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Search Results for 'toolbar'

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  • #161010

    Hey thanks for your reply, but
    this is absolutely not what i’m lookin for. As i mentioned before, i already go through some code and stuff , i also found this already (also in your link)
    * Add the Smashing WP Exoplanets menu
    function smashing_wp_exoplanets_menu() {
    global $wp_admin_bar;
    ‘id’ => ‘smashing-wp-exoplanets’,
    ‘title’ => __(‘ExoplanetArchive’),
    ‘href’ => ‘’

    so you can add a new menu item. Even if this doesn’t work for me, i didn’t try to add a new menu, but an image. .

    anyone ?


    You willl find hundreds of answers to this question, because what you want to customize is the wordpress 3.3+ Toolbar.
    i.e here:



    Well, that was easy. Worked like a charm.

    You Rock!


    Hugo Ashmore

    Try adding:

    show_admin_bar( true );

    To your functions.php file.


    In reply to: Default Friend


    I tried doing a plugin with the help of several members that replicated what you did but your knowledge is better. If you have time can you look over the code? I can list you as the author or whatever you choose. Thanks mate!
    Here is the URL:


    Sorry, i used the wrong characters….
    …The link to SITE_URL/members/USER_NAME/forums/favorites/ from the top right menu (member’s toolbar menu) goes nowhere… It points to a non-existing page.


    In reply to: Cannot post drug names


    Hi @chouf1
    Thanks for the tip about checking with the host – will do. Here’s my configuration:
    Host URL:
    Site URL:
    Wordpress URL:
    Wordpress Version: 3.5.1
    BuddyPress Version: 1.6.5
    MultiSite Status: Off / Disabled
    Theme: BuddyBoss Child Theme
    Server: Apache
    Active Plugins: 39 (BuddyPress Edit User Profiles. 1.0; BP Group Management 0.5.4; BP Post Buttons 1.0; BP Profile Search 3.2; BP Unread Posts 0.8.0; BP Webcam Avatar 0.8; BuddyPress Activity Plus 1.4.1; BuddyPress Announce Group 1.3; BuddyPress Auto Group Join 2.2.1; BuddyPress Docs 1.3.3; BuddyPress Facebook 0.2; BP Group Documents 0.4.0; BuddyPress Group Email Subscription 3.3.3; BuddyPress Message Attachment 1.1; BuddyPress Mobile; BuddyPress Registration Groups 0.8; BuddyShare 1.2.1; BuddyPress Toolbar 1.5.1; BuddyPress Topic Mover 2.5.1; BuddyPress Usernames Only 0.58; BuddyPress 1.6.5; CubePoints Buddypress Integration; CubePoints 3.2.1; E-Newsletter 1.2.4; Events Manager 5.3.7; Export Users to CSV 0.3; FFF Cron Manager 0.7; Google Doc Embedder 2.5.6; HungryFEED 1.6.2; NextGEN Gallery Voting 2.4.1; NextGEN Gallery 1.9.12; s2Member® Framework 130221; Fast Secure Contact Form; Simple Popup Plugin 4.1; WordPress Chat; WP-FB-AutoConnect 3.0.1; WP Mail Options 0.1.10; WP-Polls 2.63; WPMU DEV Dashboard 3.2.5; )


    @chouf1 It works! Thanks for the effort, I really appreciate it. How can I also add the link to the profile buddypress navigation? It only shows up in the toolbar now.


    I don’t have an answer for 1.)
    but I have made an attempt at creating a plugin for number 2.) with the help of @hnla and @chouf1 but I have not really sorted it out yet to my liking. Feel free to see if you can improve upon it. Get it here:


    @johnsorci, where should be this link ?

    On the Toolbar, under the howdy menu ?


    In reply to: My Buddypress Site


    Try adding some more margin to the li elements in your toolbar because its uneven with the site name in the toolbar example add:
    #wp-admin-bar a {
    margin-top: 3px !important;
    Just a suggestion!


    @hnla Okay I added this and it places the count under the title. Now all I need to do is:
    1.) Add name of person sending friend request and messages beside the count as well as the greeting.
    Example: You have 1 friend request from USER1, You have 2 messages from USER2

    2.) Add avatar of person sending the friend request or message to to left in the drop-down notification.

    If you or anyone else can help on that it will be great.
    For anyone who would like to use this I packaged it as a plugin here:
    If you would like to help with the code I can add you as a contributor. Thanks everyone!

    Hugo Ashmore

    now having to write this a second time as bp decided I wasn’t logged in for some odd reason after I submitted so this is brief.

    Watch your syntax, don’t wrap those functions in strings, ‘;’ line terminations in an array ought not to be there. You don’t need or want to echo out those functions at this point simply pass the function through so simply the ‘get’ function.


    This is a working example  of two:


    ‘parent’ => ‘user-friends’,
    ‘id’ => ‘friend-requests’,
    ‘title’ => ‘ Friend Requests ‘,
    ‘href’  => bp_loggedin_user_domain() . bp_get_friends_slug() . ‘/requests/’,
    ‘meta’ => array(‘html’ => ‘<span>’ . bp_friend_get_total_requests_count( bp_loggedin_user_id() ) . ‘</span>’ )



    ‘parent’ => ‘user-messages’,
    ‘id’ => ‘messages’,
    ‘title’ => ‘ Messages ‘,
    ‘href’  => bp_loggedin_user_domain() .  bp_get_messages_slug() . ‘/view/’,
    ‘meta’ => array(‘html’ => ‘<span>’ . bp_get_total_unread_messages_count(bp_loggedin_user_id() . ‘</span>’ ) )


    This isn’t ideal but all I can see to work with in add_node() but there may be better approaches, and to get this working I mainly had to study the code page to see how the ‘meta’ was handled.


    in other words, you want the old buddybar “My account” menu from the buddybar to the sidebar ?

    take a look in bp-core/bp-core-adminbar.php and bp-core-buddybar.php <- this one is well commented

    you can also revert to the old buddybar by adding this to bp-custom to view the difference with the default WP Toolbar

    add_filter( 'bp_use_wp_admin_bar', '__return_false' ); 


    @hnla Here is the link to it on github:
    Thanks in advanced for any help or time you may be able to spare.


    Just for clarification I decided to keep the toolbar and attempt to add the split up notifications to it. I just need help with display of the individual notifications in the drop-down menu.


    the extrem right of the bar is occupied by the search box, who normally appear when you’re on the front -end.

    So the limit on the rigth is at the left of the HowDy witch ends with the user avatar. At the right of the avatar is some jquery for the search box. And it’s better you don’t try to touch this, if you don’t know what you make.

    Be also aware that CSS styling begins always on the left top corner, because it’s the only common point of the multiple existing screen sizes.
    The #wpadminbar li applies to any list on the Toolbar. So your CSS in completly false and unusable as is.


    i know BP, no need to give me a test user access: that have no effect on your code.

    You removed many things in the toolbar i guess. So i would recommand you reload a fress bp-default folder, with untouched css at least.

    Apply the code and don’t touch the css! and come back with questions.


    hi @adenicol,

    you’re using the old buddybar or an old BP version, right ? Here is a solution to remove items in BP 1.5 > 1.6.x with buddybar activated, but be aware that some menus changed place in the upcoming BP 1.7

    So if you mean the WP Toolbar (like here the black one on top) witch holds the group admin options, the code sit in bp-groups/bp-groups-buddybar.php

    This contains only one function. Simply copy it to your (preferably child) theme functions.php, rename it, do your changes (html remove, ad/remove conditinals),  deactivate the original filter and register.

    original function is bp_groups_adminbar_admin_menu()

    rename it to my_bp_groups_adminbar_admin_menu() (or what you want)

    and do the same in the action filter.

    original: add_action( ‘bp_adminbar_menus’, ‘bp_groups_adminbar_admin_menu’, 20 );

    modified: add_action( ‘bp_adminbar_menus’, ‘my_bp_groups_adminbar_admin_menu’, 20 );


    remove_action( ‘bp_adminbar_menus’, ‘bp_groups_adminbar_admin_menu’, 20 );
    function my_bp_groups_adminbar_admin_menu() {

    bla bla


    add_action( ‘bp_adminbar_menus’, ‘my_bp_groups_adminbar_admin_menu’, 20 );


    @shahzaib147, so far i know there is only one Toolbar in WP

    If the code works on the backend bar it should also work on the frontend !
    That’s the case on my test site. Have you refreshed the page (F5) ?

    Or have you an extra theme with an extraaaaaa Toolbar ? Give more details about your config or a picture, because i don’t see what you’re talking about.


    i have already helped you here for the same question:

    Let me tell you that you don’t ask for help now, but search somebody doing that plugin at your place. 👿

    Go to the job board and hire a dev, if you don’t know go further with all the elements you already received. I’m not at your personal service !


    @hnla since the topic name is “How to add images to a custom toolbar” then if you could kindly mark this as resolved. Thanks again for your help!


    @chouf1 with your help and hnla’s I have this working but even with the above examples in how to get the counts in a drop down I am not certain how to do this. Where do I place:

    echo bp_friend_get_total_requests_count( $user_id );

    echo bp_get_total_unread_messages_count($name );

    echo count($notifications);

    In the code because it either fires off an error or it actually echo’s the code. What am I doing wrong? Thanks again for all your help! 🙂
    function custom_toolbar($wp_toolbar) {
    global $wp_admin_bar;

    if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {

    ‘id’ => ‘bp-notifications’,
    ‘title’ => __(‘ ‘),
    ‘href’ => bp_loggedin_user_domain() . bp_get_messages_slug() . ‘/notices/’,
    /*’meta’ => array(‘class’ => ‘notifications’)*/

    ‘id’ => ‘user-friends’,
    ‘title’ => __(‘ ‘),
    ‘href’ => bp_loggedin_user_domain() . bp_get_friends_slug() . ‘/requests/’,
    /*’meta’ => array(‘class’ => ‘menupop’)*/
    ) );

    ‘id’ => ‘user-messages’,
    ‘title’ => __(‘ ‘),
    ‘href’ => bp_loggedin_user_domain() . bp_get_messages_slug() . ‘/view/’,
    /*’meta’ => array(‘class’ => ‘menupop’)*/
    ) );
    add_action(‘admin_bar_menu’, ‘custom_toolbar’, 999);

    Hugo Ashmore

    Has @Chouf1 not answered that question on the lst comment on this thread he linked to?:

    Those various references should point you to the functions you need to work with.

    Hugo Ashmore

    It’s in the codex searching on ‘WP plugins_url()’ ought to find it.


    It may not work if you have odd folders but yours look  standard-ish oh and if you copied my example I added a typo _incl / _inc –  personally much prefer ‘assets’

Viewing 25 results - 351 through 375 (of 607 total)
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