Search Results for 'spam'
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April 27, 2009 at 2:47 pm #43701
In reply to: What are you doing for Spam
ParticipantI’m not able to find it. Download contains only following:
Core 0.3b
Admin 0.3b
AutoSuggest 0.3b
Search 0.3b
Theme 0.3b
Widgets 0.3b
Flickr 0.3b
YouTube 0.3b
Group Extra 0.3b
TinyMCE 0.3b
April 27, 2009 at 1:45 pm #43697In reply to: What are you doing for Spam
ParticipantI’ve written the bpdev-nospam, that is included in bpdev plugins
it’s not complete, but it filters spams account, and wire content.
April 27, 2009 at 11:36 am #43688In reply to: What are you doing for Spam
ParticipantSo I’m getting spammed now from East Indians! What’s new! Anything we can do to stop this?
Can I approve blogs before they are allowed?
April 26, 2009 at 12:32 am #43594Anointed
ParticipantIn the meantime, is there a way to clear and recreate the cache so I can make the needed changes?
I get what you’re saying, but this type of “abuse” is unavoidable.
As there is HUGE potential for abuse in this, I would love to see the ability to remove something from the activity stream as an admin. Like a ‘delete’ or ‘warn’ or ‘mark as spam’ button for the admins next to each of the streams.
April 24, 2009 at 9:25 pm #43525In reply to: wpmu-signup-captcha in BP RC-2
ParticipantApril 20, 2009 at 6:23 am #43024In reply to: procedure for removing Admin Bar Sub Nav item
Burt Adsit
ParticipantRoger that fn I wrote was 3 months old. Things have changed in bp. All you need to do is add a filter to change the logo now.
Sorry for the late reponse. Your post got ‘spammed’ by akismet because of number of links in the post. The plugins in /mu-plugins don’t need a plugin header like that. Your code will translate better in the forums with backticks before and after.
April 17, 2009 at 10:21 am #42824Andy Peatling
KeymasterHaving thought about it more – my vote would be another blog on this site.
For a few reasons:
1. People can use the same login, and therefore comment without being spammed or moderated.
2. We can promote regular BuddyPress community members to \”snippit creator\” status.
3. We can track all the snippets in activity streams.
4. We get nice permalinks for every snippet.
5. RSS.
April 14, 2009 at 6:37 pm #42653In reply to: Let’s define our goals and get together
John James Jacoby
KeymasterLet me try and answer this diplomatically because this seems like spam without being spam to me…
BuddyPress isn’t Facebook, and it really doesn’t have any intentions of trying to imitate it. That’s up to an audience of GPL contributors to try and mold and shape it into that, if they so choose.
BuddyPress also has a test development site already, to flex its muscles and allow people to use it as they like.
There are unlimited domains available, with unlimited hosting and bandwidth options. None of what you’re offering really has anything to do with BuddyPress other than using it for potential profit. Contributing a domain that specializes in spreading bad news isn’t any part of Automattic’s roadmap that I’ve seen, so don’t count on getting any hosting.
If what you’re doing is offering a business opportunity to specific individuals, you should contact them privately and see if they’re interested.
(I’m locking this for now. If any other staff feels like re-opening it for discussion, go for it. My gut tells me this isn’t what the forums here are for.)
April 13, 2009 at 2:24 pm #42545Deep
Participant@Jeff Sayre – Will it be safe to have latest SVN version on production site? I am not sure about it so asking..
For now, I am going to export the online DB to my local machine and see if it makes a difference or not.. (if the tables are not automatically getting created that means, the issue is with the spam bots else the issue is with something else)
I will post updates in a while..
April 13, 2009 at 2:04 pm #42540Jeff Sayre
ParticipantThere was a recent change (Changeset 1295) to bp-blogs.php that stopped spam comments from being recorded in activity streams.
As Burt points out, newer versions of BP no longer have individual user activity tables, but I suppose this bug combined with an older version of BP could expose you to significant spam problems. I cannot verify this without looking at the older code. It is just a hunch.
I would recommend taking your site offline (if in production) and then upgrading your installation following the instructions found here:
April 13, 2009 at 1:52 pm #42538Deep
ParticipantI am on RC1.. I had Send Invites plugin installed, it messed up the whole thing (i.e. it automatically disabled the JS for some reason), so I deleted the plugin file and folder.
I had installed WP Super Cache too, it did not work well, so I had to take it off too..
Other than that, no MU plugins…
Here is the list of plugins I have installed for a single blog:
All in One SEO Pack
Global Translator
Google XML Sitemaps
Smart Youtube
Smilies Themer
Twitter for WordPress
Twitter for WordPress
WordPress 2.6+ and bbPress 0.9 cookie integration
WP Custom Login Logo
I disabled all the plugins but still the issue remains.
In my previous reply, I had disabled registration just to cross verify.. but still the new tables are getting created..
I traced the user from the User ID mentioned in the table name.. the user looks like a spammer to me.. but now sure what the user is trying to do as those created tables have 0 records…
April 13, 2009 at 1:09 pm #42536Deep
ParticipantIt doesn’t look like spam as I don’t see much increase in registration (wp_users table) The tables are being generated for the users which are already present..
I have disabled the registrations now.. let’s see how it goes.. I really doubt if it will work though..
Thanks for the inputs.. any other pointers which I should look for?
April 13, 2009 at 11:49 am #42532felix2009
ParticipantIt’s realy sounds indeed like a spam bot, do you have a signup captcha ? Or, maybe indeed dissable new registrations, until the wind blows over
April 13, 2009 at 11:40 am #42531Oliver Wrede
ParticipantMaybe you are hit by a spam bot that creates new users? Have you tried to disable the signup?
April 12, 2009 at 3:43 am #42426Anointed
ParticipantI just had the ‘bleeding edge’ upgrade completed a few hours ago. Prior to that I am unsure what vs. I was using.
As to admin rights:
Is it possible to have a usergroup that can ‘moderate’ the posts on any forum but do nothing else like touch the plugins, themes etc?
I’d like to have 2 groups,
admins that can erase posts
mods that can ‘suspend’ posts or unpublish them, and have a message sent to the site admin that the content was inappropriate etc… Kind of how like vbulletin does things. We have warning systems, mods, admins, super-admins, etc… I am able to create custom groups with custom permissions etc, to allow them to do only things I want. This has saved my butt more times than I care to talk about.
As to deleting the user:
For the most part I wouldn’t want to be that drastic.
I have many people that come to the forums, and post stuff that I don’t agree with, or don’t really believe belongs on my site. They are usually well meaning people, but have much lower standards than I try to keep up with on my site. These people I usually just make part of a separate group, with very few permissions, like only able to post in certain forums, no pm system etc….
Usually I can ‘work’ with them, to let them know what I found offensive, and many times the problem does not come up again. If I had simply banned them, then very few people would survive on my site.
There are the people that just come in to spam our site from time to time. Those people I have no problem simply deleting.
I hope what I am trying to express makes sense.
April 10, 2009 at 4:14 pm #42292In reply to: Recentally Active
ParticipantWhen I upload this,
function get_recently_active_users( $limit = null, $page = 1 ) {
global $wpdb;
if ( $limit && $page )
$pag_sql = $wpdb->prepare( ” LIMIT %d, %d”, intval( ( $page – 1 ) * $limit), intval( $limit ) );
$paged_users = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare(
“SELECT DISTINCT um.user_id FROM ” . $wpdb->base_prefix . “usermeta um
LEFT JOIN ” . $wpdb->base_prefix . “users u
ON u.ID = um.user_id
WHERE um.meta_key = ‘last_activity’
AND u.spam = 0 AND u.deleted = 0 AND u.user_status = 0
ORDER BY FROM_UNIXTIME(um.meta_value) DESC{$pag_sql}” ) );
return $paged_users;
I’m getting a blank white screen
April 10, 2009 at 12:11 am #42234In reply to: Does akismet work with buddypress?
ParticipantGiven that i’m interested in that i’m buildin a plugin against spammers in bp,
BPDEV NoSpam for now in the trac of BPDEV Plugins so you can install it here :
April 9, 2009 at 10:17 pm #42225In reply to: Does akismet work with buddypress?
ParticipantIf you mean that in wires and group creations it’s not integrated yet, akismet will work anyway against forums & comments spams
April 9, 2009 at 3:27 pm #42180In reply to: Unknown users
Lance Willett
ParticipantReprocessor, also take a look at the WP Hashcash plugin — it can help block the spam signups.
April 9, 2009 at 9:24 am #42157In reply to: Unknown users
ParticipantSod it, they’re spammers – had a look for profiles and looked at some more of the email addresses, they’re crap so they’re getting deleted. Sorry for wasting everyone’s time with this.
April 7, 2009 at 9:03 pm #42042In reply to: Recentally Active
Participantok when I create that file and upload it to /mu-plugins/ I get that exact code displaying in my header
function get_recently_active_users( $limit = null, $page = 1 ) { global $wpdb; if ( $limit && $page ) $pag_sql = $wpdb->prepare( ” LIMIT %d, %d”, intval( ( $page – 1 ) * $limit), intval( $limit ) ); $paged_users = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( “SELECT DISTINCT um.user_id FROM ” . $wpdb->base_prefix . “usermeta um LEFT JOIN ” . $wpdb->base_prefix . “users u ON u.ID = um.user_id WHERE um.meta_key = ‘last_activity’ AND u.spam = 0 AND u.deleted = 0 AND u.user_status = 0 AND DATE_ADD( FROM_UNIXTIME(um.meta_value), INTERVAL 10 HOUR ) >= NOW() ORDER BY FROM_UNIXTIME(um.meta_value) DESC{$pag_sql}” ) ); return $paged_users; }
April 7, 2009 at 6:38 pm #42029In reply to: I GIVE UP.. wp-recaptcha WT%^&
ParticipantI have put recaptcha in mu plugins and i can see it bellow the user name and email.. but it does not process it it just lets anyone through no mater what they type.??
has any got any thoughts.. i assume its because the bp side of the form process is different to the wp side and its not working..
what do people do for spam then??
April 3, 2009 at 5:27 pm #41718In reply to: Require user to be a friend to send messages
ModeratorLights back on
I see that you cant post to a wire via this option but you still can message people who are not friends. I can go to anyone’s profile and click the send message button. Is there a way to stop non friends from messaging you?
I can see this being used to spam members.
April 1, 2009 at 3:19 pm #41595In reply to: Confused: Forum Topic Gone etc
John James Jacoby
KeymasterJohan, you were getting trapped by the Akismet spam filter.
I unspammed your posts, so you should be okay going foward.
March 31, 2009 at 3:50 pm #41522In reply to: Several problems Andy
ParticipantMy posts from my own blogs are not showing.
I use feedwordpress to import some posts on the other blogs but blogs are showing that do not use that at all so I cannot see thats an issue
wpmu is in a folder off the root called wpmu and has been working for a very long time perfectly with no issues at all.
BTW, as soon as I put this BP on I have had a ton of spam blogs made so now have had to turn off registration for a while. I have seen there is a fix for this somewhere but wont bother until I know the BP will work.
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