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How can I prevent a particular member to send a private message to the rest of the members?
Hi Buddypress community,
TLDR: Are there any plugins, free or premium, that allow me to protect bbpress forums on a per user basis?
Longer version:
I’m migrating my music lesson website from just a bbpress site, to a buddypress & bbpress.Each student has a private bbpress forum. And each student’s forum needs to be protected so only the student and I can access the forum.
Does anyone know of a way to do this using free or premium plugin, without having to create and assign a new membership level for each student?
Thanks so much community! (Im really excited about the community learning experience I will be able to make with BuddyPress.)
Topic: Securing User Dashboard
I’m having an issue securing the Dashboard page visible to users. I’m setting up a private intranet and have secured all of the content pages, but the dashboard is still visible to anonymous users. We’ve tried the Forced Login Plugin which creates an issue with too many redirects. Is there a fix or workaround for this?
Hi there,
I’m using buddypress as a recruiting platform where people have a form with xprofile fields to complete a complex CV. I want all the data (even members list) to be private, I just want the user to be able to see his own data and delete or modify it.
Only admin should be able to see the member list in order to select profiles when necessary.
To do so, I have set almost all fields to “Only me” and limited access to public areas in the following way:/* Prevent logged out users from accessing bp activity page and other profiles*/ add_filter('get_header','nonreg_visitor_redirect',1); function nonreg_visitor_redirect() { global $bp; // The user ID of the currently logged in user $current_user_id = (int) trim($bp->loggedin_user->id); // The author that we are currently viewing $author_id = (int) trim($bp->displayed_user->id); if ( !current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) { if( bp_is_activity_component() || bp_is_groups_component() || bp_is_group_forum() || bp_is_page( BP_MEMBERS_SLUG ) || ($current_user_id !== $author_id && $author_id != 0)) { wp_redirect( get_option('siteurl') ); } } }
For me it works fine, but I’m new at Buddypress, and I wonder if I’m missing something.
Is there any backdoor that I have forgot?
Should I limit something else?
To preserve this info is crucial for me.Hi all,
I need to add some extra fields to the “Request Membership” page for some private group, in order to permit to the administrators to make some pre-selections of candidates.
The ideal was be that the groups administrators could create the list of fields by themselves
someone know if exist a plugin for that?
I tried “BuddyPress Groups Extras” but is not that I need.
I have searched and searched for a solution. I have an existing private bbpress forum up and running for subscribers using Memberpress. I have installed Buddypress hoping to use ‘mentions’ and the activity feed to try to make it more social and a little bit like facebook.
I have tried all sorts of settings with using all the components and with partial. I only want the bbpress forum, Activity feed and notifications/mentions. I don’t want the friends feature, but have tried it with this component switched on. I have no friends obviously to start with but there are no members anywhere to request to at least test that. If this is needed to see the activity of others in the bbpress forum, I need to find a simple way so all members are friends as a default with no additional notifications or emails.
Are their any issues with installing buddypress with an existing bbpress forum. In every integration tut, there seems to be an order of installing Buddypress first.
Does having Memberpress protecting the bbpress forums affect buddypress so I only see my own activity in the bbpress forum?
can I do away with groups, and just have a global bbpess forum?
The more troubleshooting I do, the more solutions I rad the more I am getting confused.
Some help would be greatly appreciated
I’m trying to replace the text “go to the discussion to reply or catch up on the conversation” at the bottom of the email users receive when they are privately emailed. I tracked down the wordage to to the
file underfunction bp_email_get_schema() {...}
, under'messages-unread' => array(...)
and replaced it, but it’s still showing the original message even though there is no instance of that phrase in the file anymore.There is also the following comment before the array:
/* translators: do not remove {} brackets or translate its contents. */
. My new message had removed the brackets ({{{message.url}}}
) because I don’t want to link the users to the direct message. I also tried adding back in the aforementioned bracket statement with my message, but it didn’t work.So, is there a specific reason why I can’t add my own message/remove the default message in that email? Does anyone know of a solution?
Topic: Private Messaging Questions
Hi, I’m setting up a buddypress site, and I need to figure out if I can do the following items with private messaging:
– Send a message to all of my users
– Send a message to users in a single buddypress group
– Have a read receipt to know which users read the message
– Send an email to a user to let them know they have a new private messageI’m having a hard time finding information about these questions.
Topic: common forum
on my wordpress website I have 2 private groups, and i would like a common forum for this groups. But the problem if the user 1 is in the first group he can’t access to topic created on the second group.
How to do that with bbPress?
Sorry for my english.