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  • #168541

    In reply to: Pages in Toolbar


    not even sure how to use it yet

    BP Codex is your friend.

    AS for the BP Component links in your main menu, use the custom menu in your WP theme and add whichever links you want to main menu.


    Here’s what I did meanwhile:

    1. removed all those junkcode, I had originally in 😉

    2. found that display-issue in the above + corrected it in the code, which seemed responsible for no text/ no links being given (I inserted the missing a-href):
    return apply_filters( ‘bp_activity_multiple_new_likes_notification’, ‘‘ . $text . ‘‘);
    … but this also did not bring up the link + text …

    3. wonder about that line:
    $link=ac_notifier_activity_get_permalink2( $activity_id );
    …removed the “2”, because with that in, my toolbar disappears…
    Should that be noticed in the ac_notifier too, with the need to keep the “2”?

    4. any notifications (even the live-notification-popup) still only appear on the likers-side, still not yet on the liked-user-profile!

    So this is, what it looks like atm:

    function bp_like_setup_globals() {
    global $bp, $current_blog;
    $bp->bp_like=new stdClass();
    $bp->bp_like->id = 'bp-like';
    $bp->bp_like->slug = 'bp_like';
    $bp->bp_like->notification_callback = 'bp_like_format_notifications';
    $bp->active_components[$bp->bp_like->slug] = $bp->bp_like->id;
    do_action( 'bp_like_setup_globals' );
    add_action( 'bp_setup_globals', 'bp_like_setup_globals' );
    function bp_like_format_notifications( $action, $item_id, $secondary_item_id, $total_items,$format='string') {
    global $bp;
    $activity = new BP_Activity_Activity( $activity_id );
    $link=ac_notifier_activity_get_permalink( $activity_id );
    //si c’est le posteur d’origine, dites que vous êtes, d’autre dire de% s après
    $text=sprintf(__("%s’s"), bp_core_get_user_displayname ($activity->user_id));//quelqu’un
    $also=" also";
    // if ( (int)$total_items > 1 ) {
    // $users=ac_notifier_find_involved_persons($activity_id);
    $total_user=$count=count($users);//montrent de nombreux utilisateurs uniques ont commenté
    $users=array_slice($users, $count-2);//simplement indiquer le nom de deux affiches, le repos doit être aussi et ‘n’ autre a également commenté
    $glue=", ";
    else if($total_user==2)
    $glue=" xxxx1xxxx ";//si il ya 2 utilisateurs uniques, disons x et y commenté
    foreach((array)$users as $user_id)
    $commenting_users=join($glue, $user_names);
    $text=$commenting_users." xxxxxxxx2xxxxxxx ".$count." xxxx3xxxx".$also." xxxxxxxx4xxxxxxx on ".$text." post";//peut-on changer la poste à quelque chose de significatif en fonction de l’élément d’activité?
    $text=$commenting_users.$also." xxxxxx5xxxxx on ".$text." post";
    return apply_filters( 'bp_activity_multiple_new_likes_notification', '<a href="'.$link.'">'.$text.'</a>');
    return array('link'=>$link,
    return false;

    any suggestions?

    thx in advance!

    Lena Stergatou

    Which version of Buddypress you have?
    Do you use WP Toolbar or the BuddyBar?
    The above works (at least for me) with BuddyBar.


    In reply to: Can't make groups


    The button was showing yesterday.

    Yes, it would show up in BP Default theme, Twenty Ten Eleven Twelve and Thirteen, and all other themes which have the page title template tag within the WordPress loop. If your button doesn’t show up, then you’d either have to add the code to your theme file e.g. (just need to add /create to URL). Or, if you’re feeling adventurous, add link to create a group in toolbar apply patch per this trac ticket


    Still waiting on an answer.


    In reply to: Can't create Groups


    @daniel-alonso could be that your page title is not within the WP loop. Appending /create to the groups directory URI will help you get to the Groups Create page. e.g. to

    Or, if you’re feeling adventurous, you can add the code to your My Account section of the WP Toolbar


    In reply to: My account menu


    This is the hook for the admin toolbar:

    		$wp_admin_bar->add_menu( array(
    			'parent'    => 'my-account',
    			'id'        => 'my-account-buddypress',
    			'title'     => __( 'My Account' ),
    			'group'     => true,
    			'meta'      => array(
    				'class' => 'ab-sub-secondary'
    		) );

    Is there a way to call this for somwhere else than the toolbar?


    Do you see that button at the top right of the Groups page that says “Screen Options” just below the toolbar? Click on that and click the box that says “Slug” then scroll down past the page body and voila the slug metabox magically appears. You can change it there! Good luck!


    Thanks @bphelp. Info listed below:

    1. Which version of WordPress are you running?


    2. Did you install WordPress as a directory or subdomain install?


    3. If a directory install, is it in root or in a subdirectory?


    4. Did you upgrade from a previous version of WordPress? If so, from which version?


    5. Was WordPress functioning properly before installing/upgrading BuddyPress (BP)? e.g. permalinks, creating a new post, commenting.

    Wordpress seems to be working fine

    6. Which version of BP are you running?


    7. Did you upgraded from a previous version of BP? If so, from which version?


    8. Do you have any plugins other than BuddyPress installed and activated? If so, which ones?

    Yes, a lot. 🙂

    Allow Multiple Accounts
    amr users + buddypress
    buddypress group email subscription
    buddypress member import
    buddypress message attachement
    Buddypress Toolbar
    Buddypress Xprofile custom fields type
    comprehensive google map
    contact form manager
    events manager pro
    easy table
    form lightbox
    GRAND Flash Album Gallery
    Lightbox Galleries EWSEL
    Mass Messaging in Buddypress
    Online Backup for WordPress
    Peter’s Login Redirect
    SHortcode Widget
    User Switching
    WP Full Calendar
    WP Wunderground

    9. Are you using the standard BuddyPress themes or customized themes?

    I’m using Razor 1.1.3 from Themeforest/Parallelus

    10. Have you modified the core files in any way?


    11. Do you have any custom functions in bp-custom.php?


    12. If running bbPress, which version? Or did your BuddyPress install come with a copy of bbPress built-in?

    13. Please provide a list of any errors in your server’s log files.

    14. Which company provides your hosting?

    Network Solutions

    15. Is your server running Windows, or if Linux; Apache, nginx or something else?

    VPS hosting package


    In reply to: Create Group


    @mgrmn There should be a “Create a Group” button beside the page title in the Groups Directory page.

    If the “Create a Group” button doesn’t show up in your theme, that’s because the_title tag of page template is not within the WordPress loop. To resolve this issue, you can create your own link to the Create Groups page, just append /create to the URL of your groups directory page
    groups page ->
    groups create page ->

    Alternatively, if you prefer, you can instead add the patch to include the groups/create link in BP MyAccount section of the WP Toolbar – coming out in BP 1.8


    In reply to: Admin/Buddybar Gone!


    Sorry for your frustration. Sometimes you have to trace back your footsteps. The toolbar would not have just stop working out of the blue. You had to make some change that altered the behavior either by changing themes, adding plugins, or adding custom code. If you can think back to what you did before noticing that it was disappearing then you will find what caused the issue. Also just for future reference once your installation is set up how you like then always make a copy of your site and the database so if you decide to make more changes and things go awry then you have something to fallback on.


    This will remove it for subscribers but leaves it for admin. Add it to bp-custom.php

    function bphelp_custom_toolbar($wp_toolbar) {
    	global $wp_admin_bar;
    	if ( !current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) { 
    add_action('admin_bar_menu', 'bphelp_custom_toolbar', 999);


    If you go to Dashboard Settings > Buddypress > Settings, then the first option is ‘Show the Toolbar for logged out users’. Just uncheck it.

    My theme is also has a setting for the login toolbar, so you may want to check out your theme settings.

    I hope it helps!


    In reply to: Notifications



    Thank you for the reply.

    I am still a bit confused

    Each event listed below will trigger notification alerts in the site (bubble in WP Toolbar) and by email by default.

    A member replies to an update or comment you’ve posted

    I made a comment on somebodies update.
    I then logged in as them and checked.
    I received an e-mail, but NO bubble notification.



    That is a little strange. Are using mutisite? On a single site BP install the login/logout shows in the sidebar with the Meta Widget. Are you using a full width template? If so you can use this plugin to provide a login in the toolbar which I use with a full page template with WP 3.5.1 and BP 1.7.2 and it works, get it here:
    Please provide as much info as you can on your install. If I can’t help, it will help others to help you. Thanks!


    @nanaimomen just tested it in BP 1.7.2 install. That code would bring back the Buddybar of yore and not the current BuddyPress links integrated into the WP toolbar.

    If you did want BuddyBar back then check:
    – Did you place the code posted above in a new flle named bp-custom.php ?
    – Did you upload that file into your server wp-content/plugins/ folder ?


    In reply to: can't create groups


    @carolinecalvert what theme are you using? Some themes have page titles which are not within the WP loop, hence BP cannot automagically insert the “Create Group” button beside the page title as seen

    On way is to create a link when user is logged in. You only need to append /create/ after your site’s group directory url, e.g.

    In upcoming BP version, the create a group link will also be added to the Member’s navigation in WP toolbar. If you’re adventurous, you can add the code to have those links already


    #1 – Profile > Edit in Member’s profile page and/or BuddyPress member account links in WP Toolbar?
    #2 – Have you done some basic troubleshooting like deactivating plugins except BP and bbPress to check if activating emails are sent?


    @bakelady Where is the disconnect for any member joining a private group? Which step below?
    1. A member clicks on the “Request Membership” button of a private group, the button should become “Membership Requested.”
    2. Group Admin gets notification via email (if enabled) and via notification bubble in WP Admin/Toolbar
    3. Group Admin clicks on notification that a certain member is requesting membership. Click brings Group Admin to group’s Admin > Requests
    4. Group Admin chooses “Accept” or “Reject” membership request
    5. Accepted Member gets notification via email (if enabled) and via notification bubble in WP Admin/Toolbar that he/she was accepted to that private group


    but I can’t get the “Create Group” button to show

    the page title is missing as well. Looking at the Sample Page of your site, there was no page title added to the theme’s page.php file at all.

    BuddyPress will provide another link/way for users to easily create a group/blog via user account menu in admin/toolbar in next version but the page title issue should be fixed by theme developer.


    Hi Hugo,
    I posted this a few days ago but didn’t get a solution so i thought i should fill in the support details fully.

    So I have wordpress installed at – using the montezuma theme which is apparently compatible with buddy press.

    I download, installed and configured buddy press and can see the “activity” and “members”
    menu items, assigned the pages etc.
    However when i try to edit my profile or view mentions through the buddypress toolbar menu.. i get broken links… the URL for these links is (by default)


    (NB. I did note that ‘index.php’ was not in the URL for any of the buddypress links but was
    for my blog links.)

    (Just to mention i haven’t changed anythign as of yet, just installed WP in the a domain sub folder and then installed buddypress)

    I’m presuming i need to change a variable in a config file to point to
    wp-content\plugins\buddypress\bp-members ?? or something like that?

    And yes i can change permalinks and have done that but no change. Also get the
    “permalinks updated successfully” message.

    Would appreciate alternative solutions.
    I could potentially remove and install in the domain root…. but i didn’t do this because i dont want pointing towards wordpress install.

    Thoughts on how to resolve ?

    Might be important to mention i have a seperate wordpress install running in a different subfolder… no issues with either seperate install – just with buddypress links



    That is standard behavior. To look or edit their profile fields you would have to be an admin and do it from the front end. Go to the members page, click on the member and note how the toolbar changes to give the admin options.


    @kkradel that is a sitewide notice created by the Super/Site Admin. There’s a JS conflict. To delete the message as Super/Site Admin: From your account at the admin toolbar, go to Messages > All Member Notices or from your profile page, go to Messages > Notices


    Any takers?


    Unless you have introduced some custom code then there is a link in the toolbar just like the one that appears on Hover over howdy USERNAME, profile/edit. This is pretty standard so it should be there. If you want to add a a direct link to save confusion then use this code in your header.php:
    wrap it in a div and style as you wish!

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