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Search Results for 'toolbar'

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  • #162356

    In reply to: Howdy, community!


    I am a big fan of cool landing pages. This is just my opinion but I would add a few thumbnail screenshots above the features on your landing page. That will show potential members what they are missing out on if they do not join. I would also get rid of the wordpress logo menu item in your toolbar because its a red flag for hackers.


    I believe I understood that the BuddyBar was being deprecated.

    BuddyBar had already been deprecated since BuddyPress 1.6. For reference see related tickets, specifically #3661 and #3596 You can also check out bp-members-adminbar.php with bp-members-buddybar.php in current BP 1.7 version //edit – Visitors who are not logged in shouldn’t be able to see member’s my account options.

    Buddybar shown to all users, including a log-in/register link for new users

    If you want BuddyBar back, you can create a bp-custom.php file, add following code, and upload to wp-content/plugins/ folder in server

    // Bring BuddyBar back
    add_filter( ‘bp_use_wp_admin_bar’, ‘__return_false’ );

    Hugo Ashmore

    searching a forum first often throws up useful results:

    This is an issue ticketed and patched, for the moment you can add:

    show_admin_bar(true); to your functions.php in your theme.

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    @jamiethecomic The log in box was never a widget. It was part of the theme. Which is why there’s not a log in widget in 1.7 ๐Ÿ˜‰


    Can anyone help me on this?


    In reply to: Site not showing now


    Current WordPress, Buddypress default theme 1.7.
    Plugins include:
    Analytics Enabler 1.1.5
    BuddyPress like 0.0.8
    BuddyPress reCAPTCHA 0.1
    BuddyPress Toolbar 1.6.0
    CalPress Calendar 1.5.0
    Easy Albums 1.0.0
    Email Users 4.4.4
    Image Widget 4.0.7
    Invite Anyone 1.0.20
    Jetpack 2.2.2
    Simple Image Widget 3.0.3
    Super RSS Reader 2.4
    WOW Slider 3.0

    Click on the link for the wed site and you will see the message I get.


    In reply to: toolbar not appear


    thx , I find the patch tooo here :

    that give this patch :

    hope it will be in the next update ๐Ÿ™‚


    @jcollier not quite sure what you mean. There’s the login link in the Admin toolbar which goes to wp-login.php. Then when user is logged in, BP user links are available in My Account dropdown from Admin toolbar. Are you using a custom theme?


    In reply to: toolbar not appear

    Hugo Ashmore

    A quick search would have found these threads, scroll down there’s one that will help towards bottom of page.


    The log in widget has also disappeared. Could it be a temporary solution for the recent forced password log ins?


    In reply to: Buddy Bar Not Showing?


    before i had install Buddypress v1.6 and bar work normally.

    today I try new install v 1.7 and bar does not show ??

    I try to change theme to BuddyPress Default, bar still not show ??

    – New install buddypress v 1.7
    – Bar show to login user but not for visitor
    – Already checked > Main Settings ->Toolbar -> Show the Toolbar for logged out users


    Some progress!

    When “Show the Toolbar for logged out users” is checked admin bar is shown to logged out users


    When “Show the Toolbar for logged out users” is unchecked admin bar is still shown logged out users

    still nothing for logged in users.

    started from scartch with a new child theme

    with just

    url( ../../plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/bp-default/_inc/css/default.css );


    no admin bar

    added a function.php with just

    i will now go ahead and deactivate all plugins except buddypress & bbpress

    though the admin bar appears in bp default theme with these plugins activated

    Would really really appreciate some guidance


    In reply to: Buddy Bar Not Showing?

    Hugo Ashmore

    if you really need the buddybar you’ll need to use this instead:

    define( ‘BP_USE_WP_ADMIN_BAR’, false );

    btw this is available and much else on the subject of toolbars via simple search on ‘toolbars’


    In reply to: Buddy Bar Not Showing?

    Hugo Ashmore

    You will need to add this to your functions.php file but it will overrule the setting in BP to disable the toolbar for logged out views:

    show_admin_bar( true );

    Probably needs to be hooked before BP does stuff so BP can override the setting if asked.


    In reply to: Buddy Bar Not Showing?

    Hugo Ashmore

    Did you read through to see is any functions existed that reference toolbars?

    I don’t download files from forums to my local machine, you will need to use a service like pastebin if you want someone to check it through for you.


    In reply to: Buddy Bar Not Showing?

    Hugo Ashmore

    Looks right so you must have something else at work knocking out the toolbar, check through theme settings if any and functions.php.


    In reply to: Buddy Bar Not Showing?

    Hugo Ashmore

    There should be a WP toolbar showing unless you have said no in BP settings to toolbar for logged out users.

    If your theme doesn’t have wp_footer() in the footer.php file then toolbars cannot be displayed.

    Buddybar is a legacy toolbar, BP uses the WP toolbar as of 1.6 onwards.


    Thanks @hnla and @aces


    – there is no reason I choose buddybar, itโ€™s just a choice. It takes awhile for me to style CSS on WP toolbar what I want. So I kind of get pretty close what I want.


    – Yes it does work. Great, I have an optional either toolbars. ๐Ÿ™‚


    ah god … i just changed “$wp_toolbar” to “$wp_admin_bar” … now it does something ๐Ÿ™‚

    let’s go on from here , thanks !!


    you mean “<? php" ?


    Opening and closing php tags might help!


    @Chouf1 Thanks, i know for sure how to change css of an element, but i have to create this element at first …

    and the code i was looking for is :
    ` $wp_toolbar->add_node(array(
    ‘id’ => ‘bp-notifications’,
    ‘title’ => __(‘ ‘),
    ‘href’ => bp_loggedin_user_domain() . bp_get_messages_slug() . ‘/notices/’,
    /*’meta’ => array(‘class’ => ‘notifications’)*/
    )); `
    thanks to @bp-help , this is how to add a picture.

    Am i right, with the code above, there will be a div with the id bp-notification and a image will be place into it ? Is there a way to just create a div with a certain id and then control the image via background (css) ?

    I added the code and right now my code in this section (bp-member-adminbar.php) is this:
    Pastebin Code

    THE RESULT is … the toolbar disappeard. ๐Ÿ™


    Study the code from this plugin that @chouf1 and @hnla helped considerably:
    This should help you achieve your requirement. Pay particular attention to the code on line 78 and after to see how the images are added.

    Hugo Ashmore

    The buddybar has been deprecated since V 1.6 in favour of the more elegant and functional WP toolbar is there a reason you need to use the old buddybar? It’s simpler in the long run to try and work with the BP defaults.



    Sending menu is exactly the same thing as sending a picture for the above code. The only difference is the one send’sย  text, and the other one could send a picture.

    But you “don”t want to create a menu“. Ghost !

    So if you already played around with code, you probably noticed that the toolbar contains a register button, and that button use some css id and class.

    So play with CSS and add your picture to the right of the register button. I wouldn’t offense you by tellling how to add a picture into a list.

Viewing 25 results - 326 through 350 (of 607 total)
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