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Search Results for 'spam'

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  • #144417
    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    In your WordPress admin area, there’s a “Activity” item in the main menu list. On this page, there’s a button to filter to view only spam posts, and if any have been marked as akismet, there’s a little label nearby that says “marked as spam by akismet” etc.


    yeah, i haven’t quite known what to “do” with akismet since they started charging. there is something “odd” about paying to “not get” spam — especially when anyone can “create” spam — so theoretically — akismet could make spam that gets through spam filters other than their own.

    or something like that.

    i have some other spam filters activated and they seem to work so it’s not biggie for now.

    thnx for your feedback paul!



    Thanks for the response. I will do that. Just a quick question, after getting the Akismet API kay and installing Akismet, how do I know if Akismet works against activity spams? Is there a way for me to test that?


    @megainfo @djpaul i can’t post updates to groups *or* my profile.

    this is what i get with debug on (mind you no errors in chrome dev tools)

    `WordPress database error: [Unknown column ‘a.is_spam’ in ‘where clause’]
    SELECT a.*, u.user_email, u.user_nicename, u.user_login, u.display_name FROM wp_bp_activity a LEFT JOIN wp_users u ON a.user_id = u.ID WHERE a.is_spam = 0 AND a.user_id IN ( 25 ) ORDER BY a.date_recorded DESC LIMIT 0, 20
    WordPress database error: [Unknown column ‘a.is_spam’ in ‘where clause’]
    SELECT count( FROM wp_bp_activity a USE INDEX (user_id) WHERE a.is_spam = 0 AND a.user_id IN ( 25 ) ORDER BY a.date_recorded DESC
    WordPress database error: [Unknown column ‘is_spam’ in ‘field list’]
    INSERT INTO wp_bp_activity ( user_id, component, type, action, content, primary_link, date_recorded, item_id, secondary_item_id, hide_sitewide, is_spam ) VALUES ( 25, ‘activity’, ‘activity_update’, ‘wec posted an update’, ‘ajax 2’, ‘’, ‘2012-11-02 00:53:15’, ”, ”, 0, 0 )


    In reply to: Spam registrations


    @ A Swede in Greece

    You could try this plugin:
    But you’ll want the beta version as it fixes an issue with BuddyPress

    Also, you should look into installing ZBBlock.


    In reply to: Spam registrations

    The spam comment by “panlong” is still here after 2 weeks and 5 days…This says a lot about BuddyPress I think. We have started up a new site with BP, still not ready, but I think we’ll have to close it because of all spam members and spam activity, if we can not get help how to stop it. It’s UNBELIEVABLE how much spam we get. Three persons had made 100 membership each as well!!!
    This Akismet plugin is for comments, but this is not so much needed as you can have comments with moderation.
    I really think spam protection should be included from the beginning in the BudyPress plugin!
    Another issue as well is that someone made a group without showing who created it. It doesn’t show up in the activity stream, even if I filter “created a group” either.

    Something else, the page forums doesn’t show up. It says:
    The forums component has not been set up yet.
    What do I need to do?

    David Cavins

    I’ve found that BP Humanity helps with spam robots but not human spammers.

    For human spammers, you may need to approve each user.


    Found out that this was caused by “Stop Spammer Registrations Plugin”. It has an “Undefined variable: email” within its code.


    I think the solution will disable the e-mail verification, but probably this will get a lot of spam >.< Did you guys think a captcha is enough?


    People can create any plugin they want and even charge for plugins. However, its in bad taste to find any thread related and post links to a paid plugin. This is what is generally called spam.

    I want to point out that I tried your plugin and while it may do as advertised, the method of overriding a template file is bad. You need to learn how BuddyPress creates the user menu. It’s not the same as WP menus. Overriding a template file that places a WP menu into that space is not a good strategy.


    @chiangmai – It could be because it’s not compatible with BP, I’m not familiar with that plugin but not all WP plugins are compatible with the BP registration process.

    I’ve had success with Wanguard and asking a specific question. I’ve only had one spammer come through in the last month. I tried other CAPTCHA plugins before, and the CAPTCHA wouldn’t show in IE.


    In reply to: My Spam Success Story

    Philo Hagen

    It’s 24 hours later, 48 hours total, and I’ve had one spam comment show up and it was in the spam folder, not on the site. No registrations, groups or forum spam at all. So if you’re having spam issues I highly recommend this.


    In reply to: Moderate Everything

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    Activity doesn’t have a “pending moderation/approval” concept like comments does. Right now, it’s either published or spam.


    Hi @bojan85,

    add this code to your functions.php file

    function bp_admin_is_my_profile( $my_profile ){
    global $bp;

    if( ( $bp->current_component == BP_MESSAGES_SLUG )
    && current_user_can(‘manage_options’) ) return true;
    else return $my_profile;
    add_filter(‘bp_is_my_profile’, ‘bp_admin_is_my_profile’, 1);

    but i think is not good idea to read the messages of members :), try to use anti spam plugins.


    In reply to: Spam registrations


    lol how ironic that a spammer shows up on a spam thread 1 year old

    can the mods please remove the above french spammer and ban the user panlong

    Dj Kad

    In my case i’ve found that mails were sent but classified as spam.
    Unfortunatelly some mail servers are blacklisted by some ISP for spamming reasons.
    I’m looking for solve this problem because people that want to register in my site are unable to receive properly the activation code sent by email.
    For now i change the output message shown in the registration process, alerting people to check into the spam folder, but hope to solve it in a better way

    Stephanie Leary

    I added it in a comment on, but I can do a separate one for the activity button if you like.


    Stephanie, can you post an enhancement ticket about this on Trac?

    Login with the same credentials you use on this site.

    Stephanie Leary

    My spammer problem is so bad this week that I sat down and figured out how to do this. Here’s the mini plugin I wrote. It restores the “Mark as Spammer” link in the admin bar and adds a “Spammer” button to the activity stream:


    A follow up to my first question is what would be the best way to avoid scrapers, spam problems when showing users email on their profile?

    Stephanie Leary

    YES PLEASE. I’ve just marked about thirty spammers, and I’m not done yet. It takes longer now that the link in the admin bar doesn’t immediately mark people as spammers, but takes me to the profile where I have to traverse the whole page to reach the checkbox and then submit the form.


    In reply to:


    Signup and login errors fixed.

    No idea what possible harmful content there could be. I just ran a Vaultpress security scan which looks for dangerous files and codes and everything came back clean. I also run 2 anti-spam plugins – Akismet and Anti-Splog from WPMU. In addition, I personally scan members activity posts to see if something slips through and I don’t see anything to be concerned about. The only content is the radio channel scripts and 2 autoblog feeds from Elephant Journal and Huffington Post. There is Google Analytics code but that is pretty standard.

    If you could run the Mcafee scan again and give me something more specific, I would appreciate it but I really don’t believe there is any harmful content on this site. I make every effort to prevent it.

    Hugo Ashmore

    marked resolved is good, closing not necessary unless we get spam or off topic comments.


    In reply to: Proposal


    Thanks shawn, not a spammer but someone making a request for a game ala Facebook. I think something got lost in translation.

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