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  • #91135

    @mgelblum For BuddyPress features out of the box, see home page of which lists the major features including Groups, Profiles, Forums, Members, etc. For general guide/info: Check out and test features further by logging in at using your username and password here.

    “how to get inexpensive support/wordpress developers “
    If you have luxury of time, learn more about WordPress and BuddyPress, create site yourself, then use forums of and if you encounter bumps or challenges along the way with specific questions – e.g. how do I get the rating system/review system like the ones plugin groups have in my site :-)

    Not cheap, but reasonable prices from experienced developers who are competent professionals and who also help out in these forums


    I got into same situation and found solution based on @jotem ‘s filter
    You can use bp_core_get_userlink($user->id) instead of bp_core_get_userurl($user->id). But its lil bit tricky.
    bp_core_get_userlink ($user_id) function returns anchor tag and echo it on the screen. So the login redirection process is halted .

    Instead of that,

    function rt_login_redirect($redirect_to, $set_for, $user){
    $redirect_to = bp_core_get_user_domain($user->id);
    return $redirect_to;
    add_filter(‘login_redirect’, ‘rt_login_redirect’, 20, 3);

    bp_core_get_user_domain() function will give the profile url without echoing anything.
    One more important thing is priority in add_filter of login_redirect. Make sure that your function executes @ the last.

    One more tricky situation is many time business logic is such a that the redirection process must be done depending on the type of the user. In that case, you have $user->id in rt_login_redirect(). Once you get the user_id, you can put business logic and modify $redirect_to according to your need!

    P.S. Trying to echo any value in this function will give u output but the redirection process will not complete.
    @arxpoetica @damainman @hnla Are you looking for same???

    Hugo Ashmore

    Not necessarily, all depends, BP uses a stock install of WP so generally WP plugins will work on that part of the site that is WP, but won’t necessarily be BuddyPress aware. This is one of those suck it and see type questions.


    You install the buddypress plugin from with in wordpress admin as buddypress needs wordpress 3.0 to work and add other buddypress plugins the same way.


    In reply to: Global forum problem.


    @markhahnel – you should ask @sbrajesh at forums where he’s active in responding to questions about his plugins.

    Roger Coathup

    @pattiearnold – you’ve got a ‘hundred’ different questions in here – you will need to ask them all as separate threads

    In general, to achieve this level of sophistication – You’ll need to create your own customised BuddyPress theme. You’ll need to have PHP, HTML and CSS skills to do this. You could do it yourself or hire a BuddyPress developer


    In reply to: More Core Committers?

    Roger Coathup

    I concur with most of what @paulhastings0 has to say (I was thinking the same thing just a few days ago). If only for the safety and security of the project, it needs more than one active core committer.

    Additionally, I’d like to see:

    – Someone giving clear lead & making decisions on features / future development – is that @johnjamesjacoby or @apeatling or someone else?
    – Somewhere clear on the site to make and comment on feature requests

    I’m on here everyday, an experienced BuddyPress developer, but still have to ask these questions. That they are not obvious is somewhat concerning.

    Some ‘off track’ thoughts on improving the site: 1. make the documentation / guides more obvious to find (so many support questions are asked when people haven’t read the guides – it’s not necessarily their fault). Let’s have the site lead visitors where we want them 2. tidy up all the dead / out of date information and plugins 3. don’t close threads that are still active, or at least give the originator the opportunity to confirm they’ve received a satisfactory response before closing


    In reply to: More Core Committers?

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    I’m going to take a stab at answering this. John has been actively involved as a core developer for almost a year. The post which you refer to did not change that in any way. We all love John and the commitment that he shows to BuddyPress is without question.

    I feel the communication has improved. We’ve more posts on the .org blog about BuddyPress and its future in the last three months than we did almost all of last year. We also have the biweekly development chat which all are welcome to attend. Not to mention the variety of support and “Can I use BuddyPress for x, y and z” questions that we get on this forums, and at WordCamps. I’d like to segue briefly about WordCamps.

    WordCamps are fab! There’s a central list at, and I’d urge you to attend one if there’s one near where you are. This year’s events which covered BuddyPress:

    @boonebgorges presented at WordCamp Boston (slides).
    @johnjamesjacoby organised or presented or both at WordCamp Miami.
    I presented at WordCamp Ireland (slides) and twice at WordCamp UK (slides).
    @matt mentioned and answered several BuddyPress questions during his keynote at WordCamp San Francisco.
    Henrik Hammer Berthelsen presented at WordCamp Denmark.
    Esteban Garcia Bianchi and Juan Manuel Olivares presented at WordCamp Argentina.
    Paolo Maffei presented at WordCamp Milan.
    Jimmy Ngu presented at WordCamp Malaysia
    @lisasabinwilson presented at WordCamp Raleigh.
    Mitsuhiro Suwa presented at WordCamp Japan.
    @danmilward presented at WordCamp Chicago. @wpmuguru did, too!
    Annie Vranizan presented at Reno Tahoe WordCamp.
    @lisasabinwilson presented again at WordCamp Boulder.
    @gigalinux presented at WordCamp Berlin.
    Robert Popovic presented at WordCamp NZ.
    @johnjamesjacoby is presenting again this weekend at WordCamp Savannah.

    There are BuddyPress talks scheduled for more WordCamps this year (including at two different WordCamps this coming weekend); the list above is of events which have already happened. I sometimes forget how popular BuddyPress is, and putting this list together has reminded me how awesome the software and our community is. :)

    I would not hold much stock in the dates on the Trac timeline; it is a rough guide, just like the roadmap page is. Personally, I’m thankful for the extra time we have for 1.2.6; we’ve had a number of bugs fixed and enhancements reported and added to core which we only discovered after weeks’ worth of testing.
    The best way for people to contribute to BuddyPress is to reports bugs, write patches and to test and leave feedback on them. The danger of topics like this one is that they have a tendency to go around in circles, and produce lots of talk but little action.


    Is this plugin going to continue to be supported or has the author decided to deprecate it in favour of bp core development? (rumors)

    Just installed it on a plain vanilla, WP 3.01, BP 1.252, no other plugins, default bp theme.

    It won’t accept any links. Looks like everything works until hitting the Finish button. Complains about completing all fields. All is complete except that hitting the Fetch Details button does nothing. I can see a momentary flash of a Description field sometimes before it complains about completing all fields, but no description field is actually presented for input.

    I have found other questions about no response on hitting Fetch Details, but I have seen no solution.

    With WP Debug turned on, BP Links also renders a bunch of “deprecated” errors and and index warnings — which I don’t care about as they don’t *appear* to have any functional impact.

    This is a marvelous plugin and it appears that many are able to get it functioning fine.

    Since I have nothing unusual or complicated going on, any suggestions about what might be the problem.

    Roger Coathup


    As @djpaul says live demos are the modern day equivalent of “don’t work with animals and children”. Great if you can make it work, but so many opportunities to go wrong.

    You are talking about why it rocks, not an installation tutorial, so I’d also steer clear of any talk about platforms and servers. As @mercime points out, showcasing is where it’s at if you want to talk rocking.

    I’d go with the following structure:

    1. Whet their appetite with a quick showcase of a few real world sites

    Use different types of sites – I see 3 main types in practice:- just niche social networks, pretty much the default BuddyPress with a little bespoke styling; complimentary ones where the niche social network is still obvious but there’s some additionality like a magazine (hmag, tasty kitchen, or our own Hello Eco Living or Fisherbook); and the ones where the social network is in the background supporting the main function (Travel Oregon, Volkswagen, GigaOM).

    You could also show by vertical – in education (CUNY), big companies (Daily Telegraph Blogs)

    Keep this short and sweet – leave them wanting more!

    2. Tell them what they get out of the box

    Do it with visuals of a group, activity stream, etc.

    3. Tell them what they can add to the box (plugins)

    Just a few strong examples – easy to appreciate ones: – e.g. EventPress (running your own event registration) and Media+ (photos, videos, who doesn’t want that!)

    4. Finally walk them through one of the most exciting sites in more detail

    Use screen dumps / graphics throughout (it doesn’t need a bullet anywhere – although a couple of big number slides is nice – a la Steve Jobs)

    Ask them questions throughout to engage attention – “Who’s ever built a site where it would be great if they could get visitors registering?” – then show them an example in BP. “Have you ever wanted a twitter like stream on your site?”. “Have you ever wanted a site where your visitors could post from the front end, and see responses in real time?”, etc., etc.

    This way, you’ve got them thinking already: oh yeah, I need that in my site, imagine what we could do if we added this, etc. You’ve painted the picture for them.

    And for a bit of humour – you could always risk a live activity stream playing in the background – where a buddy sends a few ‘helpful’ messages as you talk.

    Hope that helps!

    Hugo Ashmore

    No it is not Helga -re read my questions carefully writing to the file is done by the server not the human. Can you re read Rogers comment we need o know if permalink issue you mentioned is with BP deactivated.

    Adil Javed

    thanks alot roger, i got all me questions answered :)

    Roger Coathup

    @svetka812 – these questions are also better asked in the forum “how to and troubleshooting” rather than “requests and feedback”

    Roger Coathup


    Hi Tatiana – it would be better to ask this as 2 separate questions in the forums (one about images, and one about text). Also make the title a bit clearer, as that will get more people to help you (“activity stream” is too general).

    To get more help and quicker: I suggest you create two question threads, something like: “how do I stop small images from blog post excerpts getting enlarged in the activity stream updates?” and “Why are my blog post updates missing paragraph breaks when shown in the activity stream?”

    My quick thoughts:

    The problem with image sizes is because a core function in BuddyPress is forcing activity images, that don’t have their height or width set explicitly, to be 100px high. The function causing the problem is bp_activity_thumbnail_content_images().

    I’ll raise this as problem in the forums or maybe bug trac.

    update text
    I don’t have a problem with paragraph breaks in the activity stream. My blog posts are being shown correctly with the breaks. I’m using a default installation of BP1.2.5.2

    Paragraphs can be removed by a filter in WordPress / BuddyPress. Have you made any changes to your functions.php or bp-custom.php to turn off the ‘autop’ filter? i.e. do you have any code like this in those files:

    function remove_autop_filters_from_activity(){
    remove_filter( ‘bp_get_activity_content_body’, ‘wpautop’ );
    remove_filter( ‘bp_get_activity_content’, ‘wpautop’ );

    Perhaps there is something in the blog template you are using that is doing this?

    Ask this one about paragraph breaks as a separate question in the forum (and include my comment).

    Cheers, Roger

    Hugo Ashmore

    @damainman this is an oldish thread and unlikely to provoke a response. did you have an issue/problem? If so them post a new topic as it will get a better response, having first searched the site as this particular issue may well have been covered more recently.

    Hugo Ashmore


    Point of general forum nettiquette: It is a frowned upon practice to ‘Hijack’ another’s post, this is due to the confusion it can introduce to the thread where you have multiple replies to different questions asked.

    Please always start a fresh topic with your question unless you are responding in some fashion to the OP’s question.


    Arx Poetica did you find your answer?

    Hugo Ashmore

    @ri-kun please avoid doing this in future, sometimes questions don’t get answered, sometimes that means you have to think about them again, perhaps they had obvious answers, perhaps a search would find the answer, sometimes reposting and rephrasing the question is required, what isn’t acceptable is to demand attention in the fashion that you have and is likely going to result in your thread being locked leaving you to have to repost, but you will have done your rep little favour in the process ;)

    Oh and fyi – emoticons or smilies please ‘lolz’ is derived from l33t or txt speak and most coders/developers dislike that language also ‘lolz’ carries a particular meaning it’s meant to be laughter with sarcastic overtones! not. I hope, what you intended?

    Roger Coathup

    Have a look at the functions in bp-core.php, bp-core-templatetags.php :

    You can call functions such as bp_core_get_username, bp_core_get_user_displayname, bp_member_avatar, bp_member_profile_data

    There is a list of template tags being developed, (, but I tend to resort to using find in files in my editor (Coda) and trawling the BuddyPress files.

    I understand @johnjamesjacoby is doing work to significantly enhance the API for future BuddyPress releases

    I suggest asking your group id questions in a separate thread

    Hugo Ashmore

    People The community , must as a whole, stop this practice of hijacking threads we now have three questions running in the same thread this practice isn’t tolerated on most tech forumsd due to the confusion that thread dissolves into.

    The first thing all three of you must check is that your permalinks are working correctly and that the server can write to the .htaccess file


    how can I enable network mode?

    I alow multi users to blog on one blog. There’s no easy way to show a New BlogPost button it seems that with network mode it can be done, but how can I switch it on?

    Hugo Ashmore

    It’s not as straightforward as it ought to be there appear to be issues with the order of loading at least what is easily doable from functions.php becomes problematic as a plugin – I have had to wrap the remove_actions in a bp-init function and that provokes other questions as there appear to be conflicting docs on this aspect, most remove_actions I can get to work, site-logo refuses to play ball.



    Thanks. I sometimes do tend to shoot first and ask questions later :-)

    Beck B

    I doubt I can help much, but I’m sure whoever does help will need more details. Here are a few follow up questions for you.

    How did you try to install buddypress, exactly? Did you add the plugin from wp-admin or by uploading to the plugins directory via ftp? Were you able to activate the buddypress plugin? i.e., when you say you just “tried to install” it, is that because it gave some error directly (and therefore you never saw buddypress in action at all or altered the default settings), or because you haven’t been able to log into wordpress since then?

    Hopefully with some more details, one of the generous wp/bp gurus on here will be able to sort you out.


    i’m not sure if i’m posting in the wrong place, if i’m asking the wrong questions or both?

    does anyone have a clue about the above and where the code which does the update of the profile fields actually is? some guidance/suggestion (any) will be very helpful to put me in the right direction! thanks

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