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  • #253918

    * correction. The last active IS showing for admin, I just didn’t see it because it’s inside the “cover image.” This happens when a user is logged into buddy press and views their own profile, this is because in that instance, the “cancel friendship,” and “private message” buttons do not show up.

    Thanks for the post, and thank you everyone that chimed in to alert the OP about the protocol for security concerns. Understanding it’s possible there’s a communication gap here, this topic does also read (to my eyes) as condescending & inflammatory, which is honestly not going to yield a very positive conversation. I think y’all did a great job staying positive, and I for one greatly appreciate that.

    To be clear to anyone else that runs into this topic, what the OP sees is not a BuddyPress or bbPress bug; this is WordPress doing it’s best to show published content from public post types.

    About BuddyPress:
    * Neither BuddyPress nor bbPress modify this core behavior
    * BuddyPress does not use this interface; bbPress does
    * The .org sites have not disabled this, they just do not have any unusual content to leak

    The gist:
    * If plugins allow for private content, it’s up to those plugins to protect it
    * If you create roles with content limitations, it’s up to you to confirm they’re working

    For anyone looking to modify or restrict content that appears in this list, use the wp_link_query_args and wp_link_query filters to do so.

    Here is how WordPress calculates the results in this list. Note that it only uses published posts from public post-types:

    $pts = get_post_types( array( 'public' => true ), 'objects' );
    $pt_names = array_keys( $pts );
    $query = array(
    	'post_type' => $pt_names,
    	'suppress_filters' => true,
    	'update_post_term_cache' => false,
    	'update_post_meta_cache' => false,
    	'post_status' => 'publish',
    	'posts_per_page' => 20,

    WordPress has a built-in way to calculate privacy scope using 'perm' => 'readable' and even that is not used here (though bbPress does use this in its own loops.) WordPress instead takes a strict position of published public content by default.

    If anything unexpected is appearing here, it is not because of BuddyPress or bbPress, and we are still happy to help anyone discover the source of this in a new & more friendly topic.


    Hi everyone,

    The organisation I work for is looking to trial Buddypress however we would ideally like to chat to one or two others regarding your experiences using BP and managing the ongoing admin on the backend before we jump in.

    We’re not asking for anyone to release anything private or confidential but some general feedback will be of great help. We’d like to make sure we have the right systems in place from the get-go and we’re not caught off-guard by unforeseen issues

    Things like managing increasing numbers of users, groups, comments, handling any abusive users etc.

    If anyone is willing to discuss their experiences with me please reply and we can take it from there.


    WP 4.5.2
    Kleo Theme

    Henry Wright

    As far as I know, in order to reply to a specific participant only, they’d need to start a new private message. Unless that’s done, as you pointed out, the reply will go to all participants.



    I have Buddypress installed for the WPLMS theme (WordPress learning management system)

    Right now, when I send a message or notification to multiple recipients, when someone replies, it is sent to the entire group.

    Is it possible to make the reply private between the Admin (me) and the replying user?

    Why would I want to do this?

    Let’s say I want to send the same message to every student taking a course on my site asking them for their feedback, then when someone replies to that message, everyone will see that reply. I don’t want that. It’s spammy and will annoy people.

    The alternative is to hand deliver each message to each user, but at times I want to compose the same message to everyone, and composing the same message a hundred times isn’t practical.

    Is there a workaround for this?



    In reply to: Error on installation


    Running version 4.5.2
    Theme Geodirectory/ supremember directory.
    Plugins: Akismet, auto terms of service and privacy policy, contact form 7, black studio tiny mce, f(x) private site, gd booster, gd business hours, geodirectory plugins (don’t have buddypress intergration active), Google analytics, jet pack, site origin, page builder, Yoast seo…


    I need to output “Send Private Message” button on a custom profile page.
    I’ve managed to add “Add Friend” button but this one is bugging me.

    So far, I’ve managed to output only a link which actually works, but the problem is when I click on it, I need to type manually a user name to send message to.

    I was hoping to get the functionality that when I click “Send Message”, the recipient is auto populated. Just like it’s on original buddypress profile page.

    So far, I used this code..

    if ( is_user_logged_in() ) echo '<a href="' . wp_nonce_url( bp_loggedin_user_domain() . bp_get_messages_slug() . '/compose/?r=' . get_the_author_meta('user_login') ) . '" title="Send a private message to this user" class="send-message">Private Message</a>';

    Garrett Hyder

    Hi @fullmoonfriday,

    At the time I was able to just work around it as described by keeping the forum public but placing it into a Private Group and having the Groups Forum (parent) hidden.

    Anyway I’ve recently updating WP/BP/BBP and attempted to reproduce.
    When the forum is hidden it still doesn’t render anything which may be intended as it’s ‘hidden’.
    When the forum is private I am now getting the shortcode to render properly and in full. So it appears the issue where a private forum is embedded through shortcode and only renders the ‘No Topics’ message has been resolved.

    This is good in my case at least since I can now switch all my forums back to private.
    As to the hidden forum not rendering, I’m unsure if it should be displaying anything or not.

    So at the very least you can avoid hidden and stick to private groups. But if you require hidden as well will either need custom coding. Or you might want to open up a trac ticket to push the issue to bp-dev team.



    I have come across the same issue recently. Seems still to be the default. Did you find anything else to resolve this? Otherwise I guess it is a custom code job to get hidden and private group forums to be showing on a users profile.

    Garrett Hyder

    As I’ve suggested forget about changing functionality of private groups and instead focus on public groups and employing the alternate control public group plugin to lock public groups down to require membership requests so they act similar to Private Groups. And then you won’t need to reinvent the wheel concerning Private Group functionality.
    Basically look at your problem from another angle and focus on modifying Public Group functionality over Private Group functionality as you’ll have a much easier time with that approach.


    How to change functionality of private group. I want Private Group content and activity should visible to members of any site.



    I’m working on the visibility of my profile fields but I am not sure how it really works so I have some questions.

    1. I want some profile fields to be visible to some specific user role. But allow the users of that role to set the visibility of the value of the field.

    For example, a long text field visible only for editors and admins. But allow them to set the value’s visibility if they want to share it to their friends or public or private. Is this possible?

    2. I have a profile field only visible for admin meaning only admin can see that profile field, but I want the value of that field visible to all. Is this possible?


    Garrett Hyder

    Hi @sprocketbuddy,

    As @imath notes in his video trying to get private groups to function ‘publicly’ is going to be quite difficult as it’s ingrained in the core.

    You’ll want to start with his plugin ( and customize to your needs. As Public Groups by default have Group content and activity visible to any user by employing his plugin you’ll achieve the options you desire with introducing membership requests to the public group but still display it’s members, content, activity.

    Hope that helps get you started in the right direction. Try it out and let me know what roadblocks you hit and we can probably assist.



    Private group options are:

    1. Only users who request membership and are accepted can join the group.
    2. This group will be listed in the groups directory and in search results.
    3. Group content and activity will only be visible to members of the group.

    Want to change the third option like public group. Private Group content and activity should visible to members of any site.


    Are there any ways to separate the Buddypress Private Messages system into pages? A long conversation can become daunting to scroll through. Also is it possible to set the newest messages to appear at the top?

    Garrett Hyder

    Hi @sprocketbuddy,

    Take a look at this plugin by @imath;

    I believe it goes along with your needs. He found rather than hacking/rewritting permission things for private groups that it was easier to utilize a public group and just lock it down with more controls.

    There’s a demo here;



    Private group options are

    1. Only users who request membership and are accepted can join the group.
    2. This group will be listed in the groups directory and in search results.
    3. Group content and activity will only be visible to members of the group.

    To modify option 3, you can code something.
    Read from here.


    I want to change privat group setting. Its third option should work like public group. I want Group content and activity will be visible to any site member of private group. Is there any way to change this setting eithrt from admin or using coding?


    I want to show the content of private group like public group.

    Night Hawk

    Hi is any way we can limit the private message to friends only?

    I had my first spam message today!


    – The group list private/hidden can now be seen in the edit mode of the topic. Although the group stops access to actually posting the topic onto the group the users doesn’t have access to. So as far as I can tell, although direct url access I haven’t tested, the user cannot read the private forums, topics from a group.

    things that eed to be resolved
    – removing the groups list forums from the edit mode as showing all the private and hidden group on the site isn’t ideal.
    – the user can now see and view any private forums that are in non-group forums.
    – possible direct url access to the group forums.



    I was experiencing the same issue, although this is quite an old topic now, I thought I would add my bit.
    – So site admin gets to see all the topics, and forums from all groups types without issue
    – normal user just see’s the public groups on their profile. – fine for someone that is viewing their profile but not for the user, who would like to see all relevant stuff from the site on one place.
    – I have found adding the capability to read private topics, and hiddden topics to the subscriber role sorts out the problem. Using the “members” plugin to scope the roles out.

    This is after building a clean site and going through all these setups to ensure it was not custom development that has caused any issues.

    – So now I need to now if the user can now see all private forums/topics from all hidden groups / private groups at any point. This would obviously be a major problem for users with private content.

    I will look into this further, but it is frustrating that these points are not covered in bbpress setup as a few lines of information on this would have cleared up this issue straight away. I do value the fact everyone is doing this in their spare time though.


    In reply to: PHP 7.0 compatibility

    Henry Wright

    Do you have the private messages component activated?


    Okay I managed to create a add friend button using some code found on this website.. but im still a little stuck on creating a send private message button? any help would be great! thank you!


    Hello does anyone know how to display links on wordpress post pages for the author of the posts buddypress profile link, send the author a private message and add friend with an if statement to check that the user isnt the author and if so echo nothing?

    Would be extremely helpful!

    Thank you!

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