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Search Results for 'spam'

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  • #94467

    In reply to: BuddyPress Spam


    thanks to this

    *Mod note: Disclaimer – this script is a paid script


    In reply to: BuddyPress Spam


    A great way to stop bad bots is the Bad Bot Eliminator script
    It stops bad bots dynamically by blocking IP addresses.

    *Mod note: Disclaimer – this script is a paid script


    In reply to: BuddyPress Spam


    Thanks. That moderate-new-blogs plugin is exactly what I was thinking of but couldn’t find anything like it!


    In reply to: BuddyPress Spam


    Keep in mind that spambots are very likely to harvest those emails if you don’t have some privacy filters set in place.


    In reply to: BuddyPress Spam

    More Ivyou

    I escaped.
    install and WPMU-Block-Spam-By-Math


    In reply to: BuddyPress Spam


    I spent some time yesterday to try to stop the constant flow of spam users and blogs being created on my site. Here is what I did…
    1- deleted extra registration.php in bbpress folder
    2- changed reg. slug
    3- installed humanity
    4- installed Si Captcha
    5- added code from above to htaccess

    I am still get about 20-30 per day.
    Is there a way to tell if these are humans or bots creating these accounts and blogs?
    I don’t know what else to do, any ideas? ( I really don’t want to disable blog creation during registration)


    In reply to: BuddyPress Spam


    Thanks @Anton


    In reply to: BuddyPress Spam



    You’re very welcome :-)


    In reply to: BuddyPress Spam

    More Ivyou

    I’m using:
    – Buddypress Humanity
    – WPMU-Block-Spam-By-Math
    – SI CAPTCHA Anti-Spam
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_METHOD} POST
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} .register*
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !.*yourhomedomain.* [OR]
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^$
    RewriteRule (.*) [R=301,L]

    Hugo Ashmore

    I think that the complexities of working on this site hosted on Automattics servers is not as easy as would be one of our own sites. There are a plans to do a fair bit of work as to the hold up on that I can’t say, I suggest that we badger @Boone in the Ninja group :)

    Have to admit I have said a few times that spamming a site like this especially when it showcases the very app we all work with is far far from satisfactory and something really does need to be done about it.


    In reply to: BuddyPress Spam


    Add this to wp-config.php `define( “BP_REGISTER_SLUG”, “your-registration-slug” );` and change ‘your-registration-slug to your own registration slug.

    Edit * the wp-config.php file is situated in the root of your wordpress installation


    In reply to: BuddyPress Spam


    I am very new to this , I got this topic’s link from a post by @pcwriter in a topic in
    and reading so much about spam/splog and fighting it I’m am overwhelmed and worried and exhausted even thinking about the …….
    I have read this topic , understood some and implemented some and also didn’t understood some too …..
    I ask a very stupid question !!!
    How to change the registration slug ?
    who ever replys the above question please oblige this foolish novice (that is me) with a complete walkthrough …
    I am also using Secure Invite plugin , will this slug change effect this invitation plugin ? if so how to battle it ?
    Thanks to all and special thanks to @pcwriter for all usefull information …


    In reply to: BuddyPress Spam


    I’m using:

    Si Capthca
    BuddyPress Humanity Plugin
    BP Signup Xtra (with required birthdate and checkbox)
    Extra Profile Fields that require text input.
    Bad Behavior with HTTP:BL enabled…

    I’ve not noticed any spam logins yet…. knock on wood/cross fingers.


    In reply to: BuddyPress Spam


    @pcwriter, it took a while for me to think of that way, but after turning off blog creation for about the 3rd time and contemplating keeping it at all, I thought of just doing it this way and it ended up being a better process for the user while killing those instaspam blogs. which btw, with all the other available strategies for blocking spam, it ends up being a very effective barrier to spam blog creation.


    In reply to: BuddyPress Spam



    Now that is a brilliantly simple and effective tactic that I’m adding to my arsenal!


    In reply to: BuddyPress Spam


    I wish new blogs worked like comments, meaning that the first post by a new member has to be approved before the blog is active. Once the first post has been approved the blog would then become active and viewable by the public.


    In reply to: BuddyPress Spam


    I removed/commented out the create a blog option from the member registration form while still keeping blog creation on. I only left access to the bp create a blog form for users is_loggedin Only. By tucking it away within the member profile for the member to create a blog later during their profile detailing/editing process, I was able to get to the point where I only needed to delete crap members that get in, not crapmembers + crapblogs that get created at one time wasting all my low number blogIDs!

    At the end of the day, if you’re running BPmu you don’t really need to have insta-blog. The option to create a blog is link within the member profile “dash” that they can get around to when they feel settled. I’ve found it’s easier for the user to get their profile up and running first and then breathe and think of a good blog name/url after they’ve logged in for the first time.

    but if you really really want instablog, which really isn’t that instant due to the wp-admin of it all. Plus, it’s not really instant because there are too few frontend posting options in member themes for the user to start posting right away, so no need for instablog in registration process, so just indicate to your user that they can do that part later. if you still want blog creation at first registration, then you can keep up the good fight by zapping spammers and their blogs.


    In reply to: BuddyPress Spam

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    There is not anything new in BP 1.2.6 that will address any spam issues. Spam blogs, however, is a problem with multisite WordPress in general (not specific to BuddyPress). It still sucks, of course.


    In reply to: BuddyPress Spam


    O MY GOD, I am so sick of deleting spam blogs! Does anyone know if the new version of BP coming out will have anything built in to prevent these spam blogs?



    That looks cool i’ll give it a shot.



    Yak Cast

    Huh? I am not a spammer! What does that mean?

    rich! @ etiviti

    same for mark user as spammer

    Roger Coathup

    @paulhastings0 – are you suggesting we should copy good code snippets from these forums across to a 3rd party site that will sell themes? That’s sounds like a lot of freely acquired content and SEO for what’s ostensibly a commercial business.

    I’m generally happy to submit and publish code to help people on these forums (and for them to use how they see fit, commercial or otherwise). It will occasionally be abused, and there are spam sites that will trawl and re-publish as their own work, and we can’t prevent that.

    However, if I thought it was being republished blatantly with little added value, as you suggest, as an offering from another business, I would be much more reluctant to publish it in the first place.


    In reply to: Favicon

    Hugo Ashmore

    @janismo Spam post noted containing 200,000,000 links no wonder IE couldn’t cope, it will be flagged up.

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