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  • #39731


    You just lost me. What I want to do is have a dropdown box. When they select an option then auto magically a group of fields appear that are appropriate for their option selection. If they change the dropdown then those fields disappear and new appropriate fields for the newly selected option appears.




    I hope Andy releases some code to support some of these Easter Eggs. Maybe we should hold an Easter Egg hunt, with prizes for everyone who can find unused Database fields or unused functions in the code. I know of a 1/2 dozen which I would really like to see implemented soon.



    you can…

    do this.. mark fields as private, change your profile fields to dispaly public only, and then use the values to generate a customer profile box.

    You can easily get profile values directly, and can perform any calculations you want based on these values. But I’m sure it might be a little confusing to show these, so you need to have them marked as private. These private fields will not be shown once you modify the profile member theme.

    Hope that gives you some ideas,



    Yes, by using the Extended Profile fields this idea can already be implemented. But perhaps I’m missing something. Whereas multiple href tags are placed within single posts everyday in the blogosphere, it is a lot harder to extract (parse) that data–each individual link–for other purposes.

    In this particular instance, placing a member’s outbound homepage links, each in their own individual record, makes it a lot more useful. In other words, a 1:N relationship between a member and his or her chosen online homesites. They could add as many as they like and each would appear in a nicely formatted table, one row for each link, each record. This would provide a more flexible and easy to manipulate subset of profile data for plugin developers to utilize.

    However, such relational design in this case may be over engineering the data schema and might be of limited use for the vast majority of developers. It could also make the management of the profile fields more complex–from a coding standpoint.

    But, this general concept of offering a way for plugin developers or site admins to place multi-record fields (model 1:N type data) within profiles would be very powerful. Currently, most social network platforms do not provide that type of relational complexity within their users’ profiles. True 1:N relationships are simply listed within a single field. For instance, members of a musicians network list their albums or songs within each album in a list within a large text field.

    You get the idea. Maybe this is not too useful for most. But I think providing the option could help BP become an even more sophisticated platform.


    Thanks I just submitted one with a little more detail.




    Can’t answer to say if it will support this, but it wouldn’t hurt to add this in the trac as an enhancement. I see how this could be valuable.


    Does or will BP in the future support conditional profile fields? Here is an example.

    User selects an option from a field that has 3 options.

    If option 1 is selected fields 1, 2 and 3 are displayed.

    If option 2 is selected fields 4, 5, and 6 are displayed.

    If option 3 is selected fields 1, 3 and 6 are displayed.


    Here would be a real life example. Say you run a site for people that love the mountains. You have hikers, campers and rock climbers. You would have different profile fields for each type of mountain lover.




    How about using the Extended Profile fields, and just making a field called “External Blogs” and within that, have links to websites?

    Andy Peatling

    No. Next time they edit that group of fields, they will not be able to save until they fill in the required fields.


    If you add additional profile fields down the road and you set some of them as required fields, what happens to members who signed up before the addition of the new required fields?

    Are they shown a page when they login next that requires them to fill in the missing required fields or are the new required fields just ignored for existing members?

    I sure hope I explained that OK.



    Rich Spott


    glad to see that it’s working (although not as secure as you thought) as i understood it, you have to force it sitewide because the registration page is for your whole site, not just the main one.

    As far as wp-recapatcha not being the best, well this might be the case, but it does prevent some spammers. I was having a problem with scripts bypassing the entire registration process and starting up profiles and blogs without entering any of the required fields, and the only way i got them to stop, was to change my “wp-signup.php” to something different like “sbn-start.php” and replaced the 4 instances of it in the “wp-signup.php” file with “sbn-start.php” and then went into “bp-core-template-tags.php” and replaced the one instance of “wp-signup.php”.

    This solved the problem (crossing fingers), but I still have a few people getting by that I have to manually spam and ban, but I can deal with 2-3 a day versus waking up in the morning and finding 200 spam blogs signup over night.

    Hope I helped.


    The permissions plugin will be an integrated part of BuddyPress when version 1.1 comes around. As it stands today, it isn’t available to anyone but the developer(s). :D

    If I am understanding you correctly, profile groups and fields are used as pages of user editable information within their profiles, so you can have a group for “Personal” one for “Contact” one for “Pets” one for “Vehicle” etc… It’s part of the Extended Profiles plugin, and will also get a bit of a facelift for 1.1.

    If you need to set permissions right now today, unfortunately I don’t have a real great answer for you yet, other than kind of side stepping what you need until a built in option comes available.


    There’s actually a few little Easter eggs in the database that aren’t being used yet, but are planned for future use.

    My suggestion would be to wait until it’s time, but if you’re comfortable making some modifications that will end up being trumped by a future update, that sounds like one possible way to accomplish that.


    I noticed in the wp_bp_xprofile_fields table, there is a column, “is_public”, but I don’t see the templates actually checking for this flag or the admin panel allowing this flag to be set.

    I did come across bp_field_has_public_data, so I was wondering if I could just swap out bp_field_has_data for bp_field_has_public_data in the loop, if it would hide profile fields marked as private?


    In reply to: BP Avatars in bbPress

    Burt Adsit

    Hi John, that spot is where all the xprofile group and fields for each group get stuffed into an array for transport. If some of the data is extremely large for some reason it could give you memory problems.

    I’ve asked a couple of other people to give 0.31 a try. I don’t know what to tell ya guy. I’m using all the above when it comes to software versions you listed.

    I usually run the latest svn trunk but I don’t think that could be the cause of the problem.


    Alright, thank you. I’ll report it.

    I find it strange though, since I tested to run a <script> on the buddypress demo, and it didn’t work. Are you sure there isn’t some function I’ve accidentally allowed?


    In reply to: BP Avatars in bbPress

    Burt Adsit

    I like the inclusion of ‘signature’ in a profile field! Nice idea.

    I’ve updated bbGroups to optionally transfer all users over to bbpress meta or just users who are in groups. Skipping the bbpress/buddypress utility user.

    I’ve got all xprofile groups and group field values going to bbpress.

    Got a template tag that allows getting any of those values by user, group, field.

    Did some cleanup internationalization for text.

    Now doing testing. Gotta look into the problem with tags for hidden groups showing up in the tag cloud. I don’t think you’d be interested in any of this. You’ve already got that stuff implemented. :)

    I think that the only mod of yours I stepped on was the oci_get_user_filter() changes you included in there. I added another filter function oci_get_xprofile_filter($user) that adds all the xprofile fields to the $user array. It won’t break your mod, it’ll just add all the xprofile fields again.


    * oci_get_xprofile_filter()


    * This filter adds all xprofile groups and group fields to bbpress


    * @param <array> $user

    * @return <array> $user array for xmlrpc transport


    function oci_get_xprofile_filter($user){

    $xprofile_groups = BP_XProfile_Group:: get_all(true); // all except empty groups

    foreach($xprofile_groups as $group){

    foreach($group->fields as $field){ // all fields for group

    $field_obj = new BP_XProfile_Field($field->id, $user,true); // this field

    // xprofile_groupname_fieldname to prevent conflicts

    $user = array(‘group’ => $group->name, ‘name’ => $field_obj->name, ‘value’ => $field_obj->data->value, ‘type’ => $field_obj->type);



    return $user;




    You could make a xprofile field that says “Outside Blogs” and they could list them there for now. They wouldn’t link to them yet however, and there’s an enhancement in the trac to allow for different formats of fields that will allow this later.

    I suspect however that your goal is to have these blogs show in the “Blogs” area of BuddyPress. I think that’s a novel idea, and I don’t think it would be too difficult to do really, but it means that the blog area needs to be explored more, versus it only being a front end layer for all of WPMU’s blogs.

    I think that they best they could be however would be links to outside blogs, and that keeping it within the content of your site would be difficult. (It would require an iFrame most likely, which I suspect most of us try to avoid.)

    Erwin Gerrits

    I think the easiest way would be to have a simple plugin that would simply store these two values for other plugins to use.

    One could write a plugin that adds a menu option to the settings for the profile plugin, and it would just say “twitter settings” and you enter your account & password in that, and other plugins could simply check if the fields exist and use twitter if they do.

    Or maybe it’ll just have one function: tweet($userid, $status), ‘if function exists’ is an easy check in php and so other plugins can check if the twitter plugin is installed and use it if it is.

    Just throwing this out for discussion.


    In reply to: BP Avatars in bbPress

    Burt Adsit

    John, I haven’t had time to even delve into the xprofile code yet. I’m going to start working on bbGroups again this evening. There are some ‘tags’ issues poping up I have to work on. If you’ve accomplished the xprofile fields being added I’d love to see how and add it to the plugin if you are so inclined to donate to the effort. If not then I can take a look at that. Let me know.

    Oh. I added the ‘editor’ role for the community blogs plugin as you suggested.

    Trent Adams

    Best bet if you find a bug or an enhancement would be to post it on with your login from these forums. It might not be known yet and the reporting might help get it fixed.



    Hello, I decided to start using MU/BuddyPress today and installed it to test a few things.

    I had a friend who registered and tried to break the page with java / html, just to see if it could be done. He managed to link his profile to youtube, and change the color of his name, and mess up a whole lot of other things. So, my question is, how do I disable html / java in the profile fields and profile comments (since that’s where he was able to break it)? I tried to search on the forum, but couldn’t find anything.

    Another thing I noticed is that the “Site Wide Activity” icons are positioned behind the text with 960 fixed width, if I didn’t accidentally cause that myself.


    has anyone successfully added the ability to make certain profile fields private? ie.. somthing like – get_currentuserinfo() ; global $user_level; if ($user_level > 0) then display only secondary profile fields…


    Hi, I installed buddypress yesterday, everything works well, except I get a script-error in the admin section under ‘Profile fields’:

    Line: 147

    Char: 45

    Error: Object dosen’t support this property or method

    Any fix for this?

    Trent Adams

    If you go into your Dashboard of the main BP and WPMU blog as the “site-admin” you will find the options for Buddypress Profiles to add more options in the “site-admin” menu.


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