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  • #257839

    Wich file format do you use for your list ? Where is this list taken from: wordpress, private list,… ?

    Pehaps you could use this plugin if you used CSV ?

    For more details, check on WP codex how to achieve this task. BP shares users with WP and is not concerned directly by your question.


    Try this:

    function mohammad_remove_private_message_button( $button ) {
    $user_id = bp_loggedin_user_id();
        if ( $user_id == '37' ) // the user ID
    	$button = '';
         return $button;
    add_filter( 'bp_get_send_message_button', 'mohammad_remove_private_message_button', 1 , 1 );

    More details here:

    [Resolved] how hide tab only for user? not remove/disable

    Mohammad Sy

    How can I prevent a particular member to send a private message to the rest of the members?


    Thanks for the suggestion, @earl_d. I had tried it already, but at your suggestion, I tried again. I did find one user error on part that was partially responsible for the fact that it didn’t work previously (the root group forum had a visibility of “Hidden”, which breaks makes the topic inaccessible to non-admin users). But still, your suggestion didn’t work for me.

    TLDR: I got it working, mostly, though not entirely, and not using the approach you suggested, but your suggestion sent me down a fruitful path that ended up working out. See Scenario 4 below. Posting all of this for the benefit (hopefully) of others that may come along some day trying to work through the same issue.

    (BTW, the way I interpreted your suggestion was that I should set the top-level group forum to have type=category instead of type=forum. In any case, here are my results…)


    1. WordPress: 4.6
    2. bbPress: 2.5.10
    3. BuddyPress: 2.6.2

    Scenario 1:
    (a) Create the BP Group without an associated forum.
    (b) Separately, later, create a forum with type=category
    (c) Go to the BP Group’s settings to try and associate the Forum to the BP Group

    Fail: The forum drop-down has the category forum greyed out, probably because it’s type=category.

    Scenario 2:
    (a) Create the BP Group *with* an associated Forum (which will automatically have type=forum)
    (b) Separately, later, go edit that new Forum’s type, setting type=category
    (c) Navigate to the forum’s page within the group. Say’s “the forum is empty.”
    (d) Add a new sub-forum type=forum
    (e) Create Topic A in the sub-forum
    (f) Navigate to the group’s forum again (as a non-admin user)

    Expected: Topic A should appear
    Actual: Topic A does not appear

    (g) How about directly linking to Topic A? Maybe Topic A is accessible to the user, but somehow the template simply isn’t outputting it under (f) above?

    Expected: Topic A should be accessible
    Actual: Topic A is accessible

    Therefore: the user can see and interact with Topic, but BuddyPress doesn’t know about it as being part of the forum.

    In retrospect, what seems to have actually happened here is that the original group of type=forum was regenerated and associated with the BP Group. So our topic is probably not showing up in the Group because it’s parent is the sub-forum of a forum the forum that is no longer associated with the group.

    Scenario 3:
    I thought: If sub-forums don’t work, then maybe multiple sibling forums could work. The Settings page for BuddyPress obviously only allows you to attach one forum, though the data model seems to allow for multiples. However, after slogging through the code, it’s clear that the current version of bbPress thwarts the adding of multiple forums. In at least two places that I saw in the code (like includes/extend/buddypress/groups.php), you have something like this:

    // No support for multiple forums yet
    $forum_id = (int) ( is_array( $forum_ids ) ? $forum_ids[0] : $forum_ids );

    So even if you were to completely bypass the user interface and do a hack of some kind to attach multiple forums to the group, this sort of code would thwart the hack.

    Scenario 4:
    So what if we go back to Scenario 1, but set up the initial group-associated forum with type=forum, instead of type=category. It would then be selectable in the admin UI, or could just be created automatically upon creation of the group.

    (a) Create a new private group with an associated forum
    (b) Go create a new private forum and set its parent to be that initial group forum
    (c) Create a topic in the sub-forum
    (d) Navigate to the forum within the group as a non-admin user

    Expected: The sub-forum should be visible and navigable
    Actual: It is! The user can click through, see the topic within the sub-forum, and reply on it.

    Conclusion: Success! This is the best and most functional scenario thus far.

    Key differences from what I’d tried and failed before:

    1. All forums involved have to be set to Private visibility. If Hidden, then some aspects of this may success, but others will fail.
    2. The forum that is associated with the group will have to be type=forum, not type=category. But I wrote a little plugin that disallows creation of new topics within a forum, without having to mark it CLOSED (thereby also disabling comments). So this will functionally turn this top-level group forum into a category/container forum anyway

    Caveat: I have noticed that when my admin user replies on the topic within the sub-forum, the BP Activity is created as expected (seen in the admin screen under Activities), but it doesn’t show up in the BP news feed of my non-admin test user. The other way works, though: if my non-admin user posts a reply to that topic, then this activity shows up in the news feed of my admin user. I need to debug that.


    I have the same need/concern.

    Unfortunately, I think the suggestion from @openring to use won’t work. I’ve looked closely at that plugin. It doesn’t seem to have anything to do with BuddyPress groups. Rather, it seems to have to do with creating it’s own role based access groups. So that’s a way of having more access control over your forums, which is valuable in and of itself, but it doesn’t pertain to BuddyPress.


    Hi Buddypress community,

    TLDR: Are there any plugins, free or premium, that allow me to protect bbpress forums on a per user basis?

    Longer version:
    I’m migrating my music lesson website from just a bbpress site, to a buddypress & bbpress.

    Each student has a private bbpress forum. And each student’s forum needs to be protected so only the student and I can access the forum.

    Does anyone know of a way to do this using free or premium plugin, without having to create and assign a new membership level for each student?

    Thanks so much community! (Im really excited about the community learning experience I will be able to make with BuddyPress.)


    I’m having an issue securing the Dashboard page visible to users. I’m setting up a private intranet and have secured all of the content pages, but the dashboard is still visible to anonymous users. We’ve tried the Forced Login Plugin which creates an issue with too many redirects. Is there a fix or workaround for this?


    Hi there,

    I’m using buddypress as a recruiting platform where people have a form with xprofile fields to complete a complex CV. I want all the data (even members list) to be private, I just want the user to be able to see his own data and delete or modify it.
    Only admin should be able to see the member list in order to select profiles when necessary.
    To do so, I have set almost all fields to “Only me” and limited access to public areas in the following way:

    /* Prevent logged out users from accessing bp activity page and other profiles*/
    function nonreg_visitor_redirect() 
    	global $bp;	
    	// The user ID of the currently logged in user
    	$current_user_id = (int) trim($bp->loggedin_user->id);
    	// The author that we are currently viewing
    	$author_id  = (int) trim($bp->displayed_user->id);
    	if ( !current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) )
    		if( bp_is_activity_component() || bp_is_groups_component() || bp_is_group_forum() || bp_is_page( BP_MEMBERS_SLUG ) || ($current_user_id !== $author_id && $author_id != 0))
    			wp_redirect( get_option('siteurl') );

    For me it works fine, but I’m new at Buddypress, and I wonder if I’m missing something.
    Is there any backdoor that I have forgot?
    Should I limit something else?
    To preserve this info is crucial for me.


    Hi all,

    I need to add some extra fields to the “Request Membership” page for some private group, in order to permit to the administrators to make some pre-selections of candidates.

    The ideal was be that the groups administrators could create the list of fields by themselves

    someone know if exist a plugin for that?

    I tried “BuddyPress Groups Extras” but is not that I need.


    Hi Buddypress Team

    As of now when a user sends a private message to another user, it is inserted in the database with a id, thread_id, sender_id, subject, message and date_sent and foreach at the same user send message new subject there is a new thread id.

    How we can make a single thread id for every users.

    Basicly im looking for a way to display messaging the way facebook does it. If anyone could give me a hint or point me in the right direction i would be very grateful.



    I have searched and searched for a solution. I have an existing private bbpress forum up and running for subscribers using Memberpress. I have installed Buddypress hoping to use ‘mentions’ and the activity feed to try to make it more social and a little bit like facebook.

    I have tried all sorts of settings with using all the components and with partial. I only want the bbpress forum, Activity feed and notifications/mentions. I don’t want the friends feature, but have tried it with this component switched on. I have no friends obviously to start with but there are no members anywhere to request to at least test that. If this is needed to see the activity of others in the bbpress forum, I need to find a simple way so all members are friends as a default with no additional notifications or emails.

    Are their any issues with installing buddypress with an existing bbpress forum. In every integration tut, there seems to be an order of installing Buddypress first.

    Does having Memberpress protecting the bbpress forums affect buddypress so I only see my own activity in the bbpress forum?

    can I do away with groups, and just have a global bbpess forum?

    The more troubleshooting I do, the more solutions I rad the more I am getting confused.

    Some help would be greatly appreciated



    Hi Henry Wright,

    I solved my problem. i had to unclick this option:

    “Only registered or approved members can view BuddyPress/bbPress pages (Private Network).”

    and it was fine.



    How can I restrict access (to a role or an user) to Buddypress’ private messaging system? I was trying to use the current_user_can WordPress function, but it requires the capability as the argument. The problem is that buddypress doesn’t make use of any sort of role. So, what would be the right way to do it?


    In reply to: Public posts


    No I don’t want to set them private I want them to be public.

    I’ll relook in my theme but I didn’t find anything like that


    I’m trying to replace the text “go to the discussion to reply or catch up on the conversation” at the bottom of the email users receive when they are privately emailed. I tracked down the wordage to to the bp-core-functions.php file under function bp_email_get_schema() {...}, under 'messages-unread' => array(...) and replaced it, but it’s still showing the original message even though there is no instance of that phrase in the file anymore.

    There is also the following comment before the array: /* translators: do not remove {} brackets or translate its contents. */. My new message had removed the brackets ({{{message.url}}}) because I don’t want to link the users to the direct message. I also tried adding back in the aforementioned bracket statement with my message, but it didn’t work.

    So, is there a specific reason why I can’t add my own message/remove the default message in that email? Does anyone know of a solution?


    In reply to: Public posts


    Sounds like you’re using a theme that’s stopping this or when you publish a post you have it set to private.

    It’s more for WordPress forums given posts are a WordPress feature and not a BuddyPress one.

    Look at your theme files, index.php and look for anything that looks like it’s making those posts only accessible to logged in users. Something like is_user_logged_in().


    After chat disruption and sudden 404 errors on all pages, let’s continue here.

    All your groups are listed here:

    Most are private and the 2 i found which are public have only one member: the group admin.

    I you’re the site admin, you can access to these groups.
    If you’re only a group admin, you can only access the group you’re a member/admin of.
    You must be logged-in to get access, whatever your status.

    For more information about groups, read the codex please.


    Seems also that you have no member page.
    Go to BP settings and check that there is a page for members, a page for group, a page for register and one for activation.

    Check here:

    Configure BuddyPress


    Hi, I’m setting up a buddypress site, and I need to figure out if I can do the following items with private messaging:

    – Send a message to all of my users
    – Send a message to users in a single buddypress group
    – Have a read receipt to know which users read the message
    – Send an email to a user to let them know they have a new private message

    I’m having a hard time finding information about these questions.



    In reply to: common forum


    There is nothing to do ! Private groups are even private. If user 1 is only member of group A and NOT of group B, user 1 can only act with group A forum.

    Aside, question related to bbPress should be asked on bbPress forum, not on BuddyPress forum.


    Topic: common forum

    in forum Showcase


    on my wordpress website I have 2 private groups, and i would like a common forum for this groups. But the problem if the user 1 is in the first group he can’t access to topic created on the second group.

    How to do that with bbPress?

    Sorry for my english.



    Private niche social network to give an idea of the kind of features that might be indicated

    again as i said before. No idea on what kind of features u would be looking at providing to your users

    minimize by replacing any plugins that I can with code

    that wont help. code or plugin is mostly the same thing IMO if you looking at speed of ur site


    @sharmavishal thanks for the response. I was just trying to describe the kind of site i.e. Private niche social network to give an idea of the kind of features that might be indicated. And the speed thing was my motivation to ask the question. Currently have media uploads chat room and other community oriented features using plugins. I feel like I have too many plugins and want to minimize by replacing any plugins that I can with code.

    For instance I recently as able to replace a login redirect and auto join to group plugins with code. Currently working to get my BBP forums styled the way I’d like without using BBP style pack.

    So as I am getting deeper into th custom code snippets and flexibility of BP in that regard I was seeking guidance on the best practices for where I could get the most most benefit from using plugin and where best to use code. What I don’t want to do is invest time tracking down and implementing code when it is better to just use a plugin.
    Thanks again for the response and any insights


    @sharmavishal thanks for the reply. the site is a private (must register and be approved) niche social network with WP BP and BBP. My concern is to find a balance between speed and the use of plugins while delivering the features that make for a good experience for my users.

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