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  • #95430

    The theme looks very nicely organized. I have just two questions: will it support custom menus and when will it be available to purchase?


    In reply to: Beginners Questions

    Roger Coathup


    There are very few premium themes built specifically for BuddyPress – although you can enhance existing WordPress themes. I’ve seen some great looking bespoke BuddyPress sites, but I haven’t seen a generic BuddyPress theme with a design and layout that blows you away.

    The difference between BuddyPress and WordPress is the number of options available to you. BuddyPress allows you to build much more complex sites.

    Out of the box, BuddyPress attempts to be a generic social network that is all things to all men. Of course, this is not what real world sites tend to need – you’ll find that most of the best commercial developments only use the portions of BuddyPress they need, and bend the core product considerably to meet real world needs.

    Whilst it’s useful to have an all encompassing platform, it doesn’t make it particularly suited to premium theme designers – sure, you can make it look nice, but with so many options, and so much tailoring to deliver real world needs, themers face an uphill challenge to produce something that breaks away from the out of box generic set of functions.

    A further problem is the make up of the code – BP embeds an awful lot of presentation decisions in the core of the product (activity stream contents, default menu structures) instead of in the templates (where you’d expect them to be). So, again, producing any significantly different can be a real chore.


    In reply to: Beginners Questions

    Glenn Kilpatrick

    Thanks Roger, is there no-where you can buy similar premium themes ? The ones at link above are good but not brilliant.


    In reply to: Beginners Questions

    Roger Coathup

    Each blog can have it’s own theme. Site admin can determine which themes are installed and available to the bloggers.

    Sites like h-mag, hello eco living and alike are bespoke developments.. They are not ‘off the shelf’ themes


    In reply to: Beginners Questions

    Glenn Kilpatrick

    wITH regards to people setting up their own blogs in subfolders. Will they have the choice of different themes etc or does every sub blog follow the sites main theme.


    In reply to: Beginners Questions

    Glenn Kilpatrick

    Thanks for your advice guys. Im sure Ill be back for more help soon. Ive seen a few themes I like but not sure how to get hold of them :

    would love to get my hands on this theme


    In reply to: Beginners Questions

    Hugo Ashmore

    Edit// too slow :)
    Yes WPMU is now defunct; you have WP 3.0 so already have the capability of running it as a MS install, you just have to do a little manual configuration to enable it which is explained over on the WP Codex.

    I think a sub domain is the easiest approach, hardest aspect is working existing theme into BP.

    Don’t dismiss writing HTML / CSS completely especially from a hand coding point of view, I would say there are a few of us around that would probably express the sentiment that they hoped WP and other cms’s didn’t become the defacto standard for web sites, as much as I like WP :)


    In reply to: Beginners Questions

    Roger Coathup


    Yes, the mu features are now ‘built in’ to WordPress – have a look on the WordPress Codex for WordPress Multisite (and ‘setting up a network’).

    We have no problems running BuddyPress installed on a secondary blog on one of our current development projects


    In reply to: Beginners Questions

    Glenn Kilpatrick

    Thanks for your help. Pleased to know you remembered me, its a small world even on line. After a lot of hard work I eventually switched the sea angling site to wordpress along with a magazine theme from gabfire.

    Ive never looked back since. The ease of adding posts and displaying them on a homepage is amazing and saves one hell of a lot of time. Looking back to those days of trying to write html and css I wonder how I kept my sanity.

    Anyway, thanks for your advice. I would tend to agree that a subdomain named community would be the way forward. Im quite looking forward to getting it running. I love tinkering with these things and it will make a good project for the coming winter months.

    Just clarify, wordpress mu is now non existent ?

    All the best – Glenn


    In reply to: Beginners Questions

    Hugo Ashmore

    @whitbyglennk Hi Glen,
    As soon as I saw the name Whitby I thought “That rings a bell” and had to search back through the archives at CSSCreator, nice to see the domain flourishing although it was the ‘Sea Anglers’ site you were working on back then.

    To clarify for the thread real-whitby is presently a WP site and quite an evolved and customised one.

    As has been said you have all options available to you really as to which is the best one to take I’m not to sure, I think it’s fair to say the most work would be to activate BP on the primary root blog, creating a secondary blog would be an easier option but I’m tending to think that a physical subdomain i.e community.real-whitby the easier route along with user blogs as folders, community.real-whitby/glensblog.

    I’m not entirely sure of the best approach, you’ll probably need to experiment on a localhost test install to get a feel for the amount of work required and how the various options work in practice.


    In reply to: Beginners Questions

    Glenn Kilpatrick

    Hi There, please see the above post. The root is Instead of the forum thats already in place I want to have a community attached to that main site, with blogs, groups, and a forum. Any thoughts or pointers of the best way forward are greatly appreciated.


    In reply to: Beginners Questions


    @whitbyglennk installing BP at the root is the ideal scenario. However, it can be installed in a secondary blog of installation as well. Rephrasing @LPH2005‘s question earlier, what do you have at the root of your public folder that you cannot install WP 3.0.1/BP at root?


    In reply to: Beginners Questions

    Glenn Kilpatrick

    Thanks for the info so far. I currently have a site about my home town. Its a news and topical debate site I would like to try create a community section of that site and felt the subdomain would be the best place ? But obviosuly im willing to listen to you guys if you think thats a bad move.

    Hugo Ashmore

    Personally not downloaded a zip as I use SVN to grab the branch, but if you don’t have a folder after unzipping called ‘buddypress’ then yes you’ll have to rename it, it’s one of those suck it and see questions reallly.


    In reply to: Beginners Questions


    Yes, you can install WP 3.0.1 in physical subdomain and go multisite in subdirectory mode. See BuddyPress configurations available here:


    In reply to: Beginners Questions


    WP 3.0.1 would be the best install with BuddyPress 1.2.6 (released this coming weekend).

    But before walking through too much detail, is there a reason you want BuddyPress on a subdomain? Is WordPress installed on the main domain?

    Now, it is possible to install BP and have members create blogs using subdomains .. but maybe you have a different purpose for putting the whole community on the subdomain .. which is also possible.

    There are a growing number of great themes for BuddyPress:

    Also, you can take any WP theme and modify it to match the community by using the template pack.


    @boonebgorges Can you point me to the dev plan for buddypress – where it is planning on going for the next few versions kind of thing, I remember seeing that around at some point.
    Gratitude Boone! :) (Or for that matter anyone else who can answer my questions..:)


    In reply to: CSS mystery…

    Roger Coathup


    Is this in a child theme from bp-default?

    Have you checked the file path is correct to your custom.css file? Do an inspect element in your browser and check the path bloginfo is generating – is it the one you expect?

    Also, not sure what you mean by it “it defaults to bp-default/_inc/css/default” … is this a child theme, or have you just tried modifying style.css in the bp-default theme itself?

    If you have made a child theme, and followed the standard bp css structure – then style.css will include the default.css in your child theme’s _inc/css folder – not to the default.css in the bp-default theme.

    If you clarify these questions, it might help explain which css files are actually being used.

    Hugo Ashmore

    two things first please,
    One: topic titles need to be descriptive of the issue, not a genaralised plea for help, we know you want help otherwise you likely wouldn’t have posted

    Two: Please refrain from writing in caps, writing in capitals in lists and forums means that you are shouting, we would rather you didn’t shout at us.

    Some useful reading on how to do things the right way on forums:

    As for turning that code into a widget have you considered approaching the plugin author? perhaps a small donation might help things along? After plugins are not really free, that’s a popular misconception they are very costly in development and testing terms.


    I’m having this issue as well. I am using WPMU and I have selected “user accounts may be registered” in the Super Admin > Options > Allow users to register section. Still no go. I’ve tried all of the options that allow users to register but stil nothing. The register link just goes back to the main blog.

    Any suggestions?

    My answers to the questions:
    1. Which version of WP/MU are you running? WP 3.01
    2. Did you install WP/MU as a directory or subdomain install? subdomain (
    3. If a directory install, is it in root or in a subdirectory? root
    4. Did you upgraded from a previous version of WP/MU? No, it’s a new install. Was previously a single WP and I used the “Enable Multi-Site” plugin.
    5. Was WP/MU functioning properly before installing/upgrading BuddyPress (BP)? e.g. permalinks, creating a new post, commenting. Yes
    6. Which version of BP are you running?
    7. Did you upgraded from a previous version of BP? If so, from which version? No, it’s also a brand new install.
    8. Do you have any plugins other than BuddyPress installed and activated? If so, which ones? Yes, Akismet; BuddyPress template pack; Embedded Video; Enable Multi-Site; Exec-PHP; FeedBurner FeedSmith; FeedSnap; Full Text Feed; If You Liked That; In Series; MaxBlogPress Ping Optimizer; Sociable; Stats; WP-Page Navi; and WP-Project;
    9. Are you using the standard BuddyPress themes or customized themes? I am using the Twenty Ten Theme through the BuddyPress Template Pack plugin that allows you to use any theme with BP.
    10. Have you modified the core files in any way? No
    11. Do you have any custom functions in bp-custom.php? No
    12. If running bbPress, which version? Or did your BuddyPress install come with a copy of bbPress built-in? Not running
    13. Please provide a list of any errors in your server’s log files. Nobody can register. The registration link just goes back to the main blog.
    14. Which company provides your hosting? Bluehost
    15. Is your server running Windows, or if Linux; Apache, nginx or something else? Linux and Apache


    Thanks for All the suggestions Cube Points seems to have all I need for now but I have a couple of questions about it, if anyone knows how to solve it:

    Anyway here is a couple of questions:
    1. Is there anyway to add a text popup or something that says “Congratulations you just earned x points!” (like Yahoo Answers)
    2. I want to format ever users profile page like this: As you can see I’m probably going to need a list of Template Tags, Like the points which should be like you mentioned, and I’ll also need to find the code to display their rank and possibly rank image.
    3. This might be off topic, but how would I detect whether or not the user is a moderator on any forum on the profile page so I can display an image identifying them as a moderator?
    4. I also want to display the users stats in the Forum Posts, and on the sidebar in their User Control Panel (A Custom area I made once a user logs in:) see here for an example of how I am trying to get the forum topic to look:

    Has anyone tried that kind of thing.

    Any suggestions or tips would be appreciated.

    Brian Owens

    yeah, your lengthly response the other day was a little over my head. It’s the standard buddypress default style. My problem is with knowing specifically where to make the change. Where specifically. In the CSS file? In the Header File? If in the CSS (as I assume) where do you see width:90%? And what min/max widths should I delete?

    Sorry for the questions…Thanks for the answers

    Sven Lehnert

    @Travel-Junkie, looks like a great plugin.

    I have some question:
    I need the possibility to attach an event with a group.
    If the group is a private hidden group, the events attached to this group should be visible only to the group members.
    Does the group events work also with hidden groups? and will the hidden event be visible for group members in the event calender view?

    Also I need the possibility, to restrict an event to n attenders. So if for example max attenders == 3, after the 3 attender, the registration need to be closed.
    I would be grateful if you could answer me my questions thanks ;-Sven


    Excellent… I was just looking at this as an alternative to the CD Bubble Plugin. (Which I like, but hasn’t been updated in a while)… I will try this… and might post some questions as we go along…


    Hi guys,

    I would like to let everyone know that the demo is now available here:
    If you have any pre-sale questions you can ask them here:,

    It’s what they call a soft launch, the actual Tips and Tricks community is launching as soon as possible :-) You can start submitting your Tricks if you want on

    That’s it for now :)

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