the recipient), and go to the messages area. Click the subject to open the message, and type a reply.

    Now look in the database (in the \”wp_bp_messages_messages\” table) and you\’ll see that the subject field for the reply is: Re: Just wondering how you\\\'re doing

    Now repeat this four or five times, and you\’ll see that each time the message gets saved extra slashes are added:

    Re: Just wondering how you\\\\\\\'re doing

    Re: Just wondering how you\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'re doing

    Re: Just wondering how you\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'re doing

    The issue, as far as I can tell, is that when the subject is saved, the escape characters (slashes) from the previous subject line are themselves escaped.

    Burt Adsit

    Ok, let me put it another way. It’s not an issue on my install which is the latest trunk.




    I´ve done something but I think I need quite work…

    First, I´ve created a new file:


    This file is where I redirect when I access to admin area

    If I access to http://localhost.localdomain/bp/members/admin/myownpage/

    The file is loaded…

    I want to make a \”home admin page\” in which I put some information:

    -Last entries unreaded

    -Private messages

    -A brief profile

    -Some html

    -Brief Activity

    -Brief Wire

    I need to load bp-activity, bp-messages, bp-profile,… classes…

    Do you know?


    Actually Burtadsit it’s happening to the “private messages” section of my buddypress install. Specifically the subject of the message before a user clicks to open it. Anytime there’s an apostrophe in the subject of a private message (in my installation), the slashes are added.

    How can I remove them? I’m using Trunk 1211

    Burt Adsit

    benny this has nothing to do with bp itself. It’s a theme thing that is happening here only.


    Anybody know how to fix?


    Andy, for those of us not using SVN (I’m using a trunk version from about a month ago)…how can we fix this ourselves?


    In reply to: Group Administration

    function bp_group_admin_only(){
    global $bp, $current_blog;
    global $group_obj, $is_single_group;

    if (!is_site_admin()){
    remove_action( 'wp', 'groups_setup_nav', 2 );

    /* I am using the same function (groups_setup_nav) as BuddyPress to avoid
    * any hacking to the original code

    function manoj_groups_setup_nav(){

    if (!is_site_admin() ){

    global $bp, $current_blog;
    global $group_obj, $is_single_group;

    if ( $group_id = BP_Groups_Group::group_exists($bp->current_action) ) {
    /* This is a single group page. */
    $is_single_group = true;
    $group_obj = new BP_Groups_Group( $group_id );

    /* Using "item" not "group" for generic support in other components. */
    if ( is_site_admin() )
    $bp->is_item_admin = 1;
    $bp->is_item_admin = groups_is_user_admin( $bp->loggedin_user->id, $group_obj->id );

    /* If the user is not an admin, check if they are a moderator */
    if ( !$bp->is_item_admin )
    $bp->is_item_mod = groups_is_user_mod( $bp->loggedin_user->id, $group_obj->id );

    /* Is the logged in user a member of the group? */
    $is_member = ( groups_is_user_member( $bp->loggedin_user->id, $group_obj->id ) ) ? true : false;

    /* Should this group be visible to the logged in user? */
    $is_visible = ( 'public' == $group_obj->status || $is_member ) ? true : false;

    /* Add 'Groups' to the main navigation */
    bp_core_add_nav_item( __('Groups', 'buddypress'), $bp->groups->slug );

    if ( $bp->displayed_user->id )
    bp_core_add_nav_default( $bp->groups->slug, 'groups_screen_my_groups', 'my-groups' );

    $groups_link = $bp->loggedin_user->domain . $bp->groups->slug . '/';

    /* Add the subnav items to the groups nav item */
    bp_core_add_subnav_item( $bp->groups->slug, 'my-groups', __('My Groups', 'buddypress'), $groups_link, 'groups_screen_my_groups', 'my-groups-list' );
    //bp_core_add_subnav_item( $bp->groups->slug, 'create', __('Create a Group', 'buddypress'), $groups_link, 'groups_screen_create_group', false, bp_is_home() );
    bp_core_add_subnav_item( $bp->groups->slug, 'invites', __('Invites', 'buddypress'), $groups_link, 'groups_screen_group_invites', false, bp_is_home() );

    if ( $bp->current_component == $bp->groups->slug ) {

    if ( bp_is_home() && !$is_single_group ) {

    $bp->bp_options_title = __('My Groups', 'buddypress');

    } else if ( !bp_is_home() && !$is_single_group ) {

    $bp->bp_options_avatar = bp_core_get_avatar( $bp->displayed_user->id, 1 );
    $bp->bp_options_title = $bp->displayed_user->fullname;

    } else if ( $is_single_group ) {
    // We are viewing a single group, so set up the
    // group navigation menu using the $group_obj global.

    /* When in a single group, the first action is bumped down one because of the
    group name, so we need to adjust this and set the group name to current_item. */
    $bp->current_item = $bp->current_action;
    $bp->current_action = $bp->action_variables[0];

    $bp->bp_options_title = bp_create_excerpt( $group_obj->name, 1 );
    $bp->bp_options_avatar = '<img src="' . $group_obj->avatar_thumb . '" alt="Group Avatar Thumbnail" />';

    $group_link = $bp->root_domain . '/' . $bp->groups->slug . '/' . $group_obj->slug . '/';

    // If this is a private or hidden group, does the user have access?
    if ( 'private' == $group_obj->status || 'hidden' == $group_obj->status ) {
    if ( groups_is_user_member( $bp->loggedin_user->id, $group_obj->id ) &amp;&amp; is_user_logged_in() )
    $has_access = true;
    $has_access = false;
    } else {
    $has_access = true;

    // Reset the existing subnav items
    // bp_core_add_nav_default( $bp->groups->slug, 'groups_screen_group_home', 'home' );
    bp_core_add_subnav_item( $bp->groups->slug, 'home', __('Home', 'buddypress'), $group_link, 'groups_screen_group_home', 'group-home' );

    // If the user is a group mod or more, then show the group admin nav item */
    if ( $bp->is_item_mod || $bp->is_item_admin )
    bp_core_add_subnav_item( $bp->groups->slug, 'admin', __('Admin', 'buddypress'), $group_link , 'groups_screen_group_admin', 'group-admin', ( $bp->is_item_admin + (int)$bp->is_item_mod ) );

    // If this is a private group, and the user is not a member, show a "Request Membership" nav item.
    if ( !$has_access &amp;&amp; !groups_check_for_membership_request( $bp->loggedin_user->id, $group_obj->id ) &amp;&amp; $group_obj->status == 'private' )
    bp_core_add_subnav_item( $bp->groups->slug, 'request-membership', __('Request Membership', 'buddypress'), $group_link , 'groups_screen_group_request_membership', 'request-membership' );

    if ( $has_access &amp;&amp; $group_obj->enable_forum &amp;&amp; function_exists('bp_forums_setup') )
    bp_core_add_subnav_item( $bp->groups->slug, 'forum', __('Forum', 'buddypress'), $group_link , 'groups_screen_group_forum', 'group-forum', $is_visible);

    if ( $has_access &amp;&amp; $group_obj->enable_wire &amp;&amp; function_exists('bp_wire_install') )
    bp_core_add_subnav_item( $bp->groups->slug, 'wire', __('Wire', 'buddypress'), $group_link, 'groups_screen_group_wire', 'group-wire', $is_visible );

    if ( $has_access &amp;&amp; $group_obj->enable_photos &amp;&amp; function_exists('bp_gallery_install') )
    bp_core_add_subnav_item( $bp->groups->slug, 'photos', __('Photos', 'buddypress'), $group_link, 'groups_screen_group_photos', 'group-photos', $is_visible );

    if ( $has_access )
    bp_core_add_subnav_item( $bp->groups->slug, 'members', __('Members', 'buddypress'), $group_link, 'groups_screen_group_members', 'group-members', $is_visible );

    if ( is_user_logged_in() &amp;&amp; groups_is_user_member( $bp->loggedin_user->id, $group_obj->id ) ) {
    if ( function_exists('friends_install') )
    bp_core_add_subnav_item( $bp->groups->slug, 'send-invites', __('Send Invites', 'buddypress'), $group_link, 'groups_screen_group_invite', 'group-invite', $is_member );

    bp_core_add_subnav_item( $bp->groups->slug, 'leave-group', __('Leave Group', 'buddypress'), $group_link, 'groups_screen_group_leave', 'group-leave', $is_member );
    add_action( 'wp', 'bp_group_admin_only',1);
    add_action( 'wp', 'manoj_groups_setup_nav',2);

    Andy Peatling

    It needs a stripslashes call, which I will add.


    Yeah, I’ve experienced this too – if there’s a fix available i’d appreciate the know-how ;)


    is it a public or a private blog? i think private blogs does not show on the sitewide activity. :)


    Would having all the blogs be private have anything to do with this?

    Burt Adsit

    If you set the blog to be private the posts and the activity do not show. Settings > Privacy > I would like to block search engines, but allow normal visitors


    We need to get Andy to changed the member theme not to show private profile fields, and then use those private profile fields in custom boxes to diaplay stuff. This would be a great way to ask for zipcode, and build a custom module to show a Google Map, or ask for birthday and just show a count down timer until their birthday.

    Where I don’t expect this to be in the 1st version, but would be nice to get the details hammered out in early post release versions.



    You could always roll your own,



    Thank you in advance for your time and consideration. I would like a few of my pages on my mu install to be open such as the index page, about us, media, and contact us, but I am looking to have the rest of the site including buddypress and all blogs private and member only!

    Burt Adsit

    That must be a feature I hadn’t noticed. :)

    If your blogs are set to private the activity will not show. Check Settings > Privacy. It should be “I would like my blog to be visible to everyone…”

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