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Search Results for 'toolbar'

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  • #173405

    Make sure the box is checked beside show the toolbar for logged out users!
    If it is checked and the toolbar is still not showing up for logged out users then you have a theme issue!


    enable/disable WP toolbar for logged out visitors? I’ve only ever seen the WP toolbar when logged into WP, where can I update this and is it used instead of the “bbpress login widget” ?


    Unless you disabled the WP toolbar for logged out visitors there should still be a login link in the toolbar to the top left.


    Do you have a sidebar login? Do you even have a sidebar or are you using a full-width template? There should also be a login in the WP toolbar unless you have deactivated it for logged out visitors.


    @johnconner, would you be able to let me know the exact line you replaced with the new line? I’m not technical at all, and am having a hard time figuring out which line in the themed profiles module to replace. Would really appreciate your help!


    You really should open a new topic. Your toolbar not appearing is a separate issue all together. The code @rogercoathup provided is just some PHP function calls combined using the ‘.’ operator stored in a variable. The variable represents what it is equal too. For instance:
    $bphelp=”A nice person who tries to help when I can”;
    I could echo $bphelp; once it is declared and the result would print “A nice person who tries to help when I can” without the quotes.
    Therefore it is easier to declare a variable and use the variable to call those combined functions versus typing it all out. If this sounds Greek as well then consider hiring a developer. By the way don’t mix PHP code in CSS. It wont work but you can use php conditionals to control whether CSS code is executed depending on the condition.

    Arial Burnz

    I’m having a problem that I’m hoping the above situation will fix, but I need more information on how to utilize what’s above.

    Problem: WordPress toolbar is NOT showing up in MSIE, Firefox or Safari browsers. It IS showing in the Google Chrome browser. I’ve tried logging in with different accounts to see if it’s related to the login, but it’s the same – admin or member account – no toolbar. ALSO it’s the same with my other WordPress site – both are on two different servers. However, if I go to a site (versus a WordPress installation on a server/private site), the WordPress toolbar IS available.

    Since the WordPress toolbar is not available, I was hoping I could create menu tabs/options to get members easily to their BuddyPress inbox. The above information about building links from the sample structure is Greek to me. Where do I put that code? I’m using the Mantra Theme, so would I put it in the Custom CSS area? In the Appearance > Menu > Enter URL option? I’m thoroughly confused and I’m such a newb. Sorry!

    Here’s the website I’m building:

    Thank you!
    Arial Burnz
    Tour Host Coordinator


    Screen for marking a user as spammer to start off. Alternatively, while in users’ area, there’s an “Edit Members” dropdown menu in WP toolbar for site/super admin where you can set User’s Capability as well.


    Maybe, this could be a first hint regarding your question:
    found this on Brajesh Singh’s site

    Haime Croeze

    I suspect it is a custom menu. Because the search is on the left when anonymous.

    Haime Croeze

    Hi @sem101,

    did you figure this out already? I would love to have this also on my site.



    @bilbobaghins first time I’ve seen this issue reported. Do you mean that even after you navigated to a different page, the WP Toolbar is still missing from your site or has it been resolved since then?


    Just did a deeper search and found this works for now:

    Just add show_admin_bar(true); to your functions.php in your theme.


    Update: When logged in, I am replicating the problem due to the toolbar appearing in the header. The solution above works when a user isn’t logged in. Furthermore, “responsive mode” doesn’t have these issues.


    I was having the exact same problem (BuddyPress 1.8.1 & WordPress 3.6). I found a solution: I turned off “Show the Toolbar for logged out users” under the Buddypress settings. It seems that the image mapping for menus may get misaligned when that setting is activated (or possibly some other conflict)

    All of my menus work again on the iPad & iPhone 🙂 It should work for you too.


    I’m having the same issue.
    Is there a solution yet ??



    In reply to: No Admin BAR HELP


    Yes that’s there when you’re logged out. But after I login to wp admin, there should be a toolbar at the top of each page as I view them, woth the option to edit that page or go back into my dashboard setting and things like that. PLUS I should see a BuddyPress toolbar/menu in the top right hand corner, in order to edit the profile settings and other options. NONE of these are no longer appearing at the top of my website pages after login. They WERE before, but for some reason they are no longer there.


    In reply to: No Admin BAR HELP


    @doqel1 like I said, I see the WP toolbar. Just so we’re on the same page, that WP toolbar is the bar at the top with Login, Register links and the search form.


    In reply to: No Admin BAR HELP


    I cleared the cookies and had to CLOSE and re-open the browser, BUT I STILL don’t see my WP Tool bar on at the top of my pages. ONLY when I’m on the dashboard. The Topbar MENU is there but NOT the WP Toolbar that normally goes across the top of the page to make edits and access other dashboard items. It’s completely GONE.


    In reply to: No Admin BAR HELP


    @doqel1 please calm down.

    but I also can no longer see the REGULAR WP admin bar that normally appears at the top of the page

    I can see the WP toolbar in your site. Clear browser cache/cookies.

    One second I’m re-arranging top bar menu and NOW IT HAS COMPLETELY DISAPPEARED!

    I can see the following in the menu above your site title:


    The user can also just click the my account menu in the top right of the toolbar then click settings/delete account. Either way it does the same thing. Good luck!


    If the user clicks profile in the my account menu in the top right of the toolbar they will be taken to profiles page. In the lower navigation click settings/delete account!


    In reply to: Pages in Toolbar


    @mercime Can you please help me install this plugin? I have only basic knowledge of WordPress.

    I would be more than grateful to you for that


    In reply to: Pages in Toolbar


    @mercime Thank you so much for your reply. I would love to use this plugin but Registration icon didn’t showed up at all. I saw some treads here about that issue and it’s mostly about changing the theme to fix that but I can’t really change my theme because is quite specific so I don’t really know how to start with this plugin. Have you got any idea how to solve that issue without changing my theme?

    Thank you

Viewing 25 results - 276 through 300 (of 607 total)
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