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Search Results for 'toolbar'

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  • #156605

    @hnla is there any documentation how to implement using the plugins_url function. I can’t seem to find anything and I am having trouble to get it working. Thanks!

    Hugo Ashmore

    If you haven’t already you probably ought to use the plugins_url function to find those images :


    . plugins_url( '_incl/images/my-image.png' , __FILE__ ) .



    I made some changes now all the icons link to the pages but I need help to show the drop down menu for each individual notification. Here is what I have so far and I really am not certain of the id of each type of notification! Thanks in advance!

    function custom_toolbar($wp_toolbar) {
    global $wp_admin_bar;
    if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {
    	'id' => 'bp-notifications',
    	'title' => __('<img src="http://localhost/mydev/wp-content/plugins/custom-toolbar/_inc/images/notifications.png" /> '),
    	'href'  => bp_loggedin_user_domain() .  bp_get_messages_slug() . '/notices/',
    	/*'meta' => array('class' => 'notifications')*/
    	'id' => 'user-friends',
    	'title' => __('<img src="http://localhost/mydev/wp-content/plugins/custom-toolbar/_inc/images/friends.png" />'),
    	'href'  => bp_loggedin_user_domain() . bp_get_friends_slug() . '/requests/',
    	/*'meta' => array('class' => 'menupop')*/
    	) );
    	'id' => 'user-messages',
    	'title' => __('<img src="http://localhost/mydev/wp-content/plugins/custom-toolbar/_inc/images/messages.png" />'),
    	'href'  => bp_loggedin_user_domain() .  bp_get_messages_slug() . '/view/',
    	/*'meta' => array('class' => 'menupop')*/
    	) );
    add_action('admin_bar_menu', 'custom_toolbar', 999);

    Okay with this code I got all links to work. Thanks @chouf1 for helping. Now I just need the get the friend requests and messages to have a drop down to display when there is a message. If anyone has a better idea I am totally open to suggestions. I would like to get this working like facebooks if possible. Also I was wondering in the below code how can I get the images loaded dynamically from plugins /images folder I created? Thanks again!

    function custom_toolbar($wp_toolbar) {
    global $wp_admin_bar;

    if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {

    'id' => 'bp-notifications',
    'title' => __(' '),
    'meta' => array('class' => 'notifications')

    'id' => 'friends-requests',
    'title' =>__(' '),
    'href' => bp_loggedin_user_domain() . bp_get_friends_slug() . '/requests/',
    ) );

    'id' => 'messages-inbox',
    'title' => __(' '),
    'href' => bp_loggedin_user_domain() . bp_get_messages_slug() . '/view/',
    ) );
    add_action('admin_bar_menu', 'custom_toolbar', 999);


    @modemlooper @mercime @sbrajesh @chouf1
    Is there anyone who can give me a hand please? I’m stuck trying to get this working. Thanks everyone!


    Hey sorry to be a pain but that code gives the same error.

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘id’ (T_STRING), expecting ‘)’ in C:\xampp\htdocs\mydev\wp-content\plugins\custom-toolbar\custom-toolbar.php on line 48

    I’m a noob so I really appreciate the help!


    That didn’t work and it fired off this error.

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘id’ (T_STRING), expecting ‘)’ in C:\xampp\htdocs\mydev\wp-content\plugins\custom-toolbar\custom-toolbar.php on line 48

    Got any more idea’s on how to get these links working!


    This is the code I have and the images are now visible but the links for friend-requests and messages doesn’t work. I am not sure of the id or href. Can someone please help me out on this code? Thank you everyone! 🙂

    	'id' => 'bp-notifications',
    	'title' => __('<img src="http://localhost/mydev/wp-content/plugins/custom-toolbar/_inc/images/notifications.png" /> '),
    	'meta' => array('class' => 'notifications')
    	'id' => 'friend-requests',
    	'title' => __('<img src="http://localhost/mydev/wp-content/plugins/custom-toolbar/_inc/images/friends.png" /> '),
    	'href'   => $notification->href
    	) );
    	'id' => 'messages',
    	'title' => __('<img src="http://localhost/mydev/wp-content/plugins/custom-toolbar/_inc/images/messages.png" /> '),
    	'href'   => $notification->href
    	) );



    @hnla Hi, I am having a hard time getting the image to show up. Also what is the node id for friend request, and private messages? I can’t seem to find it to use in my custom toolbar to add these as top level items! Thanks!

    Hugo Ashmore

    I wouldn’t expect what you have above to work ‘title’ is the link name the character text for the anchor ‘href’ is the actual link href  and there are  few other parts one can manipulate in this way however looking at admin-bar.php seems to suggest ‘title’ is a little more confusing than suggested by the WP codex.


    I would look at admin-bar.php around  line 140 on  to see how WP add the user avatar.



    Hi not sure if this is what you are trying to do, if you go to you can see it at work, we split the notifications intro 3, and into a custom toolbar we built for the network. Let me know to see if we can help

    notifications on new toolbar


    @chouf1 Hey thanks for your help. Is there anyway to get the number of these individual types of notifications you have beside the links or image kinda like it does in the toolbar? Cheers!


    In reply to: Admin bar modification


    hi @panoravu,

    for css styling, be inspired by this:

    If you want to code something into the Toolbar, you have to play with the wp_admin_bar filter.

    The function goes then to your theme functions.php

    Based ons omething like this

    function my_function( $wp_admin_bar )
    /*   what you need here */

    add_filter( ‘admin_bar_menu’, ‘my_function’ );

    Google around to find many answers about the WP Toolbar, like this one:

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    @shanebp in view that you made this bug test for mercime, I tested the plugin in the same installation and it’s working as expected. If BP is activated, I see the notice showing up right under the adminbar/toolbar and right above Dashboard menu. If I deactivate BP, there’s no notice.

    EDIT – @djpaul awesome! 🙂


    @supernaturalbrews user profile extended fields doesn’t show up in the dashboard. you can however click on a member in the front end then as an admin you will see the toolbar change up near the left where it says edit member. click edit member/edit profile and then you can see what info they entered in the extended profile fields.


    In reply to: BuddyBar Links Wrong?


    No this is the normal behaviour. The ToolBar top right menus are “Your Account” access menus.

    Before BP integrates the WP ToolBar, the plugin had is own toolbar (ak buddybar). On this “old” bar, those menus where all under a label “your account”, on the left. Since this bar is disabled, the account access menu was migrated at this place.

    Global activity or global group access or forums buttons are all on the menubar. (if your theme use a menubar !)


    In reply to: Login Bar missing


    Yes, in fact there is only one ToolBar. The “old” BP toolbar is deactivated by default. FYI, login/registering is WP stuff 😀


    In reply to: Login Bar missing


    Go to Dashboard/Settings/BuddyPress/Settings at the top, Check Show the Toolbar for logged out users.


    Dear Guys,

    As far as I can understand from the previous post I would have the same question as the topic starter.

    I would like to move the whole buddypress toolbar from the admin menu to the top nav as the picture shows below.

    Could somebody help me how to achive it?

    buddy toolbar

    Thank you for advance!


    @km-schafer-1 please do go ahead and take care of the Valentine’s Day things for your wife 🙂

    In adminbar/toolbar choose link My Sites > Network Admin > Sites and click on “Dashboard” link under a site which is not showing up in Blogs Directory. Go to Settings > Reading > Search Engine Visibility – ” Discourage search engines from indexing this site” is not checked.


    I have same problem
    I use BP Default theme & my theme but both of them my users can’t see it & my all plugin is same as before

    I didn’t have problem with buddypress 1.6.4

    Link to my site>you can go to my profile

    Best regards


    @johnconner You’re welcome. Thanks for sharing how you solved the issue 🙂
    Marking this as resolved.

    John Conner

    thanks a lot for the clue, it was “theme my login” themed profiles module. I changed this line in the module’s php file and everything goes perfect:

    `if ( $theme_my_login->options->get_option( array( ‘themed_profiles’, $user_role, ‘restrict_admin’ ) ) )
    return true;`


    What theme are you using? Have you tried changing to BP Default theme to see if issue is resolved?

    What plugins are installed? Have you tried deactivating all plugins except BuddyPress to check if wp-admin shows up as expected? If that works, activate plugins one by one to check which is causing the mystery of the missing toolbar.

Viewing 25 results - 376 through 400 (of 607 total)
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