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  • #304499

    Hi there, you seem to be asking me questions about code I’ve not written, I’m not the author of invite anyone. You are the secod person asking to be able to identify invites users from Invite Anyone. I suggest you raise a feature request on that plugin for this. Then the external invites could also be taken into account.


    Thanks for your quick reply. The mentioned thread was just to show that someone has already tried to find a solution.

    I have no coding skills at all, but I guess someone – either BuddyPress or YOAST team would have to make changes to their code in order to solve the issue. Can you please go ahead and raise the issue on Trac? If someone asks specific questions there, I most probably could not give the right answers.



    Do not use multisite unless you absolutely need it.
    The face that you need to ask, strongly suggests that you should be using a single install.

    For the rest of your questions, install the plugins you think you need and test, test, test.
    If you still have questions, return to this topic and ask them.


    Thank you for the response. I reviewed both links and not sure if it answers my questions.

    While I understand that your plugin will allow the member’s posts to show, it doesn’t answer my core question of what if we as administrators are the “author” of the post in WordPress and how we then associate a post with that member so it can then show?



    These forums are for questions about BuddyPress.
    For questions about other plugins, such as wooCommerce and WC Vendors, please use their support forums. This thread is off-topic and closed.


    Please do not double post. Your duplicate post has been deleted.

    Please use the support forums for rtMedia for questions and issues re their plugin.


    Please ask questions about ACF on their support forum.
    They may have functions that will return the data that you need.
    If not, they can tell you how to write a custom query for their data.


    Many questions about issue with updating group Avatar. I discover something and hope this will stop you from starching your head.

    I found that when Jetpack Lazy image is activate, group avatar/photo cannot be shown and cannot crop image at all. Turned off Jetpack Lazy image option, crop image works alright, but upload always error.

    I finally de-activate JetPack to be able to update my group Avatar.


    This is a subject that’s been talked about off and on in Buddypress history. We all know that it’s handy to have a user’s email address for many reasons, but in general, people prefer to be asked less questions when signing up at a new website.

    I hired someone for help with this a couple years ago, and the code they gave me still works (only with the legacy template pack though!) Here’s the code:

     * Generate Random, unused email from the username
     * @param string $username
     * @return string random email
    function hello_generate_random_email( $username ) {
    	$domain = '';
    	$username = sanitize_user( $username );
    	$email = $username . $domain;
    	while( email_exists( $email ) ) {
    		//try another random email by appending some digit
    		$email = $username . random_int( 1, 99999 ) . $domain;// there is vary low chance of having 100K users with same name anyway
    	return $email;
    function hello_updatre_email() {
    	// If the username is not given, let us not worry much
    	if ( empty( $_POST['signup_username'] ) ) {
    		return ;
    	//Also, if an email is already given by the user, do not generate one
    	if ( ! empty( $_POST['signup_email'] ) ) {
    		return ;
    	//now generate a random email and save it
    	$email = hello_generate_random_email( $_POST['signup_username'] );
    	$_POST['signup_email'] = $email;
    add_action( 'bp_signup_pre_validate', 'hello_updatre_email' );

    This code works perfectly with the legacy template pack. The user signs up, and the function takes the given username & appends to it, and submits it with the form. I’ve been using this code since 2017.

    My problem is that now I want to switch to the Nouveau template pack, but this code does not work with it; it fails; users are prompted for the email address after hitting “Submit.”

    I don’t understand how the nouveau registration works; the markup in that file is harder for me to understand than the one in legacy. Is it something simple that I need to do? Does anything stand out based on the code I provided?

    PS) As I mentioned, I know this has been talked about in the past. I’ve read the suggestions people have given, but those suggestions are dusty now; the plugin called “Optional Email” does not work with Buddypress (Nouveau), at least not as of today.

    The person who created the custom code for me is no longer doing this type of work. 🙁


    In reply to: Help with ucommerce


    This is the support site for BuddyPress which does not offer forums.
    Please ask questions about forums on the support site for bbPress.


    You need to ask Events Manager support questions about appropriate hooks.

    Once you have that info, you can add your own notifications.



    Hi. I hope someone can please help me. I have set up a group of two questions which I am requiring users to enter when registering for my site. I would like to be able to see the values entered by each user on the backend admin Users panel in the form of columns. However, I am unsure of how to accomplish this. I appreciate any assistance which anyone can provide me in regards to this matter.

    Jackson Bird

    How can I get questions dynamically from visitors online on my website by using a WP plugin? I want to gather it at the end to share at the FAQ page.


    BP Profile Search will search as many profile fields as you want for each search input.
    Just follow the directions for that plugin.
    If you have additional questions, please ask them on the support forum for BP Profile Search.


    Topic: Paid help!

    in forum Miscellaneous

    There are a number of questions on setting up and finalizing the functionality using the BP plug-in. Ready to pay your time for help.


    These are the forums for just the BuddyPress plugin.
    Please direct your questions about LearnPress – BuddyPress Integration to the creators of that plugin.


    In reply to: Activity Feed Banner


    i was able to get your first example to work

    function add_banner() {
    echo ‘this will be a banner’;
    add_action( ‘bp_before_activity_loop’, ‘add_banner’ );

    when i replaced activity_loop for directory_activity it didnt seem to do anything.

    sorry for the newbie questions & thank you for your help so far


    If you are not an experienced developer, you may be better off hiring such a person.

    Until you write some code and ask specific questions about it, here are some general pointers…

    Take a look at how the activities are restricted on a group activity page.

    There are some codex pages that provide info:

    Add custom filters to loops and enjoy them within your plugin

    Activity dropdown filters in templates


    The All-in-One Event Calendar plugin only shows events created in that plugin.

    Events created in other plugins are not supported.

    btw – this is not the proper place to ask questions about 3rd party plugins.
    Instead, you should use the support pages for those plugins.
    Therefore, this thread is closed.


    Please ask questions about bbPress on their support forums.

    It’s not easy to figure out what you are doing – or more importantly why.

    I suggest you not use pre_get_posts.
    Instead write your own WP_Query on your custom page.

    This thread is now closed due to being off-topic for these forums.


    In reply to: Group in form


    I do not know anything about coding …

    You can use these forums to try and hire somebody to help you.

    Or for specific questions about your code – but questions about other plugins are out of scope.
    I suggest you talk to the creators of formidable forms about your issue.

    You can use $groups = groups_get_user_groups($user_id); to get all the groups that a user belongs to.


    In reply to: Category & Tag


    This is a BuddyPress forum.
    Questions specific to WordPress should be asked on the WP support forums.


    OK, no replies as of yet but some progress to report:

    I abandoned the idea of making minor style customizations in my WS child theme’s style.css because of the inconsistent results I was getting (see my previous post). Instead, after more hours scouring of the internet, I found a different approach which is to setup folders under my child theme folders like so:


    I then created a new file named buddypress.css in the new /css folder, put in a couple of css entries and voila! – it didn’t work. Determined to get this working, I then spent a few more hours of scoouring and through trial and error and finally came up with the following which does work for me:

    1) setup the above mentioned folder structure under the child WP theme
    2) copy buddypress.css from the core buddy press css folder under the chosen template (e.g. nouveau) to the new css folder
    3) rename the new buddypress.css to “buddypress.min.css” (even though it is not “minified”)
    4) changes made to the new buddypress.min.css now take effect (hoorah!)

    Although this approach seems to work, it does raise several questions:

    A) since the custom version of the css file is not “minified”, does this not defeat the purpose of minifying css files in the first place (i.e. presumably performance improvements)?

    B) I would have hoped that the custom css file would only need to contain deviations from the theme’s css – however this does not seem to be the case. It appears that the entire file needs to be copied. The concern here is that when buddypress is upgraded, there may be css changes in the upgrade that are now “masked” by the custom css file which contains the older version of the styling (in cases where no modifications were made) – this seems a bit “messy” to me

    C) I guess my main question really is whether the above approach which I finally settled on is valid and is the best available approach.

    Sorry for the lengthy post, but I am seeking clarity on this so that I end up with a good long term solution.



    Hello. I’ve notice something else with buddypress. When someone need to Login, he is redirected to default wordpress login? Buddypress doesn’t have it’s own Login tab, like the register? And how can you remove Email approve when someone register. And every user can acces Wp-admin, isn’t there function to restrict normal users from opening that page? Any restrict function on buddypress, like only registered users to be able to open the site or pages.


    In reply to: Profile Not Showing up


    It was because I was updating my display name via wp_update_user that the profile page wasn’t showing.

    So i guess the real questions is, why is it that when I update the display_name via wp_update_user, the profile url isnt updated?

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