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Search Results for 'profile fields'

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  • #3616

    i was wondering if it was possible to include the rest of my profile fields on the signup page by having a more.. link that opens up the rest of the fields for the user via ajax, or after they sign up in the first 2 pages it offers them a link to add more info, if this is not easy then how can i include the other fields on the main page

    i am also extremly interested in allowing the user to choose thier own password on signup as a lot of users abandon thier account when they cant remember the generated one, i know this seems a little stupid but it would be of more value if i can retain those users who didnt return to the site just because they cant login, i consistantly get password change notification emails because users dont understand how to change it, i have tried a few plugins but none yet have managed to add a password field, im sure there are many other users who would like to see this implemented



    Great! It works!

    Now that we’ve got bbPress and BuddyPress playing nice, how about a way to get custom profile fields and display them easily within the forums? Burt, I see somewhat how you did it with avatars and the name, but I’m not sure how you feed the bbGroups information and how I could tap into it for custom fields.


    Just wondering if someone has a solution for hiding some profile fields from non-members.

    For instance we collect email adresses in the fields and we’d rather not have then scraped for spam lists


    @mikepratt, Burt nailed it on the head, but I’d like to add that I think many people are still stuck in the forum world, and haven’t peeked their heads out to see that social networking has evolved in the past 5 years or so. I know on lots of car or video game forums, it’s basically just a free for all chat fest, and trying to convert those minds into using BuddyPress or WordPress alone is too big of a change; I’ve tried it twice now with little success. Having a dedicated familiar looking forum but using BuddyPress to emphasize the social atmosphere helps those stubborn users transition a little easier and allow them to fallback on the features of a dedicated forum in the event it doesn’t work out.

    @burt, I noticed on your Common Interest site that you have the forums separated between public and group. I would like to do something similar, and am curious as to how you did so. Also, is there an easy way to tap into the profile fields/user information from BuddyPress and display it as post author information in bbPress?


    Hi People, I have WPMU 1.7 and BP beta 2 installed all up to date, also using Wootheme called BusyBee. Can someone take a look at the registration page as it seems broken, the layout is defaulting to the right rather than following the theme and remaining a central column… also, there is a background image which I have no idea what its doing there and doesn;t work with the register page. Also, my extended profile fields are not showing up anyway…

    And finally, I am getting the follwing error message while doing the registration process:

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home3/theheri3/public_html/wp-content/mu-plugins/bp-xprofile/bp-xprofile-signup.php on line 104

    Any help appreciated


    This one is up next on my development list, so I’ll just gratuitously BUMP this…

    Is anybody aware of a way to call specific profile fields using BP functions, or is the only way to do this something like:

    //get the country of the current post author. country field ID is 4.

    $result = mysql_query(“SELECT value FROM wp_bp_xprofile_data WHERE user_id = ” . $current_author . ” AND field_id = ” . $country_field . ” LIMIT 1″);

    $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);

    $profile_field = $row;

    Hmm, I may have just answered my own question…


    Yeah, I think in general it would be nice if buddypress played well with the wpmu profile fields, or at least if they could snyc up somehow. I was able to manually run some mysql queries to import all of my old data, but being able to use the same “display name” would be helpful!

    Andy Peatling

    This is fixed in the latest.

    Andy Peatling

    Bug, looks like something broke, I’ll fix this today.

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    The values aren’t saved when I create the fields – I’ve gone back into ‘Edit’ the admin panel to check. I’ve confirmed this by also going into the user / edit profile screen. In the example of the select box, I only see an empty select box.


    Hi Paul.

    With “save these values” do you mean that the values aren’t saved when you create the fields or when the users selects the appropriate value in their profile?

    Paul Wong-Gibbs


    I’ve tried to add radio buttons and drop-down select boxes as new Profile Fields. Obviously you specify the values that the user can pick from. However, with revision 1035, BP doesn’t seem to save these values.

    Can someone test their install to see if it’s my version not working properly, or what might be going on? Thanks.

    Shelley Keith

    Thanks for that. I just checked, there are indeed “tabs” (barely noticeable) when I try to edit my profile, and that info does show up on the public profile once populated. It’s not anywhere on the initial sign-up…is that by design? Is there a way to make the groups/fields available upon initial registration?


    The topic has been closed and i feel sorry for it, because with my later installation wp MU 2.7 + BP béta 2, i’m still having this error msg :

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/np5397/domains/ on line 104

    when creating a new blog

    that cause several issues :

    – can’t edit the profiles, create a group

    – blogs are created but aren’t showing in the recent activity, neither in the blogs tabs or in his owner’s profile

    – can’t send a message, invite somebody to be friend, etc

    it seems that i have no x-profile tables in my db like burtadsit asks




    here is the list of the tables in my db ; can’t see it










































    please how can i create manually those tables in my sqlDB ?

    thanks for any advice

    Paul Wong-Gibbs


    Does anyone know how I might go about writing a plugin to allow certain Profile Fields to only be edited by an Admin? I’d like to eventually have a “rank” or similar profile field in my community which I would want to set manually for each user, and not allow them to change it themselves.





    First off you need to add some fields to the fields groups in order för them to show up.

    After that they show up in two ways; when you fill out/edit your profile they show up as “tabs” at the top of the profile form.

    When viewing a public profile they show up as sections, provided that the users has entered anything in a field in that field group.


    Shelley Keith

    Update: I deleted the “state” field and tried it again. I got an error:

    Warning: Wrong parameter count for fgetcsv() in /home/24396/domains/ on line 288

    Shelley Keith

    I added the “state” prebuilt field and it didn’t produce a populated dropdown of states. Is this a known issue, new issue, or just my issue?

    WPMU 2.7

    BuddyPress Version Numbers

    Profile: 1.0b2 / Core: 1.0b2 / Activity: 1.0b2 / Blogs: 1.0b2 / Friends: 1.0b2 / Groups: 1.0b2 / Messages: 1.0b2 / Wire: 1.0b2 / Forums: 1.0b2 /

    Burt Adsit

    Lets start from scratch here. Do you have the x-profile tables in you db? You should have:




    Where (tableprefix_) is set to something like ‘wp_’ depending on how you specified it on wpmu install.

    When you look at the tables with phpMyAdmin is there any data in the bp_xprofile_groups table? There should be 1 record in there on a clean install. id == 1 and name == ‘Basic’.

    In the table bp_xprofile_fields there should be 1 record it should have id == 1, group_id == 1 and name == ‘Full Name’.

    If you don’t have all the above you will get the error you describe. If you don’t have all of that then the required tables for bp are not being created and populated properly.

    Adam W. Warner

    Hi Folks,

    First time working with BuddyPress, so I may be missing something. When I login as admin and navigate to Site Admin–>Profile Fields–>Add New Group, I am able to create a new Profile Group Name and add fields to it.

    However, when I then navigate to Site Admin–>Groups, I see no groups displayed.

    Am I trying to create Groups correctly, or am I missing some basic logic here?


    For now, I simply commented out the line

    add_filter( 'bp_the_profile_field_value', 'xprofile_filter_link_profile_data', 2, 3 );

    on line 14 of bp-xprofile/bp-xprofile-filters.php. The current fn simply makes way too many words into search hyperlinks.


    1) Upload WordPress Mu package

    2) open .htaccess and add :

    AddType x-mapp-php5 .php

    AddHandler x-mapp-php5 .php

    3) Install WordPress Mu with the subdirectory option ( subdomain option does not work)

    4) Enable blog+account creation from admin panel

    5) Test your installation by creating one test-user account+blog , then remove test-user account+blog

    6) Go to your PHPMyAdmin interface and create the following tables:

    CREATE TABLE wp_bp_activity_sitewide (

    id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,

    user_id int(11) NOT NULL,

    item_id int(11) NOT NULL,

    secondary_item_id int(11) default NULL,

    content longtext NOT NULL,

    primary_link varchar(150) NOT NULL,

    component_name varchar(75) NOT NULL,

    component_action varchar(75) NOT NULL,

    date_cached datetime NOT NULL,

    date_recorded datetime NOT NULL,

    PRIMARY KEY (id),

    KEY date_cached (date_cached),

    KEY date_recorded (date_recorded),

    KEY user_id (user_id),

    KEY item_id (item_id),

    KEY component_name (component_name)

    ) TYPE=MyISAM ;

    CREATE TABLE wp_bp_friends (

    id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,

    initiator_user_id int(11) NOT NULL,

    friend_user_id int(11) NOT NULL,

    is_confirmed tinyint(1) default ‘0’,

    is_limited tinyint(1) default ‘0’,

    date_created datetime NOT NULL,

    PRIMARY KEY (id),

    KEY initiator_user_id (initiator_user_id),

    KEY friend_user_id (friend_user_id)

    ) TYPE=MyISAM ;

    CREATE TABLE wp_bp_groups (

    id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,

    creator_id int(11) NOT NULL,

    name varchar(100) NOT NULL,

    slug varchar(100) NOT NULL,

    description longtext NOT NULL,

    news longtext NOT NULL,

    status varchar(10) NOT NULL default ‘open’,

    is_invitation_only tinyint(1) NOT NULL default ‘0’,

    enable_wire tinyint(1) NOT NULL default ‘1’,

    enable_forum tinyint(1) NOT NULL default ‘1’,

    enable_photos tinyint(1) NOT NULL default ‘1’,

    photos_admin_only tinyint(1) NOT NULL default ‘0’,

    date_created datetime NOT NULL,

    avatar_thumb varchar(250) NOT NULL,

    avatar_full varchar(250) NOT NULL,

    PRIMARY KEY (id),

    KEY creator_id (creator_id),

    KEY status (status),

    KEY is_invitation_only (is_invitation_only)

    ) TYPE=MyISAM ;

    CREATE TABLE wp_bp_groups_groupmeta (

    id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,

    group_id int(11) NOT NULL,

    meta_key varchar(255) default NULL,

    meta_value longtext,

    PRIMARY KEY (id),

    KEY group_id (group_id),

    KEY meta_key (meta_key)

    ) TYPE=MyISAM ;

    CREATE TABLE wp_bp_groups_members (

    id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,

    group_id int(11) NOT NULL,

    user_id int(11) NOT NULL,

    inviter_id int(11) NOT NULL,

    is_admin tinyint(1) NOT NULL default ‘0’,

    is_mod tinyint(1) NOT NULL default ‘0’,

    user_title varchar(100) NOT NULL,

    date_modified datetime NOT NULL,

    comments longtext NOT NULL,

    is_confirmed tinyint(1) NOT NULL default ‘0’,

    is_banned tinyint(1) NOT NULL default ‘0’,

    invite_sent tinyint(1) NOT NULL default ‘0’,

    PRIMARY KEY (id),

    KEY group_id (group_id),

    KEY is_admin (is_admin),

    KEY is_mod (is_mod),

    KEY user_id (user_id),

    KEY inviter_id (inviter_id),

    KEY is_confirmed (is_confirmed)

    ) TYPE=MyISAM ;

    CREATE TABLE wp_bp_groups_wire (

    id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,

    item_id int(11) NOT NULL,

    user_id int(11) NOT NULL,

    content longtext NOT NULL,

    date_posted datetime NOT NULL,

    PRIMARY KEY (id),

    KEY item_id (item_id),

    KEY user_id (user_id)

    ) TYPE=MyISAM ;

    CREATE TABLE wp_bp_messages_messages (

    id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,

    sender_id int(11) NOT NULL,

    subject varchar(200) NOT NULL,

    message longtext NOT NULL,

    date_sent datetime NOT NULL,

    message_order int(10) NOT NULL,

    sender_is_group tinyint(1) NOT NULL default ‘0’,

    PRIMARY KEY (id),

    KEY sender_id (sender_id),

    KEY message_order (message_order),

    KEY sender_is_group (sender_is_group)

    ) TYPE=MyISAM ;

    CREATE TABLE wp_bp_messages_notices (

    id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,

    subject varchar(200) NOT NULL,

    message longtext NOT NULL,

    date_sent datetime NOT NULL,

    is_active tinyint(1) NOT NULL default ‘0’,

    PRIMARY KEY (id),

    KEY is_active (is_active)

    ) TYPE=MyISAM ;

    CREATE TABLE wp_bp_messages_recipients (

    id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,

    user_id int(11) NOT NULL,

    thread_id int(11) NOT NULL,

    sender_only tinyint(1) NOT NULL default ‘0’,

    unread_count int(10) NOT NULL default ‘0’,

    is_deleted tinyint(1) NOT NULL default ‘0’,

    PRIMARY KEY (id),

    KEY user_id (user_id),

    KEY thread_id (thread_id),

    KEY is_deleted (is_deleted),

    KEY sender_only (sender_only),

    KEY unread_count (unread_count)

    ) TYPE=MyISAM ;

    CREATE TABLE wp_bp_messages_threads (

    id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,

    message_ids longtext NOT NULL,

    sender_ids longtext NOT NULL,

    first_post_date datetime NOT NULL,

    last_post_date datetime NOT NULL,

    last_message_id int(11) NOT NULL,

    last_sender_id int(11) NOT NULL,

    PRIMARY KEY (id),

    KEY last_message_id (last_message_id),

    KEY last_sender_id (last_sender_id)

    ) TYPE=MyISAM ;

    CREATE TABLE wp_bp_notifications (

    id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,

    user_id int(11) NOT NULL,

    item_id int(11) NOT NULL,

    secondary_item_id int(11) default NULL,

    component_name varchar(75) NOT NULL,

    component_action varchar(75) NOT NULL,

    date_notified datetime NOT NULL,

    is_new tinyint(1) NOT NULL,

    PRIMARY KEY (id),

    KEY item_id (item_id),

    KEY secondary_item_id (secondary_item_id),

    KEY user_id (user_id),

    KEY is_new (is_new),

    KEY component_name (component_name),

    KEY component_action (component_action)

    ) TYPE=MyISAM ;

    CREATE TABLE wp_bp_user_blogs (

    id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,

    user_id int(11) NOT NULL,

    blog_id int(11) NOT NULL,

    PRIMARY KEY (id),

    KEY user_id (user_id),

    KEY blog_id (blog_id)

    ) TYPE=MyISAM ;

    CREATE TABLE wp_bp_user_blogs_blogmeta (

    id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,

    blog_id int(11) NOT NULL,

    meta_key varchar(255) default NULL,

    meta_value longtext,

    PRIMARY KEY (id),

    KEY blog_id (blog_id),

    KEY meta_key (meta_key)

    ) TYPE=MyISAM ;

    CREATE TABLE wp_bp_user_blogs_comments (

    id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,

    user_id int(11) NOT NULL,

    blog_id int(11) NOT NULL,

    comment_id int(11) NOT NULL,

    comment_post_id int(11) NOT NULL,

    date_created datetime NOT NULL,

    PRIMARY KEY (id),

    KEY user_id (user_id),

    KEY blog_id (blog_id),

    KEY comment_id (comment_id),

    KEY comment_post_id (comment_post_id)

    ) TYPE=MyISAM ;

    CREATE TABLE wp_bp_user_blogs_posts (

    id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,

    user_id int(11) NOT NULL,

    blog_id int(11) NOT NULL,

    post_id int(11) NOT NULL,

    date_created datetime NOT NULL,

    PRIMARY KEY (id),

    KEY user_id (user_id),

    KEY blog_id (blog_id),

    KEY post_id (post_id)

    ) TYPE=MyISAM ;

    CREATE TABLE wp_bp_xprofile_data (

    id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,

    field_id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL,

    user_id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL,

    value longtext NOT NULL,

    last_updated datetime NOT NULL,

    PRIMARY KEY (id),

    KEY field_id (field_id),

    KEY user_id (user_id)

    ) TYPE=MyISAM ;

    CREATE TABLE wp_bp_xprofile_fields (

    id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,

    group_id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL,

    parent_id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL,

    type varchar(150) NOT NULL,

    name varchar(150) NOT NULL,

    description longtext NOT NULL,

    is_required tinyint(1) NOT NULL default ‘0’,

    is_default_option tinyint(1) NOT NULL default ‘0’,

    field_order int(11) NOT NULL default ‘0’,

    option_order int(11) NOT NULL default ‘0’,

    order_by varchar(15) NOT NULL,

    is_public int(2) NOT NULL default ‘1’,

    can_delete tinyint(1) NOT NULL default ‘1’,

    PRIMARY KEY (id),

    KEY group_id (group_id),

    KEY parent_id (parent_id),

    KEY is_public (is_public),

    KEY can_delete (can_delete),

    KEY is_required (is_required)

    ) TYPE=MyISAM ;

    CREATE TABLE wp_bp_xprofile_groups (

    id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,

    name varchar(150) NOT NULL,

    description mediumtext NOT NULL,

    can_delete tinyint(1) NOT NULL,

    PRIMARY KEY (id),

    KEY can_delete (can_delete)

    ) TYPE=MyISAM ;

    CREATE TABLE wp_bp_xprofile_wire (

    id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,

    item_id int(11) NOT NULL,

    user_id int(11) NOT NULL,

    content longtext NOT NULL,

    date_posted datetime NOT NULL,

    PRIMARY KEY (id),

    KEY item_id (item_id),

    KEY user_id (user_id)

    ) TYPE=MyISAM ;

    7) Replace site name and site description and insert to database:

    INSERT INTO wp_bp_user_blogs VALUES (1, 1, 1);

    INSERT INTO wp_bp_user_blogs_blogmeta VALUES (1, 1, ‘name’, ‘site Name’);

    INSERT INTO wp_bp_user_blogs_blogmeta VALUES (2, 1, ‘description’, ‘Site Description’);

    INSERT INTO wp_bp_user_blogs_blogmeta VALUES (3, 1, ‘last_activity’, ‘1’);

    INSERT INTO wp_bp_xprofile_fields VALUES (1, 1, 0, ‘textbox’, ‘Full Name’, ”, 1, 0, 1, 0, ”, 1, 0);

    INSERT INTO wp_bp_xprofile_groups VALUES (1, ‘Base’, ”, 0);

    8) Upload BuddyPress and install it.

    Now you can create profiles & groups.


    Hi guys,

    i’ve written in these days a plugin : BPDEV-EXTRA-GROUPS, it adds extra fields for Groups, a sort of XPROFILE for GROUPS,

    here the official announce:

    You can see it working on

    I think i’ll not release it as free like other my plugins :) i worked a lot to do that :)

    i’ll update on this plugin as soon,

    if you need this plugin now, contact me on nicola at, on bpdev or trough this forum.

    Suggestions and critics here :)





    How do I add some default profile fields in BuddyPress? The users can access it in the WP dashboard ( but that is confusing.

    I would like to expose some of the default WP profile fields (Nickname etc.) to the users in the same place they edit the other BuddyPress profile information.

    Anyone have any ideas?



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